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Medical Emergency - Part 2

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2019 @ 1:31pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

3,294 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime, Medical Facility, Emergency Ward
Timeline: MD04 - Shourtly after Med Emergency Part 1


With Bremer notified Ariana hung back to see what was happening with Freya, she knew if it was Rigelian Fever hanging around probably wasn't recommended but they were good friends and she'd need to let Kaden know if Freya was kept in quarantine.

Freya had waited for everyone to depart before taking a seat, keeping her distance from Ariana just incase. Right now she was more scared than anything else. "Sorry Doctor" She looked at Hades. "I'm probably just freaking out over nothing!"

Hades smiled, "I will look you over." He pulled out a tricorder and began scanning her. He smiled, "I have good news. You have Vulcan flu. Not dangerous just annoying like much of my kind." He gave a wink and a smile.

Freya sighed and smiled. "That's good news! I'm sorry I freaked out, I was more worried about infecting you." She looked at Ariana.

Ariana walked over to her friend placing her hand on her shoulder. "That's okay Frey it's a worry knowing Rigelian Fever is on the loose here but at least you know what it is now. If memory serves Vulcan Flu can be nasty in non Vulcans if not properly looked after so I'd suggest you go back to the Pegasus and put your feet up. Take what time you need we'll manage without you."

Freya nodded. "Just my luck to get Flu!" She offered a smile but glanced at Ariana before looking back at Hades. "Thank you Doctor."

He gave a nod. "Rest up." He watched Freya go. "Counselor I have a request of you."

"What can I do?" Ariana looked at Hades as she leant against one of the chairs.

Hades took a PADD and typed something in. He handed it to her. "If anything should happen to me this is the code to my quarters. There you will find instructions and my sister's contact information."

"Doctor..." Ariana paused and took the PADD. "I'll abide by your wishes. Just don't go getting yourself infected okay?" She gently placed her hand on Hades arm. "I want you there to deliver my baby you hear me?"

He smiled, "I shall make it my goal. We'll all be in protective clothing but...." He sighed, "This will sound rather strange. I have been having some of late."

Ariana took a seat at the conference table and motioned for Hades to do the same. "Tell me about these dreams."

He smiled, "Now is not the time but we will talk." He turned to go. "Stay well away from Cardassia for now. As soon as the medical supplies are in have the EMH give you a shot just in case."

"Okay I will I promise." She stood feeling like she needed to say so much more. "If it wasn't for my baby I'd be staying right here with you but as you said I can't risk it." She held his PADD "I'll keep this safe for you until you get back."

He gave a nod. Much appreciated.

"Just make sure you all take care okay?" She smiled. "We want you all back fit and...and..." She held up her hand as she covered her mouth to sneeze. "Wow! excuse me! I was going to say healthy!" She grinned. "I'm hoping that's just an itchy nose and not Freya's Vulcan flu."

Hades looked at her with some concern. "I'll have one of the Cardassian doctors check you out. He turned and headed to the ER where he would meet the rest of the crew.

Cardassian Emergency Room

Ariana had coordinated everything she needed to do for now, feeling decidedly flu like she decided to save the Cardassian doctor a trip to see her. With Rigelian Fever loose it was better she go to the emergency room and see them. By the time she got there she was beginning to wonder about the speed of her own symptoms, she wasn’t surprised when she was moved into immediate isolation for tests she expected nothing less. The look on the doctor’s face as he reappeared a few minutes later said it all, the next people she would see would be her own but this time she was on the opposite side of the fence, as a patient.

"If I remember correctly, Doctor Hades wanted you back on the ship," Doctor Corrigan commented as she approached, offering the counsellor a reassuring smile. Even without her troubled history, no expectant mother wanted a complication like this.

Her blue eyes swept across the monitors, completing a brief check on the monitors positioned around the bed. Together they provided detailed vital signs for both the counselor and her unborn child. "And I have an excellent memory... how are you feeling?"

