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A new home and new hope

Posted on Thu Nov 28th, 2013 @ 4:32pm by

420 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: SB400

Arnold sat down on the only available chair of his new quarters, he looked around at the pile of boxes in the corner, each one labelled and waiting to be unpacked. The move to SB400 had been smooth and gone without hitch, Arnold suspected that this had something to do with his business partners attention to detail rather than good luck.

He reached for his drink and took a swig finishing it, the water tasted different here, the air smelt different too, Arnold had been on stations before but never a federation Starbase, looking around his quarters he felt quite pleased with himself, these quarters would do nicely,he could be comfortable here. Arnold thought about his plans and how SB400 was the pivot to all he had planned and schemed towards the past four years.

He reached for his ppad and scrolled though the three consignment notes, they all seamed in order . He read through some of the item descriptions which were mostly lost on him. He was never a fashionable man preferring simple functional clothes but his business partner and step father had done the research which suggested that a clothing and apparel store was needed on SB400.

Arnold put the ppad down and walked over to the door maybe a stroll along the promenade to check out the other business would help him visualise what needed to happen and help him work out his plan of action. He grabbed his jacket and headed out into SB400.

The corridors leading down to the promenade were filled with a mixture of starfleet staff and civilians from a varied selection of races and cultures, they seamed friendly enough some of them nodded and acknowledged him others didn't even register a new face as he walked past.

" Good" he thought the less attention he got the better.

The promenade was busy with people, the various shops and business seamed to have a steady flow of customers. The usual mix of retail shops, bars and eateries eagerly advertised there wares. Arnold turned the corner to see a welcome sight , his name in lights. The neon sign above a shuttered shop was obvously new and read " Beaumonts ". Arnold stood looking at it with his hands on his hips, he considered the circumstances that had lead him here and the plans he had for the place.

Arnold returned to his quarters following the same route again not a single person acknowledged his presence they all seamed far too busy to care who he was.


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