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A bust

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2019 @ 2:53pm by Camron Wayne

360 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardasia Prime

Cameron had been on Cardasia Prime now for a while and so far he had not exactly found anything of what he was looking for. Maybe it was that he was not looking in the right places or maybe what he was looking for simply did not exist here. What he had found so far was that the cardasian people were very standoffish not exactly cold but not really welcoming either. It was something that he really did not understand, after all this was supposed to be an exchange of cultures and aside from what he was seeing in the way of architecture and a few museums he had been to he really could not say much about this people.

He had tried to find an engineer or eve a retired engineer who would be willing to talk to him and share some information. That had been a bust in more ways then one. He then tried to find a museum about the history of the cardasian military again he had come up empty while there were several museums dedicated to the arts and to the history of the cardasian people there was nothing mentioned about their early history either before spaceflight or after.

All this had led him to thinking that maybe this trip was not such a good idea after all. Other then some trinkets he had bought in the market and a couple cases of what was supposed to be something called Kanar some kind of drink he had not really found much in the way of what he had been looking for.

He knew it was here someplace the pictures he had seen and the views of a few cardasian ships that had been in orbit proved to him that much at least. However it seemed that unless you were a local or knew the right things to ask you could not find the really good things out. Hence why he was sitting in this little cafe drinking a glass of kanar and people watching on the hopes that he would find someone who would know how to find the things he was really interested in.


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