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Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2013 @ 11:29pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

689 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Kearsage - Main Bridge
Timeline: Concurrent with Rendevous with USS Buraq
Tags: Clifford


Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

Music Soundtrack: 117 - Track 12 - Halo IV

***** Main Bridge - USS Kearsarge *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi liked hot enviroments
as much as the rest of her family did which was not at
all, she truly hated them with an intense passion, she
was much more at home on Earth's most southern
continent of Antarctica or most of Andorians Northern

She could be found more at home wearing a heavy
jacket then as little as possible, she was forty years
old and the effects of three pregnancies were obvious to
herself and everyone around her.

She turned her mental energies back to the Gorn as she
considered the Federation's long running history with
them, one of them was able to impersonate Commodore
Travers who had been the commander of the starfleet
colony on Cestus III when it had been demolished by
the Gorn, it was only thianks to the intervention of the
USS Enterprise that we hadn't lost the planet, the resulting
encounter had been a test of another advanced race called
the Metrons who were testing the Federation and the Gorn
but Jim Kirk had refused to kill a incapacitated opponant,
when he used science as well as his raw intelligence and
quick thinking to disable his opponant rather then brute force.

This had impressed the Metron who teliported both Captain's
back to their respective ships and let them both go on their
way, there was something to be said for developing intellect
as well as brawn, it was something she had taught her children
and frankly she felt she had suceeded brilliantly.

Torilla sighed softly as she acessed the system to start another
long range scan of the surrounding sector but since the Gorn
were part of the Typhon pact, one could assume they had
cloaking technology so she requested a tachyon scan as part
of a series to detect cloaked ships, someone attacked the Buraq
and disabled her, they wanted her to be found and Torilla felt
like she was creeping across the hallway to escape her parents
notice as she snuck out of the house.

It was a feeling she hated.

It was a feeling that annoyed and offended her and for that, she
decided the Gorn needed to be found and their plan uncovered
but she also felt that she was missing something here, the answers
may be found over on the disabled USS Buraq, but then the Gorn
might have boobytrapped her to explode.

She haad heard of the Gorn Admiral who was commanding the
Typhon Pact Forces in this area, he was known for being cunning
and ruthless when needed and so far what she had seen thus far
was very sloppy work, it was obvious to her that it was a baited
trap and not Ssa`ssar's work as she had expected.

"but then the Gorn had the perfict don't they?" she
thought to herself as she watched the expected results come on
from the first scan which showed her little but space dust, the
planets in the system and the systems primary star, suffice to
say that she was concerned didn't do the term justice.

"I know you're out here, scaly.." she thought to herself.

A thought hit her as she considered what else the Gorn could
possibly want, maybe this attack wasn't done out of malice or
provocation but more rather it was out of desperation as it was
intended to bring a ship from Starbase 400 here, one of the ships
which could and would be refitted with Quantum Slipstream drive,
a tech the Typhon Pact had spent years chasing with no sucess.

She lifted an empity PADD as she began jotting down notes and once that was done, she caught the eye of an Ensign manning one of the aft stations as she waved himover, with that done she walked over to Clifford. "Captain, no sign of Gorn activity but I am concerned..." and with that she handed him the PADD eith her thoughts and theories on it.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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