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Manning OPS

Posted on Sat Nov 2nd, 2013 @ 1:21am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Captain R'nard Lokran

681 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400 OPS
Timeline: Current

Clifford and T'Lar were standing, having a conversation as Lokran was monitoring the Federation and Klingon borders for any incursions as ordered. Selvek, well Deela had no idea where he was. She figured that he was in his office doing God knows what.

Deela shook her head, "So it looks like we together again. I sometimes wonder if I made the right decision for us to join Starbase 400. As soon as this mission is over, I'd like to take the Essex, gather up the old crew and go somewhere, anywhere. What do you think?"

Andrew looked across at the Admiral, "You've been reading my mind again, Admiral. I think it would an excellent idea. We still haven't received any report on how the old Essex managed to explode. Might be worth looking in to."

Deela looked over at Lokran, "What about you? Are you in?"

R'nard looked up and smiled. "I'm in." he said. "It sounds good. I want to be out there like I was."

"We'd have to get permission from Starfleet of course."

Andrew smilled, "Of course." In his mind though he was saying 'yeah, sure. they will fnd out soon enough if we aren't here any more.'

Deela looked at Andrew and smiled back. She then moved behind Lokran and put her hand on his shoulder, "So, are you finding any suspicious activity along the Federation and Klingon borders?"

"So farr, I have detected no suspicious activity, Admiral." said R'nard.

"Okay. Then just keep a watch out and report anything unusual." Deela stepped back from Lokran, "Anyone want something to drink? Coffee, tea?" She figured that they'd be there a while.

Andrew sat down at one of the consoles and changed the main viewer to show an external camera view, "I'll have a coffee please, Admiral. Americano, with a little cold milk added, thanks". He tapped the console and the viewer started cycling through the external cameras.

"I'll have a herbal tea," said R'nard.

Deela left, then came back with two coffees and one herbal tea and carefully handed their drinks. She walked around for a bit while sipping her coffee and moved next to Andrew. She then looked over Andrews shoulder, wishing that there'd be some excitement, "Do you realize that we've never dealt with the Krazzle and C’Hakilians before?"

Andrew, still looking at the view screens, nodded. "I'm not surprised, Admiral. Their tech is way behind ours and increased contact brings with it the added risk of one or the other increasing their tech faster than they should, or would normally. It would be interesting to visit their systems when this is all over, though. " He paused for a moment then added, "I have an idea though. The Princeton is almost ready to have the new computer system tested, so we could use a shakedown as an excuse to drop in on them. After all, the Princeton is almost 100 years old".

"Once this is over, we'll discuss further where we want to go. I am so tired of being on this base. Anywhere would be a change from being here." She turned to Lokran, "What about you? How'd you like to get off this base even if it is for a a day or so?"

"I would like that, Admiral." said R'nard. "I've always been a field man, and would like to get off the base and into some rreal action." And then, he missed his companions at his home monastery. He wondered how they fared since he left.

Andrew looked up at the Admiral, "Do you want me to prep the Essex for departure, Admiral? No harm in being ready, and it will be something to do."

"Since it is quiet, go ahead. I will let you know if I need you." It had been a while since she had been on the Essex. Deela watched him leave. As soon as he exited the room, Deela put her attention on Lokran, "I'm going to my office. If anything happens, let me know." She knew that Bremer would check in with her soon.



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