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Revelations - Part 2

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2019 @ 12:40pm by Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

1,967 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Pegasus/Cardassia
Timeline: MD6 2100 Hours


Splendora had seen Lai'lira's body to the Essex and T'Lar. She had then returned to the Pegasus to shower and change for the evening. Again she looked through her clothing but nothing seemed to fit her. She sighed and once again replicated an outfit. A tight fitting black dress with lace that reached mid thigh and knee high black booths with a six inch heal. She tied her hair up letting a few strands fall and curl around her face. A dollop of red lipstick completed her outfit. Finally happy with the way she looked she headed to dinner. It didn't take her long to reach Tom's quarters, he was just down the hall. Standing outside she took a breath and rang the chime.

The door opened and Tom stepped out. He had on an old Earth 'zoot suit', complete with a white shirt, dark grey pants, jacket and hat. The tie was a bright red to give a color splash. "What's cookin toots?" He asked with a smirk.

Splendora laughed. "Ready for dinner? Are we eating here or on Cardassia?" She slipped her arm in his.

"There's a few restaurants still open on the planet, we can go down there. Do you want a sit down meal or just eat something on the go...walk around and watch the closing ceremonies? Tom asked.

"Let's walk around. I'm curious about Cardassian fast food," she said as they made their way to the transporter room. "Maybe we can grab a ....what do they call it on Earth? A night hat after?"

Tom smirked, "A night cap." He tried not to laugh. "As long as it's not Kanar or Fish Juice."

Once they arrived on the planet, they were supposed to see several vendors still open. A Bajorian man selling Jumja sticks and groatcakes. A Human with 'corn on a stick' and 'beef on a stick'. A Romulan selling Tree candy, Lehe'jhme, and meatrolls. Another Human selling eggrolls. A Klingon selling Krada legs. A Cardassian selling Larish pie, Zabu stew, Zabo steak with Yamok sauce. And there were others down the line.

"What's your pleasure?" Tom asked.

Splendora looked around. Most of the things looked good enough to lock away and never bring out again. "I'll go with the Romulan meatrolls. I'm used to those. My adopted mother or guardian, whatever you would call her really made those well." She looked at Tom. "How about you?"

"I'll just get a Chinese eggroll and green tea to drink. Yes, I know, it's not Italian, but there isn't much Italian you could call 'finger food'." He laughed. "Now, if we find pizza I might have to get a slice."

She looked at him...."What is a pizza?...was that not a landmark in Italy, old Earth?" She rolled her hand, "Aaaa,, tower, yes a tower of pizza."

Tom shook his head, "That's the Leaning Tower of Pisa, in Pisa Italy." Tom laughed. "Pizza is like a thin pie with tomato or marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, sometimes pepperoni baked. There are other varieties, but that's the classic."

"Alright. You will make pizza for me one day." She smiled. They walked with their food for a while eating and feeling a very easy silence with one another. It was Splendora who broke it. "Tom something you said earlier today. We need to be honest with one another. I want that. I want you to feel like you can ask me anything and I you. Let's really talk."

Tom took a sip of his tea, it was getting cold so he finished it and tossed the cup in a trashcan. "Alright, good." He took the last bite of his eggroll, then regretted finishing his drink first. "Hold on."

He looked around for a moment, then saw 'Gino's' stand still open. He smiled at Splendora as they walked over. Gino was an old Italian from Earth. He was approaching eighty and had been a chef since he was in his teens. Tom had met him one and learned a few tricks from him.

"Papa Gino!" Tom said.

"Ah, Tommy, you ol' son of a bitch....oh excuse me ma'am." Gino smiled and bowed. "Why you no come see me before now Tommy?"

"I'm sorry, things have been rather busy since we arrived. I promise to come see you on Earth, soon." Tom replied.

"You better or I'll busta your chops!" He held up a fist as he smiled. "I was just about to close, all out of food."

"Do you have any wine left?" Tom asked.

Gino smiled, held up a finger and walked away. He came back a moment later, "Here, I have a bottle made from my own Primitivo." He handed Tom the bottle and two glasses. "When you come to Earth you bring me a bottle, and this lovely lady to help me enjoy it." He smiled again.

Tom smiled back, "Thank you Papa Gino. Addio."

Gino smiled as Tom and Splendora walked away. "I didn't introduce you, because then we've been there talking with him all night, he wouldn't let you leave. Tom said with a smile as he poured the glasses. "So, what's on your mind?"

She smiled sitting at the little table and accepting a glass of wine. "Can you tell me about the Gomor Incident. Vito mentioned I should ask you about that...that it would help me understand you a bit better."

Tom paused when she mentioned Gomor Incident. 'Damn you Vito' he thought. He face when expressionless as he thought back. "We um...we should have a seat." Tom managed to say, he voice cracking.

