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Where Everybody Knows Your Name Pt2

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 8:54pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Fleet Admiral William Toddman & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar & Admiral Nicholas Watson & Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Vice Admiral William Bello & Rear Admiral Benjamin Sisko & Sa G`Tar Son of Drog & Sa Klag Son of M'Raq & Admiral Velal & Legate Aman Evek & Gavoshak Rolf Xanker

1,492 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD6, Evening


Mike was the first to arrive at Holodeck Four aboard the Pegasus. More than twenty-five VIPs were close behind him. All of them high ranking members of the different Alliance members’ defense forces. No politicians, no diplomats, just commanders and field commanders that were ‘out there’ doing the work of defending the Alliance. He tapped in a few commands on the holodeck’s control panel then reset the program so the minor changes could take affect.

When they arrived aboard the Pegasus, Mike had treated them all to an authentic meal from Earth’s southern United States. Fried chicken, barbeque, rice and hash, collards, stewed tomatoes, baked chicken, shrimp fixed five different ways, fried catfish, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, cream corn, green beans, cornbread, deviled eggs, slaw, pickles, banana pudding, peach cobbler, sweat tea, and more.

The meal was a hit, even for those that had never tasted ‘southern cookin’ before. Not much talking occurred during the meal, besides simple small talk.

After, Mike led everyone from the Reception Hall to Holodeck Four. Both being on deck eleven made it easy.

Entering, everyone was treated to ‘Cheers’ in all its glory. A few ‘people’ were already there, aside from the regulars.

“Welcome everyone, feel free to have a seat. There’s also a pool table in the back.” Sam said from behind the bar.

The group filled in and started to look around. Some looked over the pictures that lined the walls, a few went to the back room to see what a ‘pool table’ was. Several took seats at tables and a few others sat at the bar.

Diane walked up to a table where G`Tar and Klag were sitting. “And what would you gentleman like to drink?” She smiled.

“What do you have?” Klag asked.

Diane stated to name drinks but G’Tar cut her off, “Bloodwine!”

Diane made a face at the sound of ‘bloodwine’. “Wouldn’t you rather have a nice glass of white wine….”

“No!” G’Tar replied.

“Diane, are these guys giving you trouble?” Carla asked.

Diane tried to whisper, “They want to drink blood.”

“You just can’t handle them.” Carla replied to Diane, then she looked at the Klingons and raised her voice, “What do you want?”

“We told that petaQ we wanted Bloodwine, and she didn’t bring it. Do we have to get our drinks ourselves?” Klag replied.

“Sit down and shut up and I’ll bring it in a minute.” Carla replied.

G’Tar and Klag glanced at each other, then started to laugh. “I like this one.” G’Tar replied as Carla walked to the bar, smirking at Diane.

“Afternoon everybody.”

“Norm!” The bar regulars replied while everyone Mike brought just looked around confused.

Norm walked through the door and glanced around at everyone, “Free beer tonight Sam?”

“No, Mike brought them all in.” Sam replied.

“Oh, I wasn’t asking why they were here, I was asking if you’ll give me free beer tonight.” Norm replied as he took a seat on his usual stool.

“Mister Peterson, you’re wife called.” Woody handed him a note.

Norm looked it over, “I’ll be back for that free beer Sam.” He got up and left.

Sitting at a table along the back wall, Mike took a sip of his drink, a Sam Adams Boston Lager. Janeway, Chakotay, and Paxim were also at the table.

“Tom Paris had a holoprogram like this aboard Voyager.” Janeway commented.

“He still does, but it hasn’t been used in while.” Chakotay added. "Voyager will be heading back to the Talaxian colony tomorrow so maybe it'll get a little use again."

“Is this an actual…um, pub?” Paxim asked.

“Yes and no.” Mike replied. “There is a bar in Boston on Earth named Cheers, but this version is based more on the television show of the same name more so than the real place. We added the program during the Dominion war when R&R was few and far between and it was a hit. We uploaded a back up of the program aboard the Pegasus-B after the Pegasus-A’s loss just after the war.”

"G'afternoon everybody!" Norm said as he walked back in.

"Norm!" The regulars replied.

"Norm..." A few of the real people replied too.

