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Anniversay- Day after

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2019 @ 8:22pm by Maria Garabaldi

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime
Timeline: Md 4 morning'ish

It was hard to say where they were. The building had been maze enough to get out of, the narrow alleyway they found themselves in led into quite the labyrinth itself. Despite Maria and Peter’s best efforts, Jaca still managed to stumble into enough walls that there was probably a chance of a cracked horn once they were in a place with better light. It felt like forever, but eventually they found their way into a main thoroughfare.

Maria was steering Jaca, while Peter helped. There was no conversation but they looked at each other a couple times. Moving through the crowd they hoped like hell they didn’t bump in to anyone from the Starbase.

“Jaca, you still with us?”

The Djabul was practically asleep on her feet by this point. She half waved as an answer.

THe two moved through the streets. Their goal was to avoid police interaction, since Jaca might say too much and she would have a hell of a time explaining the guy with her, is for all legal reasons, dead as a doornail.

They did manage to make it back to the hotel with at most a janitor giving them the raised eyebrowridge of judgement for being so intoxicated as to need help getting to a bed. Once in the door, Jaca managed to make it to the couch before falling asleep to the point of having a whuffly snore.

Once Jaca was out Maria was finally alone-ish with Peter and was sitting there just stunned at what had happened. If this was a dream she did not want to wake up.

“How are you alive, I went to your funeral, I’m a widow for gods sake, I got a flag, they almost named a community center after you. You lost to K’Mtal, that linebacker who was the first Klingon in the NFL.”

“Not surprising he was damn good.” Peter mused, “But I got to an emergency pod, ejected but when the ship exploded, I got knocked and lost my homing signal, I got rescued, by an Orion freighter. They realized I was a Starfleet officer, valuable.”

“What did they do?” She was braced for stories of torture but he paused, “they didn’t realize too much so they sold me to a Pirate vessel as a Slave crewmember, an engineer.”

“Did you nearly fail engineering twice.”

“Three times, I think they took pity on me and graduated me at the Academy.”

She got up and made coffee, and then started to get pans together, “Want eggs?”

That crooked smile crossed his face, “Sure, amazing how normal that sounds.” Then he asked, “How was my funeral?”

“Miserable.” She responded, “I was a wreck, Imagine being 6 months pregnant in a black dress looking like a damned olive. With all those officers thinking a folded flag, a posthumous medal or two and a pension would help, Your dad...he didn’t take it well, I think the only reason he talks to me is Roberto. But people said nice things, I got told you were a hero, etcetera. “

He nodded, “Well I was trying to keep a piece of shit freighter from exploding, then about a year ago we got captured by a Cardassian vessel, I ended up being sentenced to a labor camp, those weird Cardassians that brought you and your...friend, next thing you know I wake up and I’m looking at your face.”

“Well at least it’s something.” She paused, “Two things, one we are going to have to let Starfleet know, because right now mister you are dead as a doornail.”

“Good I don’t have to work.”

“Well when they find out you’re not dead, there will be questions.” She sighed, “And there’s the matter of your son.”

“My son?”

“Yeah, Roberto, he’s 3.”

Peter paused, “I have a son? You had the baby?”

“I’m not staying pregnant for 3 years.”


“No it’s ok, there is a lot to catch up on. I mean you’ve missed a lot.”

“Sounds like it.” He paused, “I”m going to go shower, eggs when I get back...err what will I wear.”

“Let’s get that sorted out.”

They headed in the bedroom and Maria worked with the replicator and got it to generate a couple sets of men’s clothing and some sleepwear. She then looked at him, “I think we’re going to have to talk to someone in command to bring you officially back alive.”


She paused, “And we’ll need to….talk to your father.”

“That’s going to be tough.”

“Yeah.” She walked over and hugged him fiercely, followed by a kiss, “I’ve missed you babe.”

“I’ve missed you too.”

Once he was in the shower Maria headed out and sat by Jaca’s sleeping form. “I am still trying to figure out what the hell you did, all I know is you did something and he’s here. I’ve spent years mourning him and wishing for him to return. Now he’s back. And you did that, you answered my prayers, If I didn’t know I’d wonder if you were sent by God to help me.”

If Jaca was hearing what her friend was saying, she showed no sign as she was so deeply asleep she wasn’t even aware of the little bit of drool coming from the corner of her mouth.

In some ways Jaca reminded her of a child, that wasn’t a criticism of her friend, but she believed in a lot of ways she had sort of a simple view of life. She covered Jaca with a blanket, much like she had Roberto when he’d fall asleep on the couch. She leaned towards her friend's ear, “ I will probably never know why you did this for me, but….I owe you a debt I don’t think I can ever repay. You’re family now. “ she brushed some of Jaca’s hair away from her face then she spoke again, “If you want I’ll put some eggs on for you.” She patted her shoulder, “You always said live deliciously and I never understood that truly. I guess I do now.”

She then got up and got coffee brewing…

They would have to get Starfleet to declare Peter back alive, though was there a form for that? Did it have checkmarks, reason for resurrection, Q, Prophets, something we’d rather not discuss?

Something to ponder while she began making a meal for everyone.


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