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Awash on the Sands

Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2013 @ 3:17am by Lieutenant JG Paul Harrison

4,695 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Holosuite Sixteen - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Rachael Yamaguchi
Civilian - Child
Starbase 400

Paul Harrison
Civilian - Child
Starbase 400

Music soundtrack: The Humbling River - Puscifer

***** Holodeck Sixteen - Starbase 400 *****

The Holodeck program was a gift from Rachael's elder
sister, Elizabeth and it featured four seasons, spring,
summer, autumn and winter, for todays planned trip,
it was set for mid fall with all the leaves in shads of
brown, red yellow and gold.

Rachael herself was standing in the middle of a small
grove of trees with leaves everywhere as she looked
at Paul. "Whats up?" she inquired as she held up the
larger picnic hamper, it took a considerable amount
of strength for her to do so. "You hungry?" she inquired.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind.... whats up?"
Considering that both their parents were off the station
at present on a mission that nobody could discuss, Paul
and Rachael had been spending a lot of time together.

Paul shrugged, "It's nothing. Really. Let's eat."

Rachael nodded as she placed the hamper upon the
ground as she quickly opened it and began pulling out
quite a supply of food. "Help yourself."

Paul sat down, "You have enough food here to feed an
army." Not that he was complaining, "All of it looks good."
He picked out a few items and placed it on his plate.

"Well like mom always said...." Rachael commented.
"If its worth doing then its worth overdoing.." she
explained as she watched him with her lovely dark eyes.

Paul looked up at her, "Is that so? Interesting philosophy."
He started to eat.

Rachael smiled as she took a bite from the pizza sub she
had selected as she looked at him. "Well Mom has some
interesting outlooks on life.... most of the time, she's right

"Sounds like the opposite of my dad. But his outlook on life
wasn't interesting. Most if the time, his outlook on things
was wrong, especially where my mother is concerned." Paul
took a bite from a chicken drumstick, "Remember when I
said that I learned to respect people from my dad? I spent
a long time learning to be nothing like him. He didn't respect
anyone, well, except for his mom. He was a mama's boy. In
her eyes, he could do no wrong."

Rachael sat, facing him, cross-legged as she listened to Paul
speak, she had learned that he sometimes revealed much to
her at times like these when he let his guard down. "I recall
that night very well." she whispered gently. "I can't treat
people the way he did... It goes against everything I was
taught..." she paused. "Your mom respects me... so I respect
her back, she doesn't treat me like a child."

"No, she doesn't. But then again, you're not no ordinary twelve
year old, are you?"

Rachael sighed softly. "No... I'm not..." she responded softly.
"Part of why I seem to have such quick reflexes is because of
my abilities, telepathy and telekinesis allow me to move
quickly, much faster then the average... I've had to grow up
quickly as a result.."

"You are different and I like that about you."

"I know that I'm different and... I've had people resent me for it...
Envious of my gifts.."

"Resent you, pshaw, they're just jealous. I'm sure Vice Admiral
T'Lar had people resent her as well but I'm sure that she didn't
care. That is their problem, not yours."

A smile slowly spread across Rachael's face. "You recall the school
bully... he tried to make it my problem..." she knew that Anthony
Donos was going to zero in on Paul as his rival for Rachael's affections
but the trouble was, she knew this.

"Oh? How did he do that?" Paul inquired.

"The usual way, he jumped me from behind." she responded. "I smashed
his knee for him.." with that she smiled darkly. "I had no idea that men could scream... made the glass rattle..." her smile widened.

Paul smiled, "Of course we can. Just because we are guys doesn't mean that we don't feel pain as much as girls. We pretend to be more resiliant but we really are not. My mom for instance. She has a high threshhold of pain but my dad was a wimp when he'd hurt himself on something but he'd hold it in and go into the bedroom and scream into a pillow."

Rachael chuckled softly. "We are all unique." she responded. "I've yet to see your mom upset but I imagine that she is downright scary when provoked." she paused as she smiled. "Your mom is simply awesome."

"I think so too. I just wish that I had grown up with her around. I used to be mad at her until I found out my dad lied. All those years, I thought that Starfleet and her career was more important than I was. I found a few messages to me that my father withheld from me. He knew if I had talked to her, that I'd find out that she left because he forced her to. He went so far as to pay someone to lie for him so that she couldn't get any kind of custody of me." He frowned, "Here I go again, talking about my dad. But he took away that one thing that every child needs, a mother." There were tears in his eyes but he turned away and wiped them away before turning back to Rachael.