"Hey Normy, Vera just called again. She said the new lock you put on the door won't unlock and she can't get in the house." Coach told him.

"Okay? What's the problem?" Norm replied with a chuckle.

"Norman, you better go help her." Diane told him.

"All right. Sammy I haven't forgot that free beer." Norm said as he walked back to the door.

Sam just smiled as he handed Diane a tray with drinks.

"What's that?" Diane asked looking at two glasses.

"Bloodwine." Sam replied.

Diane made a face as if she was going to be sick and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey Sam, is Romulan Ale the blue stuff or the green?" Woody asked.

As time went on, what Mike hoped would happen happened. Klingons started sitting and drinking with Romulans. C’hakilians with Federation members, Cardassians with Klingons and C’hakilians, Romulans with Federation members and Cardassians, and even Damon Gros, the lone Ferengi, mingled with Klingons and Romulans. Convocations ranged from Alliance defense to the Typhon Pact, from different drinks to try to things they enjoyed about the Cultural Exchange.

“Evenin’ everybody.” Norm said as he walked back through the door.

This time, everyone turned and replied, “Norm!”

“This was a good idea Mister Bremer.” Fleet Admiral Akar, Starfleet’s CnC said to Mike as he finished a drink. "That was an excellent beverage, what did he call it, a 'Black Jack'?"

“Thank you sir.” Mike replied.

At the bar, Cliff had the attention of Free Romulan Admiral Velal, Leget Evek, Gavosak Xanker, Klag Sa’, General Fultian-Bremer, and Captains Dax and Ro. “It’s a little known fact that the smartest animal is the uh a pig. Scientists say if pigs had thumbs and uh a language, they could be trained to do simple manual labor. They give you twenty to thirty years of loyal service and uh then at their retirement dinner you, uh, you can eat them.”

Ro, Dax, and Janice glanced at each other, rolled their eyes and walked away.

"So, do Earth pigs have that ability Cliff?" Xanker asked. "We don't have the on C’hakilia."

Elsewhere in the bar, Mike heard someone say “Fleet Admiral Bremer.”

Mike turned around to see Garek and Sisko behind him. “Leget Garek. What do you think of Cheers?”

“A quant little pub.” Garek replied as he looked around for a moment. “Rear Admiral Sisko and I have been talking, and we want to thank you for this evening. While the Exchange seems to have been a success, this evening has brought about more enjoyment between the leaderships of our respective military and defense forces than the previous six days.”

“The Exchange accomplished its goal,” Sisko started, “allowing the common person to see and experience what the other members of the Alliance have to offer. Building a stronger bond and helping to show we’re not all that different after all.”

“But this evening, was productive. After talking with Generals G’Tar and Klag, we’ve worked out an exchange program between the Klingons and Cardassians. The Seventh Order will travel to Klingon space train with the Third Klingon Fleet while elements of the Fifth Klingon Fleet will travel to Cardassian space to train with the Twelfth Order.” Garek replied.

“And the Sixth Fleet with send a task force to C’hakilian territory to train with their Third Legion. The Free Romulans will also be sending task forces to train with the Klingons, C’hakilians, and Cardassians soon too.” Sisko added.

Sisko patted Mike on the shoulder as he and Garek walked off to join in a convocation with Janeway, Toddman, Gros, G’Tar, and Velal.

Mike walked up to the bar and took a seat at the same corner as Norm. Sam and Coach were standing there cleaning some glasses.

“Well, this seemed like a hit.” Sam said with a smile.

“And he should know, enough people got hits off of Sammy in the majors.” Coach replied.

“Coach?!” Sam replied as Norm shook his head.

“What?” Coached asked seemingly confused.

“Thank you for being a good host Sam. I know some of these people can be a little, trying at times.” Mike said.

“Yeah, Diane is still in my office freaked out over ‘bloodwine’.” Sam replied laughing.

“Yeah, wasn’t a coincidence we had some of that, some Romulan Ale, Kanar, and a few other drinks come in today. I’d never even heard of some of that stuff.” Coach said shrugging his shoulders.

“Wanna beer?” Norm asked.

“No, but I will take a coffee.” Mike replied.

“No, I mean I wanna beer.” Norm held up his empty glass.



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