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Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2013 @ 4:21am by Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

818 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay, SB400

It's been a week since she had her leg amputated and now just waiting in sickbay for the doctor to release her to do physical therapy. She sat their lost in thought and didn't see the doctor enter.

Doctor Celand smiled as he entered the exam room. He knew that the General's emergency amputation had been difficult for her to accept; he expected her to be very angry with him even though the decision had saved her life. He had the utmost respect for General Dartt and whether she hated him or not, he genuinely liked her.

"Hello General, it's good to see you again," he said, holding out his hand.

She looked at him, part of her hated him but the other part of her thanked him for saving her life. She knew deep down inside that he did what he felt was best so she couldn't stay mad at him for that. "Hello Dr Celand, I am be here of sorts" she smiled a bit.

"Would you mind lying back on the bed for a moment so that I can run a few scans? Are you in any pain today?"

She laid down and let him do what he had to do, "No, just still getting used to this new leg." she added looking at him.

"That will take some time. It is wired into your central nervous system but your brain still has to learn it," he said softly.

"Tell me about it," she stated looking at him. "So what is next?" she asked the doctor.

He smiled as he typed in the scans that he wanted; the screen began to show the skeletal structure of her body. "You are healing well, General. We haven't made the prosthetic fully connect as of yet because we wanted to be certain that the existing nerves could handle the stress." He typed another command and the screen showed her nervous and endocrine systems; Jewel didn't see the screen as it was behind her, but she saw the look on the doctor's face.

She looked at him, "Whats wrong doctor?" she asked as she seen the look on his face which made her worry that something was wrong.

"Ah, have you had any nausea recently?" he asked vaguely, typing another command into the terminal.

"No not that I can think of," she stated looking at him weirdly wondering what he was getting at.

He smiled as the image changed on the screen. "You are pregnant, General, approximately four weeks. Congratulations!" He turned her biobed and pointed to the image on the screen. "Do you see this? The neural tube, right here," he said softly.

She just looked speechless, "uh....I am what?" she asked as she wasn't sure she heard him right.

"This is not your first pregnancy?" Doctor Celand said, glancing at her medical file.

"No, I have 10 year old set of twins," she stated as she looked at the screen. "Wow," she stated looking at the doctor. "Is the baby alright? with everything that has happened," she asked now worried.

"I'm ordering a prenatal panel now, but at this point there's no reason to think there are any problems."

She nodded, "Is it just one?" she asked as her last pregnancy ended up with twins. She didn't know if she could handle another set of twins. She looked at the doctor.

"No ma'am, one fetus. I'm going to take a blood sample if you don't mind?"

She sighed a breathe of relief, "Sure go ahead," she stated looking at the Doctor.

He nodded and rolled up her sleeve, taking the sample of her blood very carefully. He noticed that the General looked quite pale.

"This is a surprise, I think?" he asked, gently pulling her sleeve back down.

She looked at the doctor, "Whats wrong?" she asked as she looked at him. "Is everything ok?" she got worried again.

"No, nothing's wrong, I just didn't mean to surprise you with this news," he said with a chuckle. "The CMO will be copied on your blood panel results, I'm not an obstetrician. This is not your first child so I'm sure you have some idea what to expect. I do not forsee any problems with your physical therapy in the meantime."

"Thank you doctor, and it's fine should have figured it would happen. But still shocked none the less." she said with a smile. "So what's next?" she asked still wondering.

He attached a small transmitter to her hip and a new image appeared on the screen next to her; it showed her prosthetic leg and her nervous system.

"Now we teach you how to dance," the doctor said with a twinkle in his eye.

She couldn't help but laugh, "Ya well good luck with that never been much of a dancer." she said looking at him.
“My good General, it all begins with a step.”


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