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Boarding DS14

Posted on Sat Nov 30th, 2013 @ 11:29pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Deep Space 14 / USS Sutherland
Timeline: Following 'Securing DS14'


The Away Team from the Sutherland arrived aboard DS14 and were greeted by Commander Reynolds, station commander.

Welcome aboard DS14, I’m Commander Reynolds, if you’ll follow me I’ll show you to the briefing room we’ve setup for the peace talks.

Mac raised an eyebrow, Reynolds didn’t bother with formalities, he seemed to want to get right to work.

“I’m Commander MacLeod, I’ll be leading the negations for the Federation, General Jones has taken ill. This is Colonel Hurd, he and his Marines will ensues the security of the meeting.” Mac said as they walked.

“My Security Staff is already deployed throughout the Station to ensure safety.” Reynolds replied.

“I’d like you’re Security Chief to get with Sergeant Duval to go over Station procedures while Colonel Hurd works out the protocols for the conference itself.” Mac replied.

Nodding his head slightly, Col. Hurd reached into his BDU pocket and retrieved a padd he had there. Handing it to Macleod, he said, ''Sir, this padd contains the layout of the station, as well as protocols that you mentioned''.

Mac took the PADD and started to look over the information."

Meanwhile, Duval was standing at a nearby console as he was accessing some information about Starbase DS14, he had never been to an immense class base before and they were some of the largest bases the Federation had yet developed and built, he heard his name as he turned his head to listen more carefully.

"Sergeant...Duval, my Chief of Security is in Ops. Lieutenant Commander Vasquez, he'll be waiting on you." Commander Reynolds said.

Mac nodded to Duval to proceed to the Ops while the rest of the team moved out to the Briefing Room.

As they moved out, Mac tried to think of different things he'd seen diplomats do during tough negotiations to try and ease the tension. He looked over at Counselor Delair who had accompanied him, then back to Reynolds.

"Have your mess hall prepare some food and drink, make sure to include Federation, C'Hakilian, and Krazzle selections."

Reynolds looked back at MacLeod, "We don't have much information or practice in serving Krazzle food...not many people want to eat bloody slabs of meat or fish."

"Do your best, please." Delair replied.

Reynolds nodded, then looked back at Hurd who was walking right behind him, "Is this all the people your brought for the negotiation's security?"

Saying in a gruff voice, David replied, ''Sir, with all do respect, i could operate with half of the personnel present, and still secure the negotiation's taking place.''

Reynolds nodded as they arrived in the Conference Room.

DS14, In route to Ops

Meanwhile Duval had walked over to a nearby turbolift, wearing his armor and rifle slung over his back, attached to the two magnetic strips across the back of his pack, he looked downright intimidating but then he thought nothing of the intimidation factor, he instead saw it as a declaration saying 'this is who I am and you must deal with it.'

A few minutes later he arrived in Operations. "Can I help you solder.?" an Ensign inquired.

"Yes. I'm looking for Lt Commander Vasquez please."

"He's right over there sir."

Duval looked down at the Ensign who suddenly gulped. "Ensign, don't call me sir ever again.... I work for a living." the older Marine commented as he turned and went over to the younger Lt Commander who he guessed was from Brazil on Earth. "Commander Vasquez." he addressed the other man.

"Yes, you're from the Sutherland?" Vasquez asked.

"Master Sergeant Duval, I was told you were expecting me." he explained.

He handed a PADD to Duval, "I was told you were to look over our tactical readiness and security protocols"



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