Sa G`Tar Son of Drog

Name G`Tar Son of Drog

Position Klingon Area Commander

Rank Sa


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 2:01pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 53

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 279
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A large Klingon, with typical long hair and facial hair.


Spouse Darella, Daughter of Salla
Children Kranz, Son of G'Tar
Father Drog, Son of M'Rog
Mother Akalla, Daughter of Apala
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Long serving Klingon Warrior. Veteran of the Klingon/Cardassian, Klingon/Federation, and Dominion wars. G'Tar is a fierce warrior that demands respect. He isn't trusting, so it takes time to earn his trust and respect.
Languages Klingon, Federation Standard

Personal History Born on QonoS in 2338 to a respected house. From a young age he was taught military tactics and how to handle Klingon weapons.

In 2355 he joined the Klingon Defense Force.
Service Record In 2355 G'Tar joined the Klingon Defense Force. His first assignment was Assistant Gunner aboard the Bird of Prey IKS Araza.

In 2359 he transferred to the IKS Pagh as Operation Officer.

In 2365 he took over as Gunner aboard the IKS Pagh.

In 2370 he transferred to the IKS S'Ven as Executive Officer, rank of la'.

In 2373 he was promoted to Commanding Officer of the Vor'cha class Attackcruiser IKS Qu'Vat, rank of HoD.

In 2379 he was promoted to the rank of Sa'.

Today, G'Tar is still commanding the IKS Qu'Vat with the rank of Sa'.