"I could lie and say okay" Ariana smiled. "But to be perfectly honest...I feel like I caught the universe's worst case of flu ever! I think you could probably use me to fry eggs on right about now. She grinned before her smile faded. She was afraid and she wasn't going to hide it.

"Doctor Hades will be here in a second. He was speaking to the doctor who admitted you and then he'll be over. I just know it can be... daunting and a little scary to be by yourself. And I wanted to make sure they had looked after you properly."

"I can't fault the doctor I saw" She brushed a piece of her hair, which was damp with perspiration, out of her eyes. "He did his best to be...reassuring but we both know this isn't good." She looked pleadingly at Carolyn. "If it comes to it, save my baby...Please."

"Hey," Carolyn interjected sternly, moving to the unit beside the bed and pouring a glass of water, "no talk like that. We will take good care of both of you and we will have the supplies we need soon. Drink this, try to stay as hydrated as possible. We brought some of our own medicine through, so we can give you something to reduce the fever that will be safe for the baby -"

Behind her, someone cleared their throat, announcing that they had company. Cursing the suit she had to wear, Carolyn turned to find one of the Cardassian medical technicians standing a short distance away. "Doctor Kyren asked me to come and find you, your Ensign Hayman is demonstrating signs of respiratory distress - "

"I'm sorry, I have to go. But I'll come check on you soon, I promise," Carolyn promised as she turned back to Ariana. "If you need anything, just yell."

“I will” Ariana nodded. “Thank you.” She sipped the water Carolyn had given her as she nodded it was okay for Carolyn to leave.

Without another word, Carolyn turned away, breaking into a run to catch up with the technician as the sound of alarms drifted through the air. She caught Hades eyes and waved away the offer of help she could all but read in his expression. From what she had observed, the counsellor was his friend and she and her baby needed expert care. Something he could easily provide.

Ariana could hear the sounds of monitors alarms going off, she reached to put down her glass of water her eyes looking at the monitors that were reading hers & her baby’s life signs. She had to wonder how long it would be before her own alarms were ringing out, her own symptoms had gone from nothing to a fever in a very short space of time and that fact alone scared her.

Hades had finished his conversation which had been brief and to the point. He sighed and shook his head. Could this get any worse? The moment he thought it he chastised himself.

Looking across at Hades Ariana gave a smile “Hey Doc” She lay her head back on the biobed, she felt tired but too hot to comfortably sleep. “I guess it’s a good job I didn’t get back to the ship. I’m sorry I guess I’m making your job more complicated aren’t I?” Her smile faded a little. “I told Doctor Corrigan if it comes to it you do what you can to save my baby....please!”

He sighed, there was no point, she knew. "It will not come to that. You are still early stages and I want to keep you safe. "I have secured a private room and you will be tended to all the time, a Cardassian nurse but it's the best I could do." He motioned for her to follow him. When the reached the blocked off area one of the guards gave him a mood suit. He refused. "El Aurian's are immune to the fever." He opened the door and stepped in. "Let's get you settled."

Following him into the room Ariana looked at him concernedly. “You can’t be sure you’re immune to this Hades! You could get infected!” She knew that wasn’t going to make much difference now. “How long before I go to stage 2?”

He could lie but... "Usually within twelve hours but...then everyone is different and In your condition probably a couple days." He knew that the baby would take a lot of it. He had to focus on keeping the child safe.

“I’ve read what can happen to Betazoids that are infected” She frowned. “I know neural pathway degradation can destroy a Betazoid’s abilities.” She looked at Hades for answers. “Will it affect my baby too?”

And there it was. The question he'd hoped to avoid. "Possibly. Probably. I will do all I can. Stress will not help." They arrived at the room and a Cardassian nurse walked in. She gave a nod to Hades. He was glad it was Girrala. He'd met her and she had a care for her patients that was unmatched. "Please help Ariana into bed. Start her on fluids and only ten CCs of Vedamine." He turned to Ariana. "All will be well," then he turned back to the Nurse in the decon suit. "Take care of her. I have to make sure my people are suited up."

