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Security problems

Posted on Mon Oct 28th, 2013 @ 6:30am by Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

1,429 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Security - USS Venator
Timeline: Concurrent with the current ship timeline

Maal was down in Marine country checking on things there when he got the call."Maal here I'm on my way there." After a couple minutes Maal arrived in security."What can I do for you Lt.?"

Saith smiled at Maal, “My officer was able to break out of a holding cell without setting off any alarms.” She stood up and headed for the doorway where he stood. Before the door opened, she brushed his cheek with a kiss then headed for her office. Once she had changed clothes, she led the way to the holding cells.

Reaching the one Mark had escaped from she pointed to the removed panel and the space it came from. "If they get through here, they have clear passage to maintenance jeffries tubes." She turned and faced Maal, “I have an idea of why no alarm sounded, but wanted to run it by you first. I don’t have that much experience with dampening fields and the like.” She handed him the PADD, with ship schematics on it.

“There is a weapons sail, above us, and an Engineering drive section below. They both have heavy shielding. Now, I know they are not real close together, but I was wondering if it was possible that their extra shielding might extend out and overlap, making a dead spot here? It would be like triple shielding this one little area. Is that even possible?” Her brow furrowed.

Maal took the padd from her and listen as she spoke:"Anything is possible honestly."

She nodded, “it’s either that, or they simply didn’t get this area secured properly. I had my crew check out the other cells, so far as I can tell it only affects this one. There is a significant difference in wiring in this area, but I can't say that is the problem either. I just don't know.”

"So what do you want to try?"He looked at her

Saith shrugged “I don’t really know. I wasn’t even sure my idea was plausible.” She glanced at the hole again. “I can’t allow for spaces like this. I wonder if we could have the shielding backed up just a little.” She came to stand beside him and look at the PADD. “If we can just scoot them back to here and here, they would still shield Engineering and Weapons, but we could see if it affects the brig.”

She glanced up at him, “If I knew we wouldn’t need this cell, I wouldn’t worry a bout it we would just use the others. But in this particular situation the possibility of needing them all is exponentially greater than under normal circumstances. Do you think I should ask Engineering if that is possible? Backing off the shielding, I mean, just so we can see if it makes a difference.”

She bit her lip waiting for his reply, she was nervous. She didn't want to be the one to tell people the ship was broken, but she couldn't afford any escapees either.

He looked at the padd for another moment then looked down at her:"Yea I think it's best you contact Engineering and let them know what's going on."

Saith nodded, She knew she should have more confidence in herself, but she felt better that Maal concurred. She tapped her com badge for what seemed like the hundredth time today, and explained the problem to the Engineer that had answered. There was a pause as he presumably got permission to reduce the shielding on the weapon sail and the drive section. She glanced at Maal, and sounding casual, “the counselor seems to agree with you.” She paused, “about me potentially being a good mother.” She shrugged, noncommittally.

Saith’s com badge beeped and she was informed that the shielding would be backed off for a moment so that tests could be run. Apparently an Engineer was coming down to take a look at the situation. She thanked them. “Looks like we are going to have company. It almost seems as if the girl was a little rushed off the line, doesn’t it?” She didn’t go back to the discussion about children.

"We don't need to find out the ship is about to fall apart in the middle of a battle. That would be bad."

"No, we don't," she agreed.

Maal stood there and gave her a funny look when she mentioned about the counselor's comment:"What brought that up all of a sudden?"

She shrugged. I don’t know, I just have been thinking about it. A wry grin came across her face, “after all I told you I would.” She shook her head lightly and laughed. Her smile now gone, “Actually, I think it was the chase. At one point I was wishing I had someone to carry on when I was gone, and then I turned right around in my usual fashion and thought they would soon be an orphan with you and I both running around chasing armed dangerous individuals through Jeffries Tubes.” She sighed not even registering the fact she had not said anything about not being a good mother or not wanting to be one.

She climbed on the cot and then into the space. “I can see the access to the Jeffries tube from here.” A small laugh escaped from her, “I am spending way too much time in tunnels.”

Maal climbed on the cot and then reached up and pulled her down towards him.

Saith yelped a little when Maal pulled her out of the space and to him. Her arms instinctively went around his neck.

He grabbed her and kissed her deeply then looked at her:"Stop avoiding the subject!"

She was shocked that he would kiss her while they were on duty and in full view of everyone. Although, to be fair they were in a cell and no one was around. She kissed him back, and smiled once he pulled away. “Avoiding is what I am best at.” She reminded him with a grin. With a sigh, she let her arms fall away from his neck.

“I am still not convinced I would be a good mother, but I think I would like to try.” She searched his eyes, “I guess that is what I am saying.” Another pause and smile, “although I have some more pressing concerns right now.” She nodded towards the open wall.

He gave her a bit of a wicked grin:"So are you saying that you do want to have kids with me?"

She laughed at his grin and nodded “Yes that is what I am saying.” She looked at the hole again, “we need to fix this before Captain Pike is done with the Orion.”

Maal then chuckled and let go off her:"True that we do." He stepped off the cot and held out his hand to her.

She let him help her down, just as the young Engineer entered. She explained her thoughts again, and he nodded, “We’ll see if it makes a difference.” He took out a PADD, some sort of tools, and opened a channel to the main Engineering hub. Saith moved towards the door of the brig, and glanced around Maal towards the interrogation room. Pointing with her chin she whispered. “I’d love to be a fly on that wall. I think Lee was pissed!” She absent-mindedly fingered the lump on her head and winced.

Maal gave Saith a look:"Pissed is an under statement on how Lee is. I almost feel sorry for the tlhej ghobe' quv(person with no honor)."

Saith laughed, "I don't" she gingerly touched her lump.

"If Lee wants to he could make him almost comatose."

"We could only be so lucky." she growled. She stopped suddenly, with a look of surprise on her face, "Maal. . . I didn't lose my temper?!" It was a completely new concept for her and she was aware that even the Engineer snickered, for which she favored him with a scowl.

Maal smiled at her:"That's good to hear you didn't lose your temper."

She wasn't completely sure why, but she laughed out loud at his comment.

He looked towards the Engineer then looked back to Saith and took her hand:"Come on let's go grab a drink."

"Sounds good to me, I need some food to." She informed her crew where she and Maal were headed and asked them to stay on their toes with the Orion.

Maal took her hand lead them away.


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