"What happened was not your fault." Rachael responded gently, fully aware of how volatile his emotional state was as she did not wish to provoke him for if he turned on her, he would easily overpower her because she would not be expecting it even if she could sense it. "There is enough in this universe without taking the blame for misdeeds not your own Paul, you and I both know that..."

Paul stood up abruptly and let out what seemed to be a loud growl, "All those years...lost! Who did he think he was?! He had no right to do what he did! I'm glad he's DEAD! I hope he's rotting in hell!" He was very aggitated at this point.

Rachael stood up as well as she could feel his rage. "I'm sure he had his reasons." she responded, then to her horror she relized what she had said, almost without thinking as she wished she could replay time backwards and run the last few seconds again.

Paul glared at her as his hands balled up into a fist, "His own reasons?" He growled again as he put some distance between them, "Yeah, you're right, he HAD his own reasons! He was a selfish heartless basterd who didn't want anyone to share me!, I'm surprised that he even let me stay with his parents!, He probably lied to them as well!"

Rachael felt his anger as her eyes opened wide, it felt she was getting too close to a bonfire and he skin was starting to burn and blister due to the proximity of it, she watched him as she felt his anger and rage begin to overwhelm her psionic shielding as she watched him, however she didn't move as she knew he needed to face this side of his personality, which he had pushed away for so long as she commented. "He probably lied to everyone, probably even to you as well."

Paul sank to his knees, "I hate him so much. I really do. I am ashamed to be his son."

Rachael slowly moved to his side as she knelt down next to him. "I know..." she said softly as she gently coiled an arm around his shoulders, she knew she risked provoking him but she also wanted him to know she was here. "You have your mother.."

"But if he hadn't died, I wouldn't have her. I'd still be resenting her for leaving me. And the worse thing is that he will never know how much I hate him for what he did."

"Would he listen or care if you had raised your protest to him... he sounds like he didn't care what anyone else thought of him or his women.." Rachael inquired as she sat next to him.

"Probably not. It's just that he was my dad. He wasn't supposed to treat his son like property. It all makes sense now. One time, I invited two school friends over. When I went in the kitched to get a drink and come out, all of the sudden, my friends would remember that they promised their dad they'd help and leave. If he was telling me that my mother left me because her career was more important than her son, then who knows what he told them." Paul stood up and brushed off his pants, "I don't know why I didn't see it before. When I have my own kids, I am going to be the best father to them. You'll see." Paul sighed as he looked over at the food area, "Sorry that I ruined this nice picnic. You worked really hard on it and I spoiled it."

Rachael gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "Hey... its okay... You just raised your voice, you didn't yell, scream or hit me.." she smiled. "you also didn't break anything or kick anything around...Besides... you needed to face you're demons..."

"I would never hurt you Rachael, I wouldn't. I don't ever want to lose control enough as to where I'd hit you or anyone else. I feel so bad acting this way, especially in front of you."

"You are more controlled then the average man... You're a good man Paul Harrison." she explained. "Don't let him take your humanity..." but she knew on some level, Paul would never let him win ever.

"And you are a good friend." Paul took her in his arms and hugged her. "Good friend?" he said to himself. She was more than a friend, her loved her like no other. When the embrace broke, he looked into her eyes, "In fact, you are more than a friend to me. I love you Rachael Yamaguchi." He gave her a long hard kiss." He had never told a girl that, ever.

Rachael smiled as he took her in his arms, what he said next was completely unexpected but not something she thought overly shocking so when he kissed her on the lips, she returned his kiss with one of her own. "I love you too Paul." she responded quietly as she he had said sank in.

Paul took her by the hand and led her back to the spread of food, "All of the sudden, I'm hungry." He remembered that she was only twelve and he was four years older so he didn't want to do anything inappropriate that would spoil what they just discovered about each other. There would be plenty of time to grow up. Then too, he was also scared of his mom so he needed to make sure that he behaved.

