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Giving news

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2013 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

378 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Quarters/Starbase 400

Jewel decided to sit down at her computer and send a message to Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd. She turned her computer on and started to type out her message.

*****Begin Message******



I hope everything is working well on your mission, the reason why I am sending you a message and not telling you when you return. Is I am not sure when the mission will be complete. I know I told you about my cancer well something went wrong with the first chemo therapy session. Instead of the chemo killing the cells it made them multiply at a alarming rate. It was basically killing my leg.

The doctor operated immediately, he tried his best to save my leg but it was to damaged. He had to amputate the leg and now I have a prosthetic leg. Therapy is now complete and the new leg is working fine. I still got to use a cane for a little while until I can fully get used to it. I am doing fine and on a surprising note since the operation my cancer is in remission as it is completely gone. So great news there, the doctor has also cleared me for duty if I so choose to re-enter Starfleet again.

Oh, on my last checkup the doctor found something that I must tell you, I am 4 weeks pregnant with your child David. I love you and couldn't be happier. I hope you are happy? Everything is looking up again and I am glad to have you in my life, the cancer is gone and I can live my life normally. I hope to hear back from you soon my love, hope everything is going fine for you on your mission. I will see you when you return my love.


Brigadier General Jewel Dartt

****End Message*****

Once she finished the letter she made sure it was being sent to the USS Sutherland for him to read. She looked at the message again and then sent it off. Once it was sent she shut off her computer and got up. She decided she would go talk to her sister General Janice Fultian-Bremer. She walked out of her quarters.


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