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Beauty and Death

Posted on Wed Nov 13th, 2013 @ 11:26pm by Ensign Anthony La Baron & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator - Cargo Bay Four
Timeline: Concurrant with present mission

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

Ensign Anthony La Baron
Chief Science Officer
USS Venator

***** Cargo Bay Two - USS Venator *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi noticed the increased security around the Cargo bay when she arrived, it put a smile on her face as she walked into the cargo bay as a security officer checked her over with a tricorder, the fact that he challenged her told her much and it also impressed her.

"Sorry Captain..." he apologized when he was finished.

"Its fine Ensign." she smiled at him. "You are doing your job regardless of who I am, excellent." she commented as he waved her through.

Torilla went into the cargo bay as she went over to the Ensign who was working alone, she was sure he could hear her approaching. "Ensign." she
said quietly as she stopped next to him. Knowing that one mistake could destroy the ship and exterminate her entire crew.

She looked at him. "What do you have?" she inquired, she was rather democratic to command as she wasn't afraid of making hard choices but she mixed it with a certain humility that most other Captains did not have in their own styles. "Give me good news...." she added with a cheerful smile.

Anthony nearly gawked at the question. A few hours ago he was sleeping surprisingly comfortably in the Venator's spartan-style quarters only to be struck upside the head by impending disaster.

"Well," Said Anthony, grasping for something to say, "This device is receiving a data uplink on a Federation frequency. I know you're thinking that either the Orion Syndicate or the Romulans snagged themselves access to a channel, but Starfleet always keeps a close eye on their information network, they'd definitely know if somebody was hitching a ride on them, especially for something like a thalaron device."

"So... how do you propose we dispose of this weapon?" she inquired.

"Disposal isn't even an option at the moment. I'm damn near too afraid to try and decipher the data that the probe is receiving. Whoever is operating the thing might notice and decide to turn us all into a pile of soot."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Alright.... then lets beam it off the ship." she responded evenly. "Once we're clear.... we will need to dispose of it." she commented "or it'll be a threat to navigation."

Anthony gawked for a moment, then cleared his throat hoping he didn't offend his superior officer, "Commander I don't think it's that simple. If we move this thing whoever has the 'remote' could detonate the probe. We'd douse the entire fleet and ourselves with thalaron. I've ran this thing through the entire scientific process three times over, I think it's time we talk, not rush into action."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Talk to who Ensign?" she inquired. "Whoever placed this here intended to us it against us... not hold us to ransom." she
commented. "Will a jamming field work against it., sever its connection to its master without detonating it?"

"I suppose we could create an EMP Pulse," Anthony said rubbing his tired eyes, "We'd run the risk of causing power failures on the ship but the Operations team might be able to minimize that risk. The EMP surge should instantaneously disrupt the transmission to and from the probe, which means nobody should be able to activate this device for some time."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Someone put this here for one of three reasons.... because someone has a grudge against Starbase 400, this ship... or against me." she commented. "I have no shortage of enemies..." she paused. "is there anything else we need to do before we finish here?"

Anthony shook his head, "No ma'am. I'm ready to get started whenever we can."


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