"You and me both, my man." Rachael responded eagerly as she sat down at the large picnic hamper and she produced two more sandwiches, "I wasn't sure what you liked so I made them with pizza in mind... my preferred stable."
she grinned at him. "Besides... can't go wrong with pizza... unless you hate salami or pepperoni."

"I like everything except sardines on a pizza, yuck." He took a bite, "Thanks for everything Rachael. I'm glad that I didn't scare you off with my little episode."

"Paul, you had to face it... never think that you can scare me off with losing your temper... I've seen my brother lose it and he's a log bigger then you and you should have seen the living room when he was done... wow,. he demolished everything.." she chuckled softly. "Have you met Gabriel?"

"I've met so many of your family, I'm not sure."

"You probably did..." she smiled. "Of you've not met all my aunts, uncles and cousins yet... my father has four sisters and two brothers, all are married and all have children, at least two each..." her grin widened. "a family get together in my family is a major event." she chuckled. "at least sixteen cousins now but most of them are quite young..."

"At least you'll never be lonely. I only had a father and one set of grandparents. It wasn't very fun on holidays. I hate holidays. I think they are overrated."

"Oh holidays in my family are by their nature, very overrated." she chuckled softly as she regarded him. "Getting some fifty messages for each occasion can be a little pain." she added with a smile as she tore off a chunk of her sandwich.

"Yeah." He started thinking bout the last holiday his family minus his mom celebrated. His dads behavior made sense whenever he'd mention about inviting Alex. Keeping her away from him was so that Alex couldn't tell Paul what happened.

"Midsummer is coming up soon. My family uses any excuse to throw a party and you and your mom are invited to join us, it'll have to be on subspace though and I have a lot of family in Starfleet." she smiled. "I have it on good authority that two of my aunts, Aunt Heather and Aunt Talon will both be visiting... I wonder if mom told them about you." she mused as she pulled off a piece of meat from her chicken drumstick and popped it into her mouth.

"I'd have to ask my mom. She might come."

"Ahh... They both will be visiting in a week or so, Aunt Heather is a Rear Admiral and Talon is a Captain.." she added. "But they are both unusual.."
and with that, the little girl smiled. "All the Yamaguchi's are..."

"I'm not surprised. Are all Hallians like that?" He inquired.

Rachael regarded him as she shook her head as she decided to come right out with it.. "No... Halanian's have other problems to worry about.... my species is dying out." she paused. "some say we're heading for an evolutionary change into something else and others say we're heading for our own destruction... " she sighed softly. "Mom married a human and her bloodline will continue..."

"Dying out? Why? How?" his shock and surprise was palatable.

"My people's stupidity did this, with their over pollution and destruction of our homeworld. We've been forced to settle a less then ideal world which was terraformed for our needs."

"Wow, that's so sad. I can't imagine having to move to another planet."

"Well... I always thought of Alpha Centauri as my homeworld so it doesn't bother me too much." she explained. "Halli is being terraformed but my
people's ignorance and abject stupidity did this to themselves..." she paused.
"Our DNA has become corrupted and we lack a pure sample, as a result mutations have crept into our DNA coding, the results are weird and unusual abilities, like telekinesis.." she sighed. "Unless something changes, my people will be completely gone in the next thousand years...."

"That's a shame." This wasn't the first time he's heard about races dying out.

"Hopefully something can be done about it." she paused as she sighed softly. "Paul... I'm going to share something with you... I know the kind of rage that drives you... but don't ever ask my mom about her exile." she moved closer to him. "She was banished for mating with an offworlder, my dad... Halanian's mate for life... they share a psionic bond, it applies to my mother but it doesn't apply to me because of my mixed heritage."

"Oh? I didn't know that." Paul admitted quietly.

"It makes me angry that they said she could never go back to the homeworld, my grandparents told her to follow her heart and they supported her all through it until they died... then Mom sold the house and everything in it, then she said she'd never go home again.... That's why she loved the idea of martial arts... and why she's been so keen on it." she sighed softly. "Fucking Bastards!" her fury ignited.

"It's okay Rachael. You have a right to be mad."

Rachael felt his hand on her shoulder as she closed her eyes and calmed down.
"I'..I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it." Paul hugged her, "I understand."

