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Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2013 @ 1:44am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Captain Jack Solomon

652 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Deck 8 - USS Venator
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Captain Torilla Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

Lieutenant jg Jack Solomon
Chief Ops Officer

***** Deck Eight - Section Eleven *****

"Lt Solomon to the Captain. Sir, I need you to meet me on
deck 8," came the request to Torilla's ears as she moved
down the hallway towards a turbolift from the aft cargo
bay where Ensign La Baron was investigating the weapon
they were now presently dealing with.

She tapped her combadge. "I'm on my way Lieutenant."
she answered as she entered a turbolift. "Deck eight."

A few moments later the doors opened again and she
stepped off because the signage marked this as 'Deck Eight.'
as she requested the location of Lieutenant Solomon.

"Deck Eight, Section Eleven." came the prompt answer as
she turned and walked down the hallway, one could not
miss her even if she was wearing armor or a sack, her
figure filled out her uniform, it had come from having and
raising three children.

She rounded the corner as she almost crashed into her
quarry. "Lieutenant, you screamed?" she inquired.

Jack looked up as the Captain made her way to him and Crewman McWatt. He presented her with the PADD that held information he had updated regarding the logs of the Gel Packs and any maintenance that was due to take place before the Venator left SB400

"Captain, we have an issue. It seems either the logs on board have been tampered with or we have some on board as a saboteur," he explained. He noticed that the situation was stressing him some what and tried to keep himself in check.

"It seems that we are missing Bio Neural Gel Packs from the Secondary Hull. Mainterance shows that there was a full complement onboard before the ship left and my own checks confirm this before we left...However since we have gotten underway they seem to have gone... missing," he reported.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Missing.. Mmm..." he older woman frowned as she looked less then amused. "Then we have a larger issue then I realized..." she sighed softly. "I might need to call an old friend for help."

Jack was understandably worried about this if the ship had to use the Multi Vector Assault mode were combat to become a reality whilst the fleet was out here and relayed his concerns to the Captain. He was also worried that in his first mission, so much was going wrong.

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "We're undermanned, under geared and most of the crew isn't properly trained for this." she explained. "Fortunately... I have friends and family among the other ships of the Fleet." she commented. "What else do you have for me?" she inquired.

Jack looked down at the PADD as he read off the other issues he had. "Well I've been getting intermittent life signs on the secondary hull along with internal sensor failures and irregular console failures. Something is definitely not right here," he surmised.

"Mmm.." she responded. "Well we did capture one terrorist aboard already.."
she explained. "I'm about to go question him.."

Jack wasnt aware of a terrorist being caught on board and this concerned him what with all of the issues on board.

"A Terrorist? Well if hes alone then what else is causing these issues? I'd like to be present when you question him ma'am," Jack requested. He wanted to know more as to what was going on...

Torilla considered it but she looked at him. "No. I need you elsewhere handling things... I will deal with our unwanted guest Lieutenant and the method I plan to use will cause me a lot of trouble.... " she explained. "I want you out here where you're not involved. I will brief the entire senior staff soon though..."
she commented. "Questions.... no?" she inquired. "alright... off with you." and with that the two parted company.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****



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