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Posted on Wed Oct 30th, 2013 @ 2:12pm by Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Commander Tressa Brislan

436 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: now

He looked around the engineering department. Everyone was busy and the system seemed to be running smoothly. He smiled to himself, "With one exception. The EMH."

One of the engineers looked up, "You talking to me, Sir?"

Quan shook his head, "No Ensign, just thinking out loud. Carry on I'm off to Sickbay", and walked out of engineering and headed for the turbolift. A few seconds later he walked into sickbay.

An orderly met him as he walked in, "Can I help you, Sir?"

Quan shook his head, "No Thanks. I'm just here to see the CMO."

The orderly pointed to the office at the far end of the sickbay, "She's in there, Sir."

He walked up to the door and pushed the door chime.


Quan waited for the door to open fully then walked in to the office

"Lieutenant Quan, how may I help you?" the doctor asked.

Zhao smiled, "I've come to offer my help with the EMH. It seemed to be a bit confused when it appeared in the engineering section, Doctor".

"There is a technician working on the problem now but I'm sure he could use a hand. The system will need to be rebooted and tested as well. Right through here, please," she said as she stood and led him into another room.

Quan followed the doctor into the room. Working away at one of the consoles he saw the technician the doctor had referred to. Without waiting to be introduced, Zhao walked over to the memory bank panels and started taking the covers off. He took out his tricorder and scanned the memory banks. He glanced towards the technician, "Have you pulled any of the gel packs? You have two missing."

The technician looked up from his console, frowned, the walked over to the open panel. He peered past Zhao, "As far I'm aware nobody has pulled anything from the memory banks. It should be fully loaded".

Zhao stood back and scratched the back of his head, then turned towards the Doctor, "This is not right Doctor, I'm going to call some of my people down here to go over this system."

"Do what you must, Lieutenant," Tressa said, looking concerned. "Is there anything you need from me?"

Zhao shook his head, "No thanks Doctor, I'll see that this gets sorted", and with that moved over to talk to the technician.

A few seconds later Tressa and Zhao walked back in to the main sickbay. Zhao left the doctor and headed back to engineering. "Missing gel packs? What the hell were they doing when they fitted out this ship?".


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