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The light at the end of the tunnel

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2013 @ 4:52am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

379 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: SB400

She walked out of sickbay using her cane, she has finished her therapy and was not released to return to active duty if she should chose to, or get's called back to duty. She was a survivor and she was happy, she beat the enemy head on and came out victorious.

She walked to the turbo lift and entered, "Promenade," she ordered as the doors closed shut behind her. She was also still shocked but at the same time she was happy about having another baby. But at the same time she wondered if David would be happy as well. But, only time will tell. A few moments went by and the doors opened up in front of her.

She walked out and walked down the corridor and headed for her favorite restaurant. She sat down at her favorite spot and ordered her favorite meal she always orders but this time extra as she was feeding for two now.

"Hungry General?" the waitress asked with a smile.

"You can say that Makayla, expecting a baby so eating for two." Jewel replied with a smile.

"Congratulations General," Makayla replied as she went and got Jewel's food. A few moments later she returned with her order, "Here you go Jewel, hope you enjoy. Is there anything else I can get for you today?" she asked.

"Not right now, let you know." Jewel replied with a smile.

Makayla just nodded and went off and helped other customers. Jewel just sat there ate her food and looked out the window. And thought for awhile, she wondered if she would return to active duty or not. Something she would have to talk to the Admiral about when he returned.

After after about thirty minutes she finished her food and then got up and walked out of the restaurant and headed back to the turbo lift. "Deck 5," she replied as the doors closed shut behind her. The lift began to move towards it's destination.

Once the lift came to a stop again and the doors opened up again she exited and headed for her quarters. There were a few things she needed to take care of before she went and talked with her sister. She sat on her couch to think for a moment.



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