He walked out to see through the glass that Braxton and Rol were suiting up. He gave a nod to them and waited for them to enter the secure area.

Ariana got herself settled with her nurse’s help, soon she was settled on a biobed complete with monitors but this time she couldn’t see what the monitors were reading. Probably to stop her worrying.” She offered a smile to the nurse as she was passed some water to drink. Now all she could do was wait.

Now stabilised, Carolyn left the Cardassian medic with a clear set of instructions as she went to find the others. Ensign Hayman's condition was indeed deteriorating, in part as he was already begining to show signs of stage two when he was admitted. He cut a poor, lonely and frail figure as he lay in the bed.

Offering a nod by way of greeting to Braxton and Rol, she glanced at Hades. "This is chaotic, we need to triage and organise."

"I agree." He said. The Cardassians needed to give them leeway but... "What did you have in mind?"

"Dr Ivkan is one of the senior medics, she is finalising the transfer of one last patient and then we can also ustilise the high dependency unit. It can be completely isolated from the rest of the facility and there is a staff corridor linking it to the emergency room, so any patients can be moved that way without having to risk entering the main hospital," Carolyn told them. "Fully staffed, it can treat sixty patients. It would be more appropriate to treat patients in the Stage 2 and Stage 3 in an ICU than here and it would give space in here. People are crammed in to waiting areas, it is just making it harder for ourselves..."

"That's a great play but will the Cardassians give us control? They are....very particular about how things are run."

"True," Carolyn conceeded. "But right now, they definately need us. Ivkan certainly has no objections and they were moving them as a precaution anyway. But you are correct, those in command of this facility might. What do you suggest?"

Hades smiled a little, "Enestazine gas and a pirate take over?"

"Always the diplomat," Carolyn laughed, shaking her head.

Sometime Later

Ariana was resting, her nurse had been extremely diligent in her care following a Hades orders to the letter, but she was concerned. The counsellor’s fever was still climbing, steadily. Having been out of Ariana’s room checking on other patients she returned to the room to find Ariana sleeping but her breathing was becoming a concern.

“Doctors!” Giralla appeared alongside Hades and Corrigan. “I think someone should come and see Counsellor Monroe.” She started walking back towards the room waiting only long enough for someone to join her. “Her fever is still climbing and I’m worried about her breathing as well.”

Hades sighed, "Its too be expected. Get some oxygen started and a mask." He said.

“Our doctors here on Cardassia are taught that Pregnancy leaves the mother wide open to illness as all the body’s Systems are required to grow and nourish the child within.” Giralla sighed. “In cases of such severe illness the mother is left the weaker of the two. Yet her body sustains the child within.”

Hades turned to Carolyn. "Can you please check on her. There is a Cardassian medication we learned about....Theropzine. Can you please give her five CCs."

"Of course," Carolyn nodded as she headed towards the counsellor's room, pausing by the treatment room to collect what she needed. Approaching the room, she chapped lightly on the door before entering, "just me."

Ariana offered a weary smile as Carolyn walked in. "Sorry if I'm...being a concern." She offered a smile to the nurse as well. "I'm a little...short of breath."

"Doctor Hades believes this will help," Carolyn assured her as she administered the Theropzine. "Don't worry, I checked all the contra indications just to be sure, it is perfectly safe for the baby and will help with your symptoms. We are also going with some old school oxygen too, just to help you breathe a little easier. Give me a second to set it up. I warn you, it comes with an incredibly attractive mask."

"In that can I refuse!" Ariana grinned.

"Much better," Carolyn observed, referring to the sudden smile. With care she moved the mask into position, spending a few moments adjusting the oxygen ratios to make sure it was indeed making a difference. "Okay... your sats are coming back up nicely, so we will keep pushing the O2. If you feel breathing is becoming too much effort, we can switch to a pressurised delivery but we still have some room to maneouver with this mask."

