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Work Hard, Play Hard

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2019 @ 2:35pm by 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Camron Wayne
Edited on on Sat Apr 27th, 2019 @ 10:28pm

1,984 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Ten Forward
Timeline: TBD, 1900hrs Slight backpost due to RL

Klaus' day was a busy one. Between moving his fighter to the Pegasus for a mission, and seeing all the flag officers onboard, he needed a drink, and he did not drink. One thing nice about these big Galaxy Refits, was that they had the best crew lounges, located at the front of Deck 10. Donned in standard duty uniform, the only thing that marked him apart from the other officers onboard was his fighter wing badge that sat above his combadge. He entered the lounge, and took seat at a table on the far side of the room. He ordered a bourbon.

Cameron was to put it bluntly bored not just idlely bored but bored out of his skull he had tried to get into the holodecks only to find them in use by other crew members, he had already recaliberated the shield on his chair and the room was not big enough for him to practise with the bull whip that he carried though he had actually found the time to make it a little more painful should he ever be attacked. There was frankly nothing left for him to do till they arrived at cardasia prime for the meet and greet. He decided maybe going for a walk would at least clear his head and with no destination in mind he started wandering. Finally making his way to a lounge on deck 10. He figured what the hell might as well do some people watching so he found himself a table kind of out of the way and ordered himself a scotch making sure to tell the waiter that he wanted the real stuff not that synthetic junk that was so commonly served to starfleet crews or unsuspecting civilians.

It was ironic that both out of the way tables were near the same bulkhead of the room. Klaus was not normally a people person off duty, except for a few people. Cameron was one of them. "Hey Stranger."

Cameron slightly started he had not expected anyone he knew to be on the ship. "Well speak of the devil how you doing Klaus." Said Cameron lightly .

Klause stood up, and walked to Cameron's table. This was the first time he wore a uniform around his new friend. "May I join you?"

"Sure your always welcome Klaus. I am glad that I had you pegged right. I figured you were either a marine or a fighter pilot glad to see you are a fighter pilot." Said Cameron as he took one look at the uniform his friend was wearing. "So what brings you on this trip if I can ask." he added calmly.

Klaus took a seat, and took a sip of his drink. "To be honest, I have no idea. The brass wanted a pair of fighters on this trip, and I was voluntold." He took another hit of his bourbon. "And I am a fighter pilot, and a marine," he said with a smile. "But I do almost as much tinkering as I do flying. What brings you aboard?"

"I have one main interest in going on this trip. I want to see what kind of shuttles the cardasians have especially older models maybe I can learn something from them of course without giving my own secrets away."Said Cameron as he took a sip of his scotch "Damn I asked for scotch and I get crap." He added as he sat the drink down "Supposedly the cardasians were an artistic people in a way I am hoping that, that will carry over to their shuttle design." He added calmly.

"Well, I never ran into any, including their fighters. But according to the warbook, they all resemble squids." Klaus remarked. He took another sip of his drink. He missed the real thing as well, instead of the synthohol they were drinking.

"Squid you have got to be having me on. I mean surely they would have a better design then that. I have seen some pictures of their warships and would have thought they would have had better taste." Said cameron with a snort as he chuckled at the idea but if it was true then this might just be a wasted trip and that was not something he was going to accept.

"Well, the only ship on their current inventory that I have to worry about is their Hideki Class Patrol Ship. But then again, the Cardies can keep a secret, if they came up with something new. But I think all their ships follow the same aesthetic as their emblem. Big frontal area,followed by a narrow stern. Mentally, I could almost picture the rear end of their ships wagging." This was Gunther's attempt at humor.

Cameron chuckled lightly at that image. "Hmm." Said Cameron as his eyes slightly spaced out for a moment he was going over in his mind what a cardy shuttle could look like and it was actually enough to make him happy. "I think this just might actually be interesting wander if they like to horse trade." Said Cameron softly Then he decided to change the subject. "You were impressed by my chair back on the station would you like to see what she can really do." He said as he had kinda gotten tired of the lounge and had a feeling that a training room or holodeck might be open by now.

Klaus smiled, put down his drink. "Let's go."

Cameron put down his drink and followed his friend out of the lounge. I just hope you know where there is an open holodeck or training room cause when I tried to find one all of them were booked. After all it would not do for me to get rusty." Said Cameron with a chuckle.

Before we leave, I need to check something. Klaus walked up behind the bar, and looked at the shelves on the back of the bar. "I knew it!", he said. After glaring at the bartender, he gave him a hand full of credits, and walked up to Cameron, bottle in hand. "I overheard you complaining about the scotch. Would this Glenfiddich, 2364 suffice?"