"When you get angry... you raise your voice and little else... in my case... weird things start to happen... I reach out with my mind and I start to tear things apart... It's what I most fear.... the day when I stop caring and start liking destroying things..." she admitted. "the ability to pick something up and
smacking it into something.... or someone else..." she shivered. "It's something I wonder about, when will I lose all control...." she had no idea of what she was sharing this with him, and why now?

"I wouldn't know. You'll just have to learn to control your anger. I know it's probably easier to say than to do but you do what you must do to not injure someone. I still think that you should talk to Vice Admiral T'Lar. She can probably teach you to control your anger."

Rachael nodded. "I know but the Admiral has so many things of her own to do." she replied evenly. "I'll ask though, see what she says."

"She won't mind. She is very nice and easy to talk to. I'm sure she can make time for you. I could ask her for you if you'd like."

"Would you mind terribly?" she inquired. "I'm not sure what to say.." she paused before she could say something stupid.

"I'd do anything for you Rachael, well, as long as it is legal." He smiled at her.

Rachael thought he statement was hilarious as she laughed out loud. "Oh good that's great... I needed a good laugh." she also knew he was serious. "I'm not sure what the legal age of consent is anyway..." she shrugged. "I like what we have, the way it is... lets not rush it..." she paused. "We will face greater threats anyway.... other boys who will want me and other girls who will want you."

"Other boys? Is there someone else that I should worry about? I know that I don't have any other girl after me. Dad wouldn't let me date." He was a little bothered.

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "An old friend of mine... Anthony Donos... he says he wants to be nothing more then friends with me but.... I'm not sure I believe him..." she sighed softly. "the age old game is about to start except I am the prize.." she looked at him. "My parents played this game and my siblings before me..." she then smiled sadly. "Now... its my turn... I can't stop it."

"Well, once he sees us together, he'll understand that he has no chance with you." Paul was feeling a little jealous.

Rachael looked at him. "You don't treat me like a prize.." she commented. "Besides.. You and I spend a lot of time together as it is.." she then smiled. "You need not worry about me.... Just worry about the other guys because half of them aren't thinking with their brains..." her grin widened. "Sometimes I can literally hear their hormones scream for release..." as she took a small bite from her sandwich.

Paul laughed, "We all do except some of us have learned to keep it under control."

"Well... I don't have that problem... yet" she responded evenly. "Halanian's don't normally develop sexually until about age fifteen... but I'm also part human so..." she shrugged. "Refresh my memory... whats the age for consent?" she inquired.

"I'm not sure. Maybe sixteen? Eighteen? I don't know." He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. I'm cool with waiting."

Rachael looked at him. "Its a challenge we're going to need to face.... as for me, I know what it is and how its done.... I do have older siblings and older friends who have shared with me various tales of their exploits and the like." she commented. "I guess... I'm hesitant about it.." she paused. "I'm almost thirteen...and I do catch boys looking at me when they think I'm not.."

Paul was taken aback by her honesty, "Um, I have never been with a girl in that way but when it's time, we'll know what to do. i'm sure that we don't need a manual." He was starting to blush.

Rachael smiled as she tried not to laugh. "We'll manage." she responded evenly. "But both our parents are uneasy about it."

"To tell you the truth, so am I. I want my first time to mean something, not just because we can."

Rachael smiled. "A guy after my own heart... I want a real man and not some conquest.." she explained. "Oh my siblings have told me a few lurid tales.. and how its done." she raised an eyebrow. "But you and I can wait... the question becomes.... how long before you leave for the academy?" she inquired. "or do you plan to join Starfleet?" she inquired.

"I...I haven't decided. I want to but am I Starfleet material? I figure that I have two years to decide. I'm just not sure where I'd fit in."

Rachael looked at him. "For me, it'll be something to benefit my fighting abilities so my choices are obvious... You on the other hand... stand out of Security as you need to step out of your mothers shadow.. stay away from intel too, it destroys relationships and tends to cause one a lot of trouble..." she paused. "What are your interests.... do you like to fly?"

"You mean like a pilot? I don't think that sounds appealing. Maybe something in Engineering or Sciences would be more of my liking."

Rachael looked at him with her large brown eyes, something she clearly inherited from her mother. "The best way is to go to the holosuite and try being an engineer... or a pilot... at least try and experience it... find out what
goes into it and go from there."

"That's an idea." He looked at, "Want to help me decide?"

"Sure.. I also need to decide as well." she commented with a smile. "Now... is a good time."

