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Setting the Stage

Posted on Fri Dec 13th, 2013 @ 3:24am by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

1,493 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Sutherland/DS14
Timeline: Following 'Boarding DS14'

Aboard the Sutherland

T'Lyn was sitting in the Brig after being dragged down here. She knew why so she didn't put up a fight when they came and got her. She had enough of the Colonel and was standing her ground. She knew what would come next and she was ready. She just took this time to meditate and relax.

Ramata'tar entered the Brig, his face blank. He'd been ordered by Commander MacLeod to release Major T'Lyn after the rest of the Away Team beamed over to DS14.

"Major, you are released. You are to accompany me to the Bridge." Ramata'tar said in a matter of fact way.

She looked at him, "Very well." She stated as she got up and followed him. She had no show of emotion and didn't say a word.

She arrived on the bridge and wondered why she was on the bridge, "Orders?" she asked looking at the man.

The big Jem'Hadar looked back at the Major. "I was only told to bring you here, and that you were released from custody."

T'Lyn just looked at him, "That helps a lot," she stated as she just shook her head annoyed. She took a seat and waited for her next orders.

DS14, Conference Room

MacLeod looked around the room. It was one of the Station's largest Conference Rooms with a large triangular table in the middle. There were plenty of chairs on each side of the expected delineations, plus a few more along the room’s walls. The Federation was assigned to one side, Krazzle to another, C'Hakilians to the third. There was a large window that looked out into space, while the other three walls had various size computer monitors and consoles.

Mac looked at Delair and Sergeant Taz, the only Krazzle in Starfleet. Taz, a member of the old Minjay clan, had been in Starfleet for many years now. Many members of the Minjay had immigrated to the Federation when the Purmar clan assumed control and united the Krazzle clans. Taz had been a loyal and dedicated Marine, earning Admiral Bremer's and the crew's trust.

"What do you both think of the room's arrangements?

Delair raised an eyebrow. "It's satisfactory... but then I'm not a security officer... You'll want to see Sargent Major Duval for that."

Master Sergeant Duval who had just walked into the conference lounge as he had finished rather quickly in Operations, he raised an eyebrow as to him, the room design just wasn't fitting the role he need it to fill and there were not enough personnel in the room, security wise that is, plainclothes and uniforms, he set his practiced eye over the room and everyone in it as he shook his head as he heard his name came up. "Hmmm?" he inquired as he turned his head.

Duval also held a PADD in his hand, it was locked with a passcode in case something happened and he was still wearing his armor. He was missing his wife who was now on base as the USS Shield of Vega had arrived to reinforce the base's defensive perimeter.

He was not permitted to share time with his wife and this made him angry as he missed her company.

Col. Hurd said nothing untill the others replied, instead taking in the size of the room, sizing it up, and deciding where he was going to position his men, and the other security precautions he was going to implement.

As Col. Hurd finished his evaluation of the room, and his thoughts about the number of security personnel and Marines available, he turned to face MacLeod and started to voice his opinion that there were not enough personnel present to guarantee safety, but Duval beat him to it. Col. Hurd cracked a quick, almost fleeting smile. This is why, he thought, he had come to greatly admire the man.

Turning to MacLeod, he said, ''Commander. a moment please...."

Mac nodded and walked over to a quiet corner of the room. “Go ahead.”

"I've finished my evaluation of the room, we don't have enough security here." he replied quietly.

“We don’t want to overload the room with Security, it could force both sides close in during negotiations. However, we could beam Ramata’tar over, that little Jem’Hadar ability to shroud may come in handy. I would like Station Security to have a team stationed in the corridors, while we will be in here.” Mac replied as he took a PADD from Duval and started to read over it.

After hearing MacLeod's reply, Col. Hurd turned to face Master Sargent Duval and said, '' I agree, what are you'r suggestions Duval?''

Duval turned to regard his direct superior. "We need more security, both officers and plain clothes people. I expect a terrorist attack at this conference from the Krazzle, they do not need peace from this were as the Chal'akians do." he explained. "Recent reports from the ongoing war tell me this to be a fact, thus I expect trouble."

“If necessary, augment DS14’s Security with Security Personnel from the ship’s in the defensive screen.” Mac added as he read. He too expected something, maybe not from the Krazzle directly, but someone working on their behalf.

"We should expect trouble and work backwards from there... If the Krazzle win this war of theirs then they gain a lot of space and resources which they will share them with the rest of the Pact, also they will make us look like fools."

Mac raised an eyebrow at the 'fools' comment, then shook his head. "The Krazzle are aware the Federation, Klingons, and Cardassians are ready to come to the aid of the C'Hakilians, and while the Krazzle may not care, the rest of the Pact does. They want to see an all out galactic war as much as we do...not at all."

Mac handed the PADD back to Duval and took a step to the left, then looked back. "Increase patrols through out DS14, post details in vital areas as well as the Promenade. Have each ship in the defensive screen send over thirty percent of their Security Personnel to augment DS14's. For the conference itself, I believe our team here will be enough. We'll fully scan each person that comes into this room, including full bio scans. We'll ensure they are unarmed and carrying no form of explosive. Peace is going to work here Gentlemen, it's our job to ensure that it does."

Mac looked back at Hurd, then to Duval again before walking about over to Delair and Commander Reynolds. As he walked up, his comm-badge beeped.

Tapping the badge, Mac replied, “MacLeod here.”

“Commander, this is Ramata’tar. As ordered, Major T’Lyn has been released and brought to the Bridge.”

Mac glanced back at Hurd, then replied. “Tell the Major to assume command of the Sutherland until my return. Maintain defensive orbit of DS14. Also, First, I need you to beam down to my location. Bring with you about a third of the Sutherland’s Security Personnel, they will receive their orders once they arrive.”

“It will be done.” Ramata’tar replied before closing the channel.

Duval was not convinced whatsoever that peace would work here but then, he was a man who expected trouble and he knew it would come here but what he did not know was how and when, he jotted down notes to pass along to others as he knew a few ship Captain's in the screen would be offended by an order from a simple Marine 'but then, this is why they sent for me.' he thought to himself.

A few moments later, Ramata’tar materialized in the Conference Room along with nearly one hundred and fifty Security Personnel from the USS Sutherland.

Commander Reynolds glanced back, and then nearly drew his phaser at the sight of the Jem’Hadar among the people that beamed over from the Sutherland.

MacLeod stepped forward, “Ramata’tar you’re with me. The rest of you, report to Master Sergeant Duval for your assignments.”

As the Security Personnel walked away, Mac introduced Ramata’tar to Commander Reyonlds, then stepped to the side, “During the talks, I want you to be in here with the Marines, shrouded, in the corner behind the Krazzle delegation. Don’t unshroud until I say so, but be ready.”

“It will be done.” Ramata’tar replied.

USS Sutherland

T'Lyn was told that she was in Command of the USS Sutherland she raised an eyebrow before Ramata'tar left the ship. She looked at the remaining crew of the Sutherland, "Remain at yellow alert and keep open scans of the area. Inform me if something arises," T'Lyn ordered.

"Aye sir," came the reply.

She sat down in the command chair and waited either word from the away team or if something where to pop up on sensors.



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