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After a Long Day

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2019 @ 7:53pm by

700 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Quarters
Timeline: MD06 2100 hours


Kalani groaned as she looked at the time. It was 2100 hours. She’d spent the last three hours negotiating with the museum for some artifacts to take back to the station. She loved her work as an Alien Archaeologist / Anthropologist. The conference here on Cardassia had been great and she’d caught some lectures managing to slip in shortly after start.

She stood out, that was for sure. She was used to getting looks and being underestimated by both genders. Finally the Archaeological Council of Cardassia had relented. She was going to pick up the artifacts and it would be transferred to the Sutherland for transport. She was stationed on the Pegasus, of course, but the cargo bays were better equipped on the Sutherland

She dropped to the sofa and sighed slipping off her shoes. Smiling she got back up and hurried to the replicator. “Computer I would like some Betazoid Hot Chocolate please.”

She watched the cup shimmer into existence with anticipation. Grinning from ear to ear she snatched the cup and went back to the sofa. Fluffing the pillows and covering herself with a shawl she picked up the hot chocolate cup from its resting place on the coffee table and took a sip closing her eyes to feel the full effect of the magic elixir.

Placing the cup back on the table she picked up her book and flipped to the page where she’d last left it. It was a mystery with and Andorian detective who was looking for the sacred crown of Andor. A fast paced book with lots of action and mysteries for the reader to solve.

For the first time in a long time Kalani was content. She hadn’t bothered to unpack at the station. She’d headed to work on the first day and explored the station after work it had been a dream. She’d heard a lot about the Star Base but being there was the best thing she ever experienced. It was huge! There were holodecks and swimming pools and restaurants with all sorts of food. She’d even headed to the spa a couple of times.

Flipping to the next page she inserted her book mark and rested the book on her lap while she sipped her drink. Her life had changes so much since her liberation from the Syndicate. She had been grateful for it all, good and bad times. She still had some dirty looks tossed her way but she understood it. The women thought she was just there to steel their men and the men leered. She hadn’t thought that Starfleet would be easy but she had hoped for more friends.

She shook her head not wanting to go through the thoughts where she questioned if she was good enough.

Putting aside her cup again she picked up her book and then placed it on the table. She stood walking over to the window and looking out at the stars. At times like this she missed Commander West and his wife. They had been so kind to her. She had spoken with them before leaving the station but not since and she was used to speaking with them daily.

She smiled at the stars and said a thank you to whatever Divine force had given her so many blessings in the last few years, this year in particular. She was in her dream job, she was living at her dream location, she was free, and she had so so many things to be grateful for.

She sighed and decided that it was time for bed. She needed to rest. It had been a long six days on Cardassia.

Kalani quickly showered and changed into her extra-long and extra big Academy t-shirt and slipped under the cool crisp sheets. She smiled as she laid her head on the pillow. This was heaven. Pure bliss. Tomorrow she’d get her medical done after picking up the artifacts and maybe she’d see the counselor for her onboarding. She would also, maybe, take a tour of the Pegasus. She smiled again as she slipped into a restful sleep.



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