Once they sat, Tom took a big drink of wine. "Eleven years ago, I was assigned to the USS George Washington. She's a Galaxy Refit like the Pegasus. Admiral Zarek Dragon was her CO, Commander Paul MacLeod her XO. We had been a part of the Cardassia Occupation Force a while and had been pulled back to Federation space to patrol the border and do crew rotations. I...I was engaged to a woman. Natasha Beck, she was a Lieutenant in the Science department. We intercepted a Cardassian Galor Class warship, the CUS Gomor, within Federation space. We ordered them to stand down and an away team beamed over. MacLeod, myself, Vito, Nat, and a handful of Security Officers. Nat was to download their sensor logs. While aboard, we cleared the Bridge. Only MacLeod, Nat, and the Cardassian Gul, Stor'k, remained. MacLeod and Stor'k got into a heated argument. When Vito and I forced the doors open, we saw MacLeod leaning over Nat's body. She was dead from a phaser wound. Gul Stor'k was also dead. We beamed out but it led to a brief battle between the Cardassian ship and George Washington. MacLeod was accused of killing the Cardassian Gul without reason, but he denied any wrong doing .The Cardassians were able to ‘prove’ intent based on MacLeod’s history with the Cardassians and Gul Stor’k in particular. MacLeod said Nat found something, Stor'k pulled a phaser and killed her and destroyed the tricorder she said before he was able to shoot Stor'k, but something isn't right with the whole event. I told MacLeod if I ever saw him again I'd kill him. I...I haven't let myself get close to a woman since Nat, until you came along." Tom took another drink of wine and looked off into the sunset for a moment.

As he spoke Splendora's eyes filled with tears. "Oh Tom I'm so sorry." She took his hand in hers. She could only guess what was going on his mind. "You blame yourself don't you?"

Tom's voice grew louder and deeper, "I blame that sorry son of a..." He paused, "Sure, maybe I could have stayed on the Bridge, but my job was to keep the rest of the crew out while their logs and database were scanned. MacLeod was to keep her safe but he couldn't put his personal feelings a side and had to provoke Stor'k, at least that's what the Cardassian internal sensors showed." Tom took another drink. "MacLeod was demoted to Lieutenant and transferred to the USS Manning but I heard he made it back up to Commander and XO of the USS New Hampshire. I hate that guy." Truth was, Tom and Mac had never gotten along well, they had butted heads on the GW, and Tom knew Mac wasn't solely responsible for the whole 'Gomor Incident', but he blamed him entirely for Nat's death.

"I can only imagine what you went through loosing her. It's hard," she said putting on her shrink hat. "We try to protect ourselves from the pain but are we truly? For the price of a pain free life we inflict other kinds of pain, loneliness, disconnect, anger." She cocked her head to the side. "Tell me about Nat."

Tom paused, it wasn't something he wanted to talk about. "She, she was warm, loving, helpful, caring. Full of life." He paused again and looked away.

"There's been too much loss this weekend, let's change the subject." Tom said. "Any plans when we get back to the station?"

She rubbed his back gently as he spoke. "Tom you need to let it out. You need to heal from her loss." A sad thought hit her but she would not voice it. "When you are ready to talk I am here. You know I am a counselor." She didn't say psychiatrist because humans were never fond of that term. "But okay, change the subject for now. I actually have a meeting with Nivar and then I have to order some spa items. My business has been thriving. We're hosting a Cardassian women's group for a week of ladies time so prepare for that and a few other things." She sipped her drink. "What about you?" She asked studying the swirling liquid in her glass.

Tom nodded. "Business was good this week. Once we get back I need to make sure Gabe didn't burn down the restaurant." He tried to laugh. "I have to contact Benar Trega, he's a Bolian that I have a business meeting with next week. I also have a cargo ship coming in from Earth next week with some fresh foods. I'll also be able to restock my wines, we've been running low for a while."

Tom stood up, there was fireworks going off in the distance with music. He reached out his hand, "Walk with me?"

She smiled, took his hand and then stood. "Lead away." She curled her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder as they walked. She looked at the fireworks. "It has been a long time since I have seen those. They are breathtaking."

They walked for a short distance, they should see a parade going by on a lower street while fireworks continued. "I never asked you before, you've hinted at it, but, why did you ever move to Starbase 400? Was it just to escape your family, or get as far away from the Cardassians as possible, or?"

She smiled, "Well actually I had just finished a herb-logy, naturopathy, sound and crystal therapy certificate course on Earth. Before that I did the Bridge course to renew my license to treat Starfleet personnel. I wanted a place to start over, to start my business. I heard someone talking about the Starbase and something said home." She watched the cascading sparks from the sky fall down to the planet. "I have pretty much been running all my life and I just needed a home and some stability so I came to the Starbase."

"Well, I'm glad you ran to the station, and stayed." Tom smiled. "And, I hope you're planning to stay for a long time."



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