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Checking in

Posted on Mon Mar 18th, 2019 @ 6:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,071 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Emergency Quarantine Area, Monroe's room
Timeline: MD04 - 1300 hours


Ariana awoke from a restless sleep, her oxygen mask was something she wasn't used to which made things feel all the stranger for her. She opened her eyes to the surprise vision of Mikhail Braxton being in her room.

"I heard you were here." He said simply. He had yet to reconcile fully how much she looked like Nicole.

She pulled the oxygen mask down off her face and offered a warm smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't...sense you come in." She sounded quite breathless as she spoke.

"Keep the mask on." He said as he picked up the PADD at the end of her bed. He read through it. She was well into the first state and just starting the second stage. "You will be well. They are doing all the right things." He wasn't used to being in the decon suit and had decided that he hated it.

"I can' to you...with this mask on." She looked at him wearily. "I might be well...but at what cost?" Her brow furrowed some as she realised she couldn't sense him. "I can't sense you. I can't sense anything." She would have been distressed but right now her fears were for her baby and she needed to stay strong.

"It is a side effect. Do not worry. All will be well." He sat by the bed.

"I'm sorry about...Nicole." She looked wearily at him trying to study his body language.

"You do not have to apologize for anything. Just focus on staying well. You must drink and eat as much as you can now." He poured her a cup of water and took her mask off gently lifting her head so she could sip from the straw. "Drink."

Ariana drank from the straw as best as she could. "Thank you" She knew how difficult it was for him to just be around her. "I'll make you....a promise." She offered a smile. "You forgive yourself....for what happened to Nicole...and I won't...let this win. No matter how hard it gets." She paused to take a few breaths. "I won't...let you watch her....die again."

Something in the way she said that shook something loose. Images of flames, the red alert klaxons played in his head. He shook it away. "I shall try. Hades has made some arrangements that a nurse attend you all the time. She shall arrive soon." He eased her back onto the pillow and picked up a tricorder as if to ensure she was still fine. After a few minutes he sighed and closed the tricorder. "The child is fine."

Ariana offered the warmest smile she could muster. "You never had experience fatherhood with Nicole." She reached out her hand and gently took his hand, placing it on her stomach. "You can...experience this with me...anytime you want."

Braxton pulled his hand away gently and turned away. "It is better that I not." He cleared his throat and then turned back. "I should go, you must rest."

"I'm sorry!" She looked at Mikhail with regret she hadn't meant to hurt him or offend him. "I just...don't like to see you in pain." At this point she was hedging her bets as to what he was feeling, without her senses functioning she couldn't read him to know for sure.

He turned back to her and took her hand. "It is alright. I am fine." He didn't want to see her in distress so he thought he would bring her some good news. "I have taken your advice."

"You have?" She smiled and relaxed. "That's good."

He gave a nod. Before he could say anything the Nurse assigned to Ariana entered. She gave a nod to Braxton. "It's time for some food and rest." She looked over at Braxton. "You are needed in level three."

He gave a nod. "Rest well." He gave a bow and left.

The nurse seemed to breath a sign of relief. "He is a more intimidating than a member of the Obsidian Order."

Ariana smiled as she lifted her mask for a moment. “You think so? He’s...not scary to me.” She truly wished he hadn’t had to go. “How are of the patients?”

"Some better then others," she said cryptically.

Ariana nodded. “I” She was about to say more but a sudden change in her breathing prevented that. She tried to stay conscious but the biobed alarms registered the change as she suddenly lost consciousness.

The Nurse hurriedly called in a doctor. A team of Cardassian doctors, who were within ear shot came running. They quickly checked the oxygen levels. "We'll have to risk another dose to keep her blood oxygenated," one of the doctors said. He administered the stabelizing dose. "I'll get one of the Starfleet doctors."

Ariana was still struggling, her body was fighting but it was doing the job of protecting two and putting even more of a strain on her.

Braxton had barely gone down the hall when he saw the commotion. He'd come back right away. "What's going on?" "She blacked out. Her breathing is erratic."

He looked at the empty hypo. "What did you give her."

"Re-dose O2 booster."

Braxton's eye flashed. "She's already had a double dose!" He pulled the bed in sitting position and jostled her lightly. "Wake up!." He turned to the Nurse. "Arminazine. Only 2CCs."

It took a few more worrying minutes before Ariana started to stir. She slowly opened her eyes managing a smile as she saw Braxton. "You back...already?" She could see a few concerned glances between the nurse and Braxton, without her senses she wasn't sure if the nurse was feeling more concerned or guilty. "What...happened?" Her hands automatically went to her stomach as if to feel if her baby was still there, she relaxed as she felt movement.

Braxton settled her back on the pillow. "All is well. I need you to just breath. Try not to talk and take in as much oxygen as you can." He looked up at the burse. "No more medications unless it's cleared by Hades." He stood and walked out before he punched a Cardassian and got his behind thrown into a brig.

Ariana simply watched him go, relaxing on her pillow she did as instructed and drifted into a more natural restful sleep.



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