Rounding the bed she prepared a couple of cold wipes, using them to wipe beads of sweat away from the counsellor's forehead. "I know it isn't easy and you will have a thousand worries going through your head, but you need to get some rest," she advised. "Your fever has come down a little and they will get the medicine here soon. First dose has your name written on it and until then we are going to take good care of you both."

Ariana lifted her mask to speak. "Thank you. I appreciate...everything you're doing." She let the mask go and let it slide back into place.

"All part of the limited edition contagious outbreak service," Carolyn grinned, making sure the mask was back in place. "A nurse is going to be with you so anything you need, just ask. But other than that, keep talk to a minimum and try to get some sleep."

“I will” Ariana nodded.

"Doctor Corrigan, Dr Ivkan said they are ready," one of the Cardsassian nurses announced as she entered the room. She looked at Monroe, offering a curt nod. "I will be staying with you."

"Any change, I want to know. If I'm not available, Dr Hades will be," Carolyn told the woman. She looked at Ariana, offering her a reassuring smile despite her own tiredness, "I am two seconds away."

Ariana offered a smile despite how tired she was feeling. She could only imagine how tired the medical staff must be.

Carolyn headed out of the room, pausing beside the nurse, "any change, good or bad."

The nurse nodded, "understood."

Knowing she had more than enough other patients, Carolyn headed out of the room, turning to her right to head away from the main department and down the short corridor towards ICU.

Another Part of the Hospital

Braxton and Rol dealt with the stage two patients as best as they could. Braxton continued to work, patient to patient, person to person. It was a never ending epidemic.

Rol having learned of the counselor's predicament called Bremer. "Rol to Bremer." He hoped that there was news on the ship.

"Checking." Mike replied before tapping a button on his chair's arm.

"Pegasus to Essex, respond please."

"Admiral T'Lar," the crewman announced. "The Pegasus is hailing us. It's Admiral Bremer."

Deela looked over at him, "Thank you. Put him through."

He did as she asked, "T'Lar here."

"What's your ETA back here? The medical emergency seems to be worsening?" Mike asked.

They were waiting at their agreed meeting point, "We are waiting for the USS Olympia which is due to arrive any moment. As soon as we get the medical supplies loaded onto my ship, we will make our way back there." Normally she would have an exact ETA but the other ship had an unexpected delay.

Bremer shook his head. What could have delayed the USS Olympia? "Understood. Let me know when you're en-route. Bremer out." He closed the channel, then reopened the channel with Rol. "Essex is still at the rendezvous point awaiting the USS Olympia. They've been delayed by it's unknown why. When the Essex is en-route I'll let you know."

"Understood sir but....we've had one fatality here and it's one of our people." He said. Rol sighed, "It's a civilian sir..."Lai'lira S'Nai."

Mike lowered his head. Civilian or not, Rol was right, it was one of our people. "Understood. As soon as I know more from the Essex I'll be in touch. I'll inform the Free Romulan civilian government, I already have one report to send to Councilmember D'Tan." Mike closed the channel.

USS Essex

The Olympia arrived a minute after she talked to Bremer. The Olympia hailed the Essex. The Captain appeared on screen, "Our apologies Admiral T'Lar for the five minute delay but we had to pick up someone on the way." Dr. Romaine from the USS New Hampshire appeared in the background, "Dr Romaine has had a great deal of experience with Rigelian fever. When she found out, she wanted to tag along and help."

T'Lar nodded, "Very well. Doctor Romaine? Thank you for coming. Dr. Hades could use all the help he can get."

Dr. Romaine smiled,"Thank you." Then she got a serious look on her face, "If my calculations are correct, we need to get this medicine on board and be on our way ASAP."

T'Lar motioned to her crewman to proceed, "See you on board Doctor."

Dr. Romaine wasted no time and got the medicine on board. T'Lar contacted the Pegasus that they were on their way. The ship immediately went to slipstream.



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