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First meeting

Posted on Tue Nov 5th, 2013 @ 1:38am by Captain R'nard Lokran

517 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Security section, Starbase 400
Timeline: Current.

OOC: Hello Marc, it's been a very long time, I hope you're keeping well. I was looking to have our 2 chars meet up with one another being as they'll be working together.


Finchley walked into the Security section and looked around, it was huge!

He'd never realised a Security place could look 'posh', but this one did. Everything was still shiny and gleemed, unlike the last posting where anything that gleemed generaly meant it was broken and you could see the inside of it.

"Well well" he said to himself as he marveled at the amount of brig cells there were "Looks like they're anticipating being busy at times then."

Looking around, he asked an Ensign if he could point him to the Chiefs office and the Ensign replied "Down to the right there Sir, third door down."

Thanking the Ensign, Finchley walked down to where he'd been directed and pressed the buzzer on the wall, awaiting a possible answer from inside.

"Enter." said R'nard. He was in the middle of a Klingon Mok'Bara exercise. "Ah, Lieutenant. Please join me. What can I do forr you?"

He made another graceful move in the meditation ritual.

Finchley entered the room on request, and slotted in alongside the Commander. He had no idea what the routine was they were doing, but he tried to follow the same movements he was doing whilst answering "I'm your new Chief Assistant Sir, Finchley Kerr, I thought I ought to come and introduce myself to you and ask if there's anything I can do now that I'm here?"

"Welcome aboard, Finchley." said the Tralazar, continuing to another move. "Focus. Center yourself and flow with each movement. Each movement is a move of a warrior, as the Mok'Bara discipline flows through you.

As for what you can do, familiarize yourrself with the department. The codes, the prrotocols, the crew. And, rrrelax."

"Thank you for the welcome Sir" Finchley replied, trying his best to follow the Tralazar officers movements.

"Speaking of the department Commander" Finchley said, his movements becoming slightly less jerky, more smooth, "this one's huge! I was, well, I don't know if admiring is the correct word, but well, I was blown away by the size of the place and it's compliment of offices, brigs and the training area. On the Frannery we made do with a pokey hole of a department, a couple of brigs and the training area was the decks of the ship!"

He managed to follow a couple of more moves, then said "My official Security codes have been logged into the main computer, but I will brush up on the protocols for the Starbase as they'll be very different from the USS Frannery, and I'll also familiarise myself with the crew. Out of interest, are there any 'undesirables' I should be looking out for when I'm out and about on the base, frequent 'guests' to our brig hotel?" he joked.

"Not at the moment." said R'nard. "You are doing well. I know I've found a very able assistant in you. Well done."


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