"I guess so. I haven't anything else to do. Let's try holodeck 3. It's hardly used."

She nodded. "First lets finish our food... then we can take the empty hamper with us.. this should be educational." she added.

"Come on then." He wasn't sure how this was going to work out. He took her hand and led her to the door of the holodeck.

"Lets see." Rachael commented. "Computer acess file, Yamaguchi Program Forty." she commented evenly. "Set to Easy difficulty and set it on the bridge of the USS Courageous."

"Program complete. You may enter when ready."

"Lets go."

Paul stepped in and the sight made him feel a bit overwhelmed. He had never been on a ship, only a shuttle. He turns to Rachael, "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Rachael looked around. "We'll find out." she commented rather cryptically. "Lets see..." she went over to the command chair and she proceeded to sit down as she took a moment to get comfortable, she then smiled. "Comfy.."

Paul shook his head, "Well, if you're going to dream, dream big." Paul went over to the science station, "Looks complicated. Have you ever been on a starship?"

"I've lived on several and I was born on a Starship, the USS Halfgan." she responded by way of explanation. "Mom was one of the junior tactical officers
while Dad was the second officer, the Halfgan was his first command thanks to the Skipper and first officers being killed in action." she tapped a button as the door to the ready room opened and out walked Captain Jake Yamaguchi.

"Father" Rachael addressed him.

"Rachael, I knew someday you'd come here and so I wanted to make sure that I was the one who gave you this message. Your mom and I talked it over and we decided to let you alone decide the course of your own destiny." he
smiled as he stopped between the Conn and the Ops stations. "Will it be to sit in that chair as I have done... or will it be to stand behind the main railing as your mother did for me, or will you decide to become a Doctor, or an Engineer.... or maybe even a Marine.." he spread his arms and hands, palms up as he continued. "Your destiny is yours.... and yours alone... someday you will decide where you wish to go..."

Paul wasn't expecting this so he was a little shocked.

Rachael glanced at him. "My parents made this for me... "

"Rachael. You are unique among your siblings.. Your Halanian gifts are stronger then theirs combined and rival your mother in raw power and soon you will be put to the test during your time of bloom but you will draw strength from the fact that your mother will be there with you as will the friends you make." he explained.

Rachael looked at her father as he explained in simple terms what her choices were. "You may choose to join Starfleet but don't think you must to impress me or anyone else, the Yamaguchi's are all in Starfleet and we all have had successful careers but you must think about this for yourself. Do not join to impress me or your mother... You have never failed to impress me Rachael and now... I will leave you to consider the choice that lies before you." and with that he turned and went back into the ready room.

Rachael slid out of the command chair as she went to the front of the bridge where her father had just been standing but it was like there had been no trace of him whatsoever. "I know.." she said softly.

"Interesting" was the only thing he had to say.

Rachael looked at the ready room door, clearly distracted. "Huh.. what?"

"I said interesting." He walked over to her, "What's wrong Rachael?"

"Dad made this for me." she said softly. "Mom and Dad knew I'd want to expand my horizons." she turned her head as she looked at Paul. "He made sure I would understand that I was valued, no matter what I did... did he leave a message for you as well?" she wanted him to understand that it wasn't just for her, but it was for him as well.

Paul scratched his head, "No, do I need to do something for it to happen?"

Rachael smiled. "No but he was talking to you as well. He said that you needed to make a choice of your own if and when you joined Starfleet." She

"Oh. I'll make my choice but like I said before, I'm not ready to do so."

Rachael looked at him as she slowly nodded. "Don't think you need to impress your mother by following her into Starfleet." she commented. "Though had it not been for Starfleet, your mom would not have met Captain Pike... and you would not have met me." she then smiled. "food for thought."

"I'm not following her, I'm making my own decision based on what I think I am good at and where I can be the most useful. And you're right, I would have never met you."

Rachael raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "But you still get my point, would you're mother be happy if you did not join Starfleet.?" she inquired.

He shook his head, "I think that she'd be happy for me either way as long as I am happy."

Rachael nodded. "I can't argue with that logic... simple and effective." she smiled. "Your mom is happy.... let her worry about her happiness... you worry about your own.." she commented. "Your Mom has enough worries of her own to handle without thinking of you or me.... we both know she worries about me too."

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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