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Open and Honest

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 7:06am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,133 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: Day 6 1800 hrs

Freya was sitting alone in hers & Kaden's quarters, she was due to meet Kaden for lunch but given how she'd seen Kaden react to her earlier that morning she couldn't face just turning up pretending all was okay. Getting up she took off her comm badge and left it on the table before walking out of their quarters and heading to somewhere...anywhere she could be alone. She wondered around thinking where to go before coming upon the arboretum, walking in she simply lost herself amongst the trees choosing the furthest away spot to stop and sit down behind a tree just to be alone.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Asked Kaden who was sitting on the bench next to the artificial pond not far from where Freya was. He had seen her come in and just watched her in silence till she took a seat in a secluded area near him. It seemed she was expecting to be alone for a while and he had just ruined that for her. “Sorry, I...know you want to be alone I guess I will leave you to it.” Kaden sat up and fixed his jacket he had been sitting there for a while anyway to gather his thoughts as best he be on his way.

Freya watched as her husband stood ready to leave. “You don’ me anymore do you?” She looked away from him and stared at the floor. “I’m just...spoilt now aren’t I? To you I’ve been tainted by another man!” She massaged her temples. Her abilities were being well and truly overrode by her own emotions.

Kaden stopped dead in his tracks before lowering his head and turning around to face her. "Freya, I never said that..." He sighed before walking over to her and sitting down beside her. "But I know what you are going to say, I may not have said that but actions say otherwise. Well, I am not going to lie I do still love you but I am angry...I am angry that a man...NO..a monster did unspeakable things to you violated you made you moan like some whore and I wasn't there to stop him!" Kaden pounded his fist into the grass just the thought alone angered him. "I am angry that he took the one thing I cared and hurt you." A tear rolled down his face just the thought alone broke his heart. "You was supposed to be mine...all and happy till we grew old together he took that away from me from us!"

Tears rolled down Freya’s face too as she looked up at him. “That’s just it speak about me like I’m you put it ‘whore’ do you have any idea how that feels?! It hurts!!” She wiped her face with her hand. “I tried to fight but when you’re pinned to the floor by someone whose behind you...” She shook her head. “I couldn’t get free!! He may have taken my body but I’ll be damned if he’ll take what’s left of me now!” She got to her feet. “I am stronger than this! I want to get through this but I need you to do that! I need to feel safe cuddled up in your arms whether it’s here or in bed. I can’t do it without you.”

Kaden turned to face Freya better. "I have been an ass, haven't I?" He wiped the tear away and sighed. "I have to admit, I am not handling this very well it is not every day you find out your life has been turned upside down cause the woman you love was..." Kaden trailed off clearly confused what to say or do. "Look, I have no I idea what to do or how to go about this but maybe," He wrapped his arm around Freya hoping she was not going to get angry for touching her. "I said earlier I was going to be here for you and I wasn't lying but how about I just hold you for a while if you are okay with that?"

Freya smiled and nodded as she wiped her eyes. "It's not you I'm afraid of" She cuddled up against him enjoying the feel if being safe in his embrace. "I'm not afraid of you touching me and making love to me, I just wish....I had some answers as to who it was who did this to me."

Kaden sat in silence for a moment not sure what to say but then it dawned on him. "Hey, you remember that day before we did the Betazoid wedding part of our marriage? Didn't we spend all day talking about that at a place similar to this?"

"Actually....I think we did" She smiled as she thought about their wedding day it was the happiest day of her life marrying the man she'd loved for a very long time. "We were talking about our list of places we'd either never made love or wanted to weren't we?"

“Yeah, but I know it was cause you was trying to keep my mind off of being nervous about being naked in front of people.” Kaden replied with a smile. “You know, I was glad your parents made sure it was a private ceremony and had a robe on hand in case I got scared but you helped me thru it. Despite the fights we had about it that you also wanted a traditional Betazoid wedding I never knew you and your family wanted to help me feel comfortable doing it.”

"I wouldn't have made you go through with the traditional wedding if you hadn't wanted to you know. I only argued so hard about it because I knew that's what my mum really wanted for me." She was starting to feel a little better for the time being. "Just promise me no matter what happens you'll never leave me!"

Kaden let out a long drawn sigh but pulled Freya closer to him deep down despite how he felt earlier about her in the end it was not really her fault and he should not of acted the way he did. But in truth Kaden was only lashing out at her cause the thought he failed her despite her assurances he did not he wasn’t able to ease his mind. He was angry that for a while she did take it out on him even though she was not aware of it till that moment he showed her. When it came down to it though in a small sense if he was in her shoes he probably feel the same way. “I am not going to leave you, I admit this is very hard for me to accept but in the end why do I want to throw away everything we built together in this relationship even our marriage.”

