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Posted on Sat Dec 14th, 2013 @ 3:28am by General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Bremer's Quarters

Jewel wanted to go see her sister and talk to her face to face. She been avoiding her for a while and needed to clear the air. She walked down the corridor with cane in hand to help her keep steady as she still hasn't gotten used to her new leg. She reached the Bremer's quarters and rang the door chime and waited for an answer.

Janice had been going through some of Marc and Emma’s things, preparing to put some in storage, when the door chimed. “Come in she said.”

As Jewel entered, Janice was slow to stand up, as she looked at Jewel’s cane. “Come in, have a seat.”

She walked in and smiled, "How are you doing Janice?" she asked as she took a seat on the couch. She looked at her wanting to just hug her sister, she knows she is going through a lot and it made her sad to see her like that.

"We need to talk," she added.

Janice cocked her head to the side, "What's on your mind?"

"I should have told you from the beginning, but I know what you guys just went through and didn't want to put you through anymore pain." She started saying looking at Janice. "I came her resigning my commission with Starfleet because I had bone cancer, the doctor here was the only one I know who had the expertise and who I could trust. We started chemo but something went wrong instead of killing the cells the cells multiplied." Jewel said taking a short breathe before continuing.

"They tried to save my leg but it was beyond repair and had to amputate the leg. Now I have a prosthetic leg, finished therapy. Feeling better, as the cancer ended up disappearing after the leg was amputated." Jewel finished.

Janice wasn't sure what to say. The last few months seemed to of been one tragedy after another. She stood up and gave her Sister a hug, but for one of the few times in her life she was speechless.

"Oh, I have some other news to tell you better news the what I told you," Jewel replied with a smile.

Janice flashed a smile, "Tell me."

She looked at Janice for a moment and enjoyed the hug from her sister, she loved her sister dearly. She took a deep breathe, "I am pregnant," She stated looking at her as she wondered what she would say.

Again, Janice was speechless, but only for a moment, "Who? When? Are you and he still together?

She kinda chuckled at Janice's reaction she knew it was coming, "Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd, while going through this chemo thing I ended up going into...well you know. And I am about a month along and yes we are still together." she stated with a smile.

"I'm going to kill him!" Janice said with a smile.

"Janice, no your not. " she said with a smile as she hugged her sister. "I love him," she added as good measure.

"I'm still going to have a talk with him when he returns...and I'm sure Mike will to!" She smiled again, it was good to smile again. "As long as you're happy and he's good to you."

"Don't you or Mike be to hard on him," she stated with a smile, "And I am and he is." she stated hugging her again. "So, how have you been Janice? I hope everything is going good we really haven't had the chance to really catch up lately." she stated looking at her.

"Day by day. Being retired doesn't help really, nor does this time of year." She paused as she sat down, "I've been avoiding a lot of things, I actually haven't gone through Marc and Emma's things yet. Some we sent to Earth to be stored there, but the rest are still untouched in their rooms still..."

She nodded, "If you need someone here to help you, I'll be here for you Janice." She stated looking at her feeling sad.

"Thank you." Janice replied, flashing a smile.

"That's what sisters are for," she smiled looking at her. "Well, it's getting late and I better go get some sleep been a long day." She said looking at her. "Just give me a call if you ever need me." she stated looking at her as she stood up grabbing her cane.

"Of course" Janice replied as he walked her sister to the door.

After Jewel left, Janice sat back down on the sofa, and thought about going through Marc and Emma's things...finally...



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