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Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2013 @ 2:14am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

853 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Near the Brig - USS Venator
Timeline: Concurrant with present mission
Tags: Lee


Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

Captain Leon Pike
Executive Officer
USS Venator

***** Near the Brig - USS Venator ****

Torilla looked up at the six foot five inches monster who
stood above her as she raised an eyebrow. "Lee, you
you know fully well that I violated some very serious
regulations here, yes I know that commanding a ship
of the line in a time of war carries with it some rather
serious powers but... Lets face it... I would have done
it and spaced that Orion terrorist."

Lee stood there and nodded:"I know that you did and
you had every reason to."

"Well... we will see if Admiral Bremer agrees with you
or will he simply remove me from his command list
of personnel able to command a ship." the taller then
average woman sighed softly. "We shall see..."

"I doubt Admiral Bremer will do that, he probably would
have done the same thing or worse."

"Oh.." she replied evenly. "So... anyway, where do we
stand, was all our issues terror related or just yard
screw-ups not finishing on time.?"

Lee turned and looked at her:"I have a feeling that it
was both."

"When we get back to base... I'm going to have Commander
Coleman go over this place with a fine toothed comb as
well as ask Alex nicely to make it her hobby to dismantle
this ship from the inside out to find out what went wrong...
considering that she's up on the bridge now, I think she
wouldn't mind too much..."

Lee shook his head:"Am sure both won't mind give the
ship a once over and seeing what they can find out."

"I'm going to ask the USS Concorde to come to our assistance
and help us.."

Lee nodded:"You think the USS Concorde will come?"

"Well Captain Kerrie Williams is an old friend of the family...
plus she owes me one.... I can't think of a better time to
call in that request then now." she commented. "Lets face
it... we're in deep with no cover."

Lee raised an eye brow to that comment:"You are not kidding there saying that."

"I'm not about to get this crew into something that could
get them killed.... that you and Alex included.." she
commented. "Ensign La Baron looking after the thaleron
device in Cargo Bay well it makes me rant to run home and hold my daughter.... you know?"

Lee blew out a breath and then nodded:"Will want many officers to run home and hold their children. I think there is more to all this then what we know."

Torilla nodded. "I don't doubt that for a moment." she responded.
"We are going to make it out of this so you and your intended get
married on time." she then smiled. "name your first born after me
though." she clearly was joking. "In all seriousness.... I am not about
to let Paul and Rachael become orphans.." she looked at him. "If
that Orion left anything out... I will space him.... I think you should know that before I do it...." she looked at him. "Don't you have experience in
deep cover situations as an intell officer?" she inquired

Lee nodded slowly:"Yes I have experience in deep cover situations as well as Sgt.Maal"

"I don't think we can be sure we have everything..." Torilla commented.
"We need to question him again."

He shrugged "If you want to question him again that's fine but I feel that we won't get much more from him. He doesn't know a how lot."

"Very well... then I'll turn him over to Captain Williams and her crew when I
ask her and her crew for assistance in getting this rickety barge up to space worthy specs.... as of now... this ship is fit to sit in drydock and little else.." Torilla explained. "Frankly... we need the help..."

He turned and looked at her:"And unless Ensign Barton finds out how to disarm that bomb we are gonna be in a lot worse shape then we are now."

"I know." she commented. "We need to beam the bomb off the ship and then run..... preferably before the bomb goes off." she sighed. "Do you think Ensign has it to go?"

He stood there for a second or two thinking:"I do think Ensign La Baron can do it, he is a good officer."

"I hope your faith in the man is justified.... because if that bomb goes off.... we won't have time to inhale the air to scream." she replied in a sardonic manner.

Lee raised an eye brow at her:"That's putting it mildly."

"Alright... lets get he senior staff together to compare notes and then I can call Marie for help."

Lee nodded:"After you."

Torilla nodded as she turned to her right as she stopped before a turbolift as she tapped the call button. "Time to get to the bottom of this ungodly mess.."
she commented as the doors opened and then she and Pike stepped inside.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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