Freya gently wrapped her arms around him as she cuddled up against him. "Whey don't you speak to Ariana? She's the one Counsellor you really don't mind talking to. I'm going to speak to Lieutenant Rol, I don't want to put too much on Ariana while she's recouperating."

Kaden looked at his wife feeling a bit nervous of the idea last time she was his counselor she was not, expecting. “Uh, do you think she is...okay in being my counselor in her current condition?” He asked.

"I don't see why not" Freya offered a smile. "Just ask her and see." She cuddled up enjoying the feel of being held safe in her husband's arms. "Kaden can we go back to our quarters? I'd like to spend some time cuddled up in bed with you."

Kaden raised an eyebrow seemed Freya had something more than just cuddling on the mind. “Why, if I didn’t know any better I would think you had something else in mind being it may not require clothing, my dear.” He could only grin.

Freya grinned. "Perhaps but I'd be just as happy being wrapped up in your arms."

Kaden rolled on top Freya with a big smile as he pinned her hands against the grass and planted a long passionate kiss on her. “I love you...and I am sorry for how I acted.” He told her.

Freya smiled as she looked into his eyes. “I love you too Kaden....and I understand.”

Kaden let go of her hands and instead interlaced his fingers with hers giving her another kiss. “Frey, why are you so good to a big oaf like me?” He asked even though he knew the answer and asked that question time to time he just loved hearing those sweet words from her it made him feel good knowing she loved him no matter what.

"For starters you're not a big oaf and because I love you!" She gave him a loving kiss. "All I ever wanted was to be married to you, I don't want anything to change that, or us."

Kaden rolled again holding onto Freya where she now was on top of him running his index finger down her zipper to her uniform jacket before placing his hand on her belly. “Nothing will I admit this is hard for me but I promise I am not going to leave you. Not when I want you to mother our children if you can still have children.” He sat up a little a bit concerned. “Can you still?”

Freya smiled as she lay on the grass looking up at him. “Yes I can. That was one of my first questions to Doctor Corrigan when she ran the tests I asked her to do. She saw no reason why I wouldn’t be able to carry to full term.” She looked at Kaden curiously. “You want us to have children?”

“Of course I do, just...I hope I can stop being a chicken about it and get my batter in the oven if you know I mean before you leave me.” Kaden replied.

Freya grinned. “Batter in the oven huh? I can just imagine you buying me one of those old Earth t-shirts that says bun in the oven for me to wear!” She smiled as she gently touched his face. “I have no plans to leave you Imzadi. You are my one and only love, my husband and I intend to keep my vows til death do us part remember?” She gave him another romantic kiss. “As for that baby....I’m happy to try for a family whenever you are.”

Kaden pictured Freya in a bun in the oven tee shirt and couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, Freya, sure know how make me laugh at times,” He gave her a kiss on the lips and held her closer to his chest. He was actually enjoying staying there on the grass cuddling with her than going back to their quarters. “I still need time you know, this is a big decision I have to make know if anything ever happened to where I was shooting blanks or your uh, oven was faulty I am not afraid to adopt.”

"I don't want to adopt..." Freya looked at Kaden. "I want to feel our baby growing inside me, I want to experience the whole thing knowing I'm making you a father." She smiled. "Fair enough if we couldn't then I'd consider it but it wouldn't be the same!"

Kaden ran his fingers thru Freya’s hair he could understand her desire to want to carry their love child he wanted that too. But he also was the type that wasn’t afraid of adopting a child either cause however Freya’s reaction to the idea was shocking. “Wait, so...if I was unable to make you a mother and we adopted you wouldn’t love the child as if it was your own?”

"What kind of question is that?!" Freya looked at Kaden in surprise. "Of course I would!!" She was surprised he'd ask such a thing. "I was just....I'm sorry I guess that did come out wrong didn't it?"

“Don’t worry about it, seems we both are doing and saying the wrong things it seems.” Kaden said as he got to his feet and offered his hand to Freya up to hers. “Tell you what, all this talking got me hungry wanna go have some grub together?” He asked.

“Sure why not” Freya smiled as she took Kaden’s hand to get to her feet. “Let’s just enjoy each other’s company and forget everything else exists, at least for now. With that they headed on their way.


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