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Securing DS14

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2013 @ 8:21pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & 1st Lieutenant Taz

1,396 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Sutherland/DS14
Timeline: Following 'Arriving at DS14'


After arriving at DS14 with the Fleet, the Nebula class USS Sutherland took up a defensive position orbiting the Starbase...

On the Bridge, the General contacted DS14 to advise them he was beaming over.

"Colonel Hurd, assemble your team and meeting me Transporter Room Two. Ms Delair, you're with me, Mister MacLeod, the ship is yours."

"Aye sir." MacLeod replied as he looked over Talan's shoulder. "Keep a sharp eye out." He said.

Talan nodded.

Several minutes later, the General arrived in the Transporter Room and awaiting the Marines. The first to arrive was his Diplomatic assistant, CWO Midret.

The door opened a moment later and in walked Master Sergeant Duval, with his pack on his back as he clearly liked to take his work home with him at the end of a long day, he looked at the General as he stood near the door, clearly waiting.

Col. Hurd paced back and fourth infront of his Marines, inspecting them and their equipment. Satified with what he saw, he turned to the General and said, "we are ready sir." Pausing for a moment, he added, "Sir, what are our specific orders, Sir?"

"We'll beam over, verify their readiness, then get everyone in position before allowing the negotiation teams from the Krazzle and C'Hikilians to arrive." Jones replied.

Duval raised an eyebrow. "Do we have the profiles of the arriving people?" he inquired. "I suspect one from each party will be an agent placed to disrupt the talks..." what he left unsaid was that he had no faith that these talks would accomplish anything as one side was on the verge of crushing the other\, why end the war with outright victory in their grasp.

"Not yet, DS14 didn't want to send those via subspace for risk the Krazzle or even the C'Hikilians might change their delegations last minute. We will receive that info once on board." Jones replied.

A moment later, Agtx, Ermey, Taz, and Lennox arrived in the Transporter Room as well, ready to beam over to DS14. The only person missing was Major T'Lyn.

T'Lyn was in the Marines Operation office of the ship going over reports. She didn't see the need to go to deep space 15 as last time she knew she was suppose to stay on board to command the marines here on the ship. Plus she was upset with the Colonel who kept ignoring her and not given her a direct order as to what she was exactly suppose to do so until then she staying on the Sutherland.

Col. Hurd was still awaiting the order to transport over, and was also going over what Duval had said, as these were concerns he had also. H e hit his combadge and said, ''Major T'Lynn, please report to the transporter room with full combat gear load-out.''

She ignored the Colonel, and didn't respond to his comm. She went back to work knowing her actions will face consequences but at this point in time she didn't seem to care anymore.

Col. Hurd waited for a few moments for the Major to respond, and the re-opend the channel to her combadge. ''Major, i am giving you a direct order to to report to the transporter room in full combat gear now!''

She continued to ignore the Colonel's order and then deactivated the comm channel and sat their looking over things and deep in thought.

Meanwhile in the transporter room, Sergeant Major Duval thought this was rather unusual as he raised an eyebrow. "Colonel." he said quietly.
"Permission to speak sir." he inquired as he did not know the Colonel's command style to decide for himself.

exasperated, and on the edge of out-right anger, Col. Hurd said, ''Go ahead Duval''

"Are there issues between you and the major?" Duval inquired.

Blinking, he said, ''Yes there are and they are personal.''

Duval blinked as he seemed to come alive as he gave the Colonel an evil
look. "Colonel, that's not what I asked and you damned well know it." he commented with a simple shrug of his massive shoulders, his rifgle that was slung over his back clinked softly as his shoulders moving had caused everything else he was carrying to move as well.

Duval was less the amused by this point as an issue that was originally private was not rapidly becoming a major point of contention.

She continued to work, knowing she was going to be asking for it from both the Colonel and then possibly the Admiral but at this point she really didn't care, she was even questioning why she was even here.

Meanwhile Duval raised an eyebrow. "Sir. should the rest of us proceed on the mission and the Major can catch up?" he inquired.

Lt. Col. Hurd wearily nodded, and said, ''Yes Master Sgt, i belive we should go ahead and proceed on mission.''

Duval raised an eyebrow as the transporter operator looked up. "Sir, your opposite number on the base is waiting for you, he is wondering is everything is alright?"

Duval raised an eyebrow as he quite literally forced himself to remain calm and motionless where as inside he was seething with anger, this to him was simply intolerable, time was being wasted and this was his number one pet peeve, he despised his time being wasted.

Col. Hurd added, '';Duval, when time permits,we should have a talk.''

Tag Duval

With the discussion ongoing, no one noticed General Jones become dizzy, then stumble, and fall to the deck.

"General!" Lennox said as he heard the thump as the General hit the deck. Lennox tapped his commbadge, "Medical Emergency, Marine transporter room."

A few minutes later, a Medical Team arrived as well as Commander MacLeod.

"What happened?" Mac asked.

"I didn't see it, but heard him fall to the deck. He'd seemed fine when he arrived in the Transporter Room." Lennox replied.

"He'd seemed fine on the Bridge as well." Mac replied.

"He's alive sir, but running an extremely hit temperature and is unconscious. We're taking him to Sick-Bay." The Medical Officer replied.

MacLeod took a breath, then looked to Hurd. He could see there had been a heated discussion before the General fell, "Colonel, beam over to DS14 and secure it, I'll report to Admiral Bremer.

Repling, and casting a worried glance at the General as the medics worked on him, he said, ''Aye sir, DS14 shall be secure within the hour, however, i want Major T'Lynn placed into custody on charges of insubordnation, disrespecting a superior officer, Deriliction of duty, and violating a direct order''. He paused, casting a quick glance around the room, taking in the l;ooks on the other Marine's faces, and waiting for Macleod to reply.

Tag MacLeod

Sutherland, Bridge

A few minutes later, MacLeod returned to the Bridge and walked over to Tactical. Standing beside Talan, he send a priority message to the Pegasus.

A reply came quickly, "The Pegasus has an Officer down there too, ill just like the General....Ensign Brody fainted too. I'm to take over the peace talks?" He asked as he read the reply.

The problem was, there wasn't any experienced Bridge Officers left to take Command. He paused, then looked at Talan.

"You have the Bridge while I'm on DS14, keep the ship at Yellow Alert and maintain defensive orbit of DS14. Trust your Bridge Officers and your training. If you need anything, contact me or the Pegasus." MacLeod said Talan before leaving the Bridge.

Mac had confidence in Talan, and with DS14 being behind the lines, he didn't think anything would least he hoped. Then he thought about his current task at hand, diplomacy wasn't his strong suit.

Arriving back in the Transporter Room he saw the Marines still there, "We ready to go Colonel?" Mac asked Hurd

Replying with a quick salute, Col. Hurd said, ''Aye sir, but if i may inquire, how is the General, and do they have any idea as yet why he collapsed?''

"In Sick-bay, they aren't sure what's going on. There's a report of the same thing aboard the Pegasus with Ensign Brody." Mac stepped up onto the transporter PADD. He didn't know what all had happened between the Marines, he be hoped it was sorted out now.

"Energize." Mike said to the Transporter operator.



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