"What the, How the, that ruddy bugger. Last time I order a drink on a starship Holding out the good stuff when people ask for it." Sputtered cameron he was iching to show the batrkeep why it was a bad idea to piss a guy in a wheelchair off but thought better of it. "2364 Glenfiddich that is was a very good year and a top notch brewery. Tell you what since scotch like whiskey is supposed to be shared how about we each take a couple belts after a workout." Said Cameron after he had calmed down now more then ever he wanted to do some whip work.

"I wouldn't be too hard on the barkeep. He said it belonged to General Jackson. But since I never go out, I saved quite a bit of credits. A handful of them gave him incentive to part with the bottle. " As a server walked by, he grabbed two glasses. "Sure, we can take a couple of belts. But if you don't mind, I am going to sample this fine scotch on the way to the holodeck. "

The odd pair left the lounge, and made their way to the holodecks. Klaus had his samples as they made their way through the big ship. The first three were occupied, and Klaus appeared uncharacteristically annoyed. The fourth one was not occupied, but according to the Crewman attending it, it was in reserve for some civilian staff. Klaus pointed to the pips on his collar, "Crewman, how many of these do I have?" The visibly shaken crewman said, "Two Sir." "How many do you have?" Without answering, the crewman pressed on the side panel, and the door to the holodeck opened up. Again, acting out of character, Klaus looked at Cameron with a goofy smirk on his face.

"Damn bud remind me never to get on your bad side. Though come to think of it that might not work on me I have stared down captains and commanders before." Said Cameron as he glided past the crewmen who had to be wandering just who the heck he had pissed off and what was going to happen to him next.

"Actually, I am normally quiet when I am off duty. My parents thought something was wrong with me." He chuckled. "I guess I just normally have nothing to say." He turned his head to the crewman. "Crewman, take a long break." The crewman could not get away fast enough, as his quick pace demonstrated. Klaus giggled, "swabbies." The entered the grid filled room. "What's your pleasure?"

"There is a game you fleet types play for target practice. Let's try that though for me since I will not be using a phaser how about we set their distance out to say 25 feet from a stationary point." Said Cameron calmly he hoped he was as good as he felt right now or this would be a quick game.

"Computer, modified phaser target program 1, maximum target range, 7.62 meters. Difficulty Level 1" Klaus said. "Program loaded and standing by", the computer replied. Klaus looked as Cameron. "Ready?"

Cameron relaxed and focused on what he needed to do. He dropped his hand over the side of the chair and pressed a panel opening the compartment that held his bull whip, He did not however remove it from the hook it rested on. "Ready when you are Kraus." Said Cameron calmly as he flexed his finger over the handle of the whip.

"Hold on a minute." Klaus said. "Computer, one hand phaser." The computer produced a counter, with one Type 2F Phaser. Klaus handled it an scowled. He never understood the thought process behind Starfleet's weapon designs. This included these 'broomhandle phasers' that they were issued. The Marines answered this flaw. "Computer, exchange this phaser with one Type 2C-A4 phaser." The phaser on the counter disappeared, to be replaced with the Marine standard phaser. He grabbed hold of it, and marvelled at the ergonomics. "I am ready now. You first. " Klaus said. "Computer, begin program."

Cameron gave a short nod and his whip flashed out as soon as the first target appeared the snap of the bull whip signaled it was gone. This was quickly followed by another sonic boom and another target gone. This was repeated 3 more times each time the target lasted less then half a second before it was gone. "Your turn my friend." Said Cameron as he coiled the whip up and got ready for his next set.

Klaus held his weapon in the ready position, "Computer, Go!". Klaus made short work of the five targets, in succession, as his marine phaser fired default bolts instead of a steady beam. Klaus bowed his head down, "My time was terrible."

" I would not exactly say it was to bad what was that about 8 seconds or so." Said Cameron as he relaxed. " You want to go again.". He added.

"I am fine if you are. This scotch is calling our names." Klaus responded.

"I could not agree more I could do some more runs but this just does not seem like much fun and you right that scotch is calling to us." Said Cameron with a chuckle.

Klaus rarely consumed alcohol. So when he did, he never did it in a small way. "Computer, Scottish Highlands, Earth, Mid summer." The range simulation disappeared, to be replaced with a grassy mountain terrain, blowing a slight breeze. The sound of bagpipes could be heard in the background. "Computer, two highball glasses."

"Damn man you could not hae picked a better spot to break open that bottle." Said Cameron lightly as he took his glass and poured himself 2 fingers of the liquor. This seemed like the perfect end to a pretty decent day


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