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Arriving at Earth

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2013 @ 11:25pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Ensign David Brody & Ensign Anthony La Baron & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock

1,364 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Durga, Bridge
Timeline: Following 'Approching Earth'

The Durga was still at Slipstream, but quickly approaching the Sol System…

“Chief, take us out of Slipstream. Full impulse to Earth.” Mike then looked back at Harrison, “Alex, signal Earth approach control and request permission to enter orbit.”

"Yes sir." Alex did as he asked. She was happy to finally arrive at Earth and a little nervous as well. She was about meet Pike's family and visa versa.

“I’ve sent a message to McKinley station, they will send over an Engineering team to look over our Slipstream systems and check for anything out of specs.” K’Temoc said.

Mike paused a moment before answering. “All right. Make them aware of our schedule, tomorrow morning would be best. I also want you, Ensign La Baron, and Chief Loring on board and shadowing the team from McKinley. If there is something that was missed during the Durga’s upgrade, I want to make sure that doesn’t happen when we upgrade the other ships at Starbase 400.”

K’Temoc nodded, then looked back at the new Chief Science Officer then over to Chief Loring, “Let’s meet here tomorrow at 0830 hours and I’ll tell McKinley to have their team beam over at 0900.”

Anthony confirmed with a nod, "Understood."

Mike then walked over to Pike and motioned Harrison and Delair to join them. “Once we’re in orbit, Doctor Mclintock will beam Marc and Emma down with Janice, Christopher, and Becca. Once the ship is secure, K’Wor and I will also beam down. I’d like the two of you,” He looked at Pike and Harrison, “to serve as Honor Guard please.” He then looked at Delair, “Counselor, I’m…going to need you close. I’m sure Janice will too.”

Lt. Delair followed as she was beckoned, stopping at the Admiral's side. She nodded as he gave orders to the others and herself. "Aye sir."

Lee looked over and Admiral Bremer and nodded:"It will be an honor sir."

Alex glanced over at Pike, then looked at Bremer, "For me too."

Mike then walked over to Tactical, “Ensign Brody, I want you to meet me tomorrow morning at 0800 here, and accompany me to Starfleet Command. Counselor, I want you to come along too.” Mike didn’t go into any detail. He knew there would be no trouble, but it couldn’t hurt to have a couple members of his Staff along.

"Yes, Admiral." Brody was not unaccustomed to accompanying Senior Staff members on away missions, but there was typically a specific hazard or mission uncertainty at play. What possible danger would Starfleet Command have to offer? Brody realized it was likely the Admiral's prerogative and that he would just be 'along for the ride'. He turned towards Delair and raised his eyebrows with piqued interest.

"Yes Admiral." she responded to the CO. Ensign Brody's glance was not lost on Anandra, who simply met his gaze with a friendly smile. "Ensign." she greeted with a tilt of her head.

Brody dropped his brow, pulled down on his uniform jacket and solidified his position of attention. "Lieutenant." Until he was able to feel out his fellow crew, formality would have to rule the day. He waited for the Admiral to be out of earshot before leaning towards Delair. " I bring my phaser, ma'am?", he whispered. Brody knew his lack of diplomatic experience had just become apparent, but he wanted to put his best foot forward.

"I don't think that will be necessary." She said, laughing softly as she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Relax, you don't have to stand at attention for me. Anandra Delair." She offered a hand.

Brody shook the Lieutenant's hand, "Thank you, ma'...". He paused. "Sorry, Lieutenant. Nice to meet you. David Brody, but everyone just calls me Brody." He found himself shaking Delair's hand a little too long and attempted to covertly release. "See you in the morning then."

"Good to meet you Brody." she said as she released his hand. "I'll see you at 0800." she flashed a smile and gave a small wave as she parted ways. She moved toward the Admiral, stopping at a distance where she wouldn't be eavesdropping on his conversation, and she turned her attention to Earth on the viewscreen. It was just as beautiful as it had been when last she left it's orbit.

Mike looked back at Harrison and Pike, “Don’t ask to come too, you two need a break and a little personal time.” Mike flashed a smile.

He gave him a half smile:"Yes sir, we have some people to go visit and inform them of some news."

Alex added with a smile, "Which should be a very interesting visit especially since I didn't tell them that were coming."

“We’ve been cleared to enter Earth orbit.” K’Temoc spoke up. A moment later, K’Wor returned to the Bridge. He’d stayed with the rest of the family for a while before coming back on duty. He took the Operations station back over as the USS Durga approached Earth.

Anthony found himself instinctively standing up as his eyes fixed onto his second home, Earth. Despite the heavy stellar traffic and countless number of orbital facilities, the beauty of Humanity's home shined through.

"Hello, beautiful." Anthony said with a smile.

Brody looked over and saw Ensign La Baron staring at the view screen. "Glad to be home?", he asked. It was an assumption that La Baron was from Earth, but Brody was fairly certain that this was the case based on his reaction to Earth's appearance.

The question poised by his fellow Ensign broke his fixation on Earth, "Hm? Oh yeah I'm glad to be home. I've only been gone for a few months, just enough to really start to miss it."

Mike looked back, listening to his crew. He too was happy to be back on Earth…he just wished it was under better circumstances.

“Chief, put us into a synchronous orbit above North America.”

The Durga passed by a Prometheus class ship and a Vesta class ship as they broke orbit, leaving the Sol system. A couple of other ships could also be seen in orbit…a Miranda, two Excelsior, a Galaxy, a Sovereign, a Defiant, and two Nebula. In the distance, a Diligent was entering Earth’s Spacedock while a Nova, Luna, and two Akira sat in drydocks in Earth orbit.

Once the ship was safely in orbit, Mike tapped his Comm-Badge, “Bremer to Mclintock, we’re in orbit Doctor.”

“Understand Admiral, we’re beaming down now.”

Mike closed the comm then looked over at K’Temoc who stood up and tapped the 1MC on the XO’s panel.

“Captain K’Temoc to all hands, we’ve arrived at Earth and shore leave is granted for all hands. Department Heads, instruct your sections on Shore Leave procedures, and departure time”

Mike looked back at Ensign Brody, “Ensign, assign a rotating ten man Security Detail to remain aboard the ship with rotations at 2100, 0700, and 1500. Have them report to the Officer of the Watch here on the Bridge when they come aboard.”

"Aye, Sir." Brody pulled up the Security roster on his display and began creating a schedule. Brody did his best to maximize shore leave for his team while keeping the Security Details fully staffed.

Mike then looked at everyone on the Bridge. “Enjoy your shore leave. Dismissed.” He flashed a quick smile as everyone stood and headed for the turbolift.

Bremer, K’Temoc, K’Wor, Pike, Delair, and Harrison remained on the Bridge as a Lieutenant entered. Mike didn’t recall the Officer’s name right away, but he knew he was a long time member of the Durga’s crew. He gave the Lieutenant a respectful nod, “The ship is yours.”

The Lieutenant returned the nod as three other officers entered the Bridge to maintain the watch. Bremer, K’Temoc, K’Wor, Pike, Delair, and Harrison headed for the turbolift, on their way to Transporter Room Two to beam down to Mike’s family home in South Carolina where Marc and Emmaline would be buried in the private family plot.



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