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Approching Earth

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 7:01pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

227 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Durga, Bridge
Timeline: Two Hours after 'The Hired Gun'


Mike had remained in Sick Bay for over two hours with his family before returning to the Bridge. When the turbolift doors opened, Mike stood there for a moment, watching the crew go about their jobs. He also watched the blue swirl of the Slipstream tunnel on the viewer for a moment before walking over to look over the Engineering console.

Slipstream had been stable, for the most part. A few unexpected anomalies had appeared, but had been corrected without much work. Still, the Admiral knew that it meant the ship needed a little fine tuning.

He walked over to the Command Chair as K’Temoc stood up. “Once we arrive at Earth, request an Engineering Team from McKinley Station or even Utopia Planitia come aboard and go over the Slipstream systems.

K’Temoc nodded, “Will do.”

“I also plan to extend shore leave to the crew, but we’re only going to be at Earth two days before returning home.” Mike added.

It wasn’t a very long time, but at least everyone that wanted to beam down to Earth could, and would have some time to enjoy it.

“We’re still about ninety minutes out. I’ll get a word out to the crew once we’re within the Sol system.” K’Temoc replied with a smile as both men took their seats.



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