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Concerns of the heart

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2019 @ 5:52am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,320 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus - Ross Quarters
Timeline: Flashback to Day 3 0700 hrs

OOC: Earlier on day 3 - before ‘Let it Begin’


< Current Time >

Lying in her biobed Aeryn's mind flashed back to the previous morning and her talk with Freya and Kaden.

< The previous morning >

Freya had woken really feeling the fact that she’d woken up in the early hours, not wanting to disturb Kaden too much even though he’d have to be up for the day’s symposiums she headed through to the living area of their quarters grabbing a bathrobe as she went. Walking through she looked at the pulled out sofa surprised to see Ariana sleeping there.

Ariana stirred, smiling as she saw a surprised Freya looking at her. “Morning” Sitting up on the sofa bed Ariana tapped the end. “Kaden was worried about you last night so he called me for help. He asked me if I’d mind staying incase you had any further nightmares.”

Freya nodded as she took a seat. “Did he tell you what my nightmare was about?”

“He did” Ariana nodded. “I’m not going to ask you to talk about it if you don’t want to, just know I’m here to help if you need me.” Ariana smiled warmly.

Kaden woke up hearing the voices of the ladies out in the living area getting up from the bed he patted Artemis asleep on the end of the bed before rolling over onto his other side and going back to sleep. Walking out of the bedroom he didn’t bother saying anything to the ladies honestly he was a bit of a grump when he just woke up in need of morning pick me up. Heading to the replicator he took a moment to scratch his left butt cheek. “Computer, Ross morning special 27.”

“Just ignore Kaden for a minute” Freya smiled as she looked at Kaden then back at Ariana, “He’s always grumpy first thing until he’s woken up properly.”

“Can’t say I blame him!” Ariana smiled. “It was a long night for both of you last night, but like I said I’m always around if either of you need me.”

“Speaking of which, are you sure you’re okay with moving in with us for a while once we get back to the station?” Freya gave Ariana a concerned look. “It’s just we thought you’d appreciate having the company now you’re, more or less, heading for the final stage of your pregnancy.”

“It’s fine” Ariana smiled and nodded. “I just don’t want to be in your way that’s all. I do appreciate what you’re both doing for me, I know it’ll put Marcus’ mind at rest knowing I’m not on my own.”

Kaden waited for his beverage of Midnight Mint Mocha made with a betazoid spearmint chocolate sauce drizzled over it. It was his morning tradition to always have one soon as he got up if not he was grumpy all morning without it. Freya made a few tweaks to it that took her 27 times to get it correct as apparently Kaden had a unique pallet. Taking a drink he smiled feeling better before seeing the ladies off in the distance. “Frey, you feeling?” He walked over to her and hugged her.

"I...I'm okay, I think." She hugged him back. "I'm sorry if I scared you last night. I...I just need a little time to make sense of it all." She looked at Ariana.

"That's okay" Ariana smiled warmly. "You know where to find me of you need to talk about it, that goes for both of you." She looked at Kaden.

"Actually I need to go and grab a shower." She looked to Kaden. "Could you get Ariana something to eat, pregnant women need to eat a healthy breakfast." With that she headed for the bathroom leaving the two alone.

Kaden watched Frey go before heading back over to the replicator going thru the menus before pausing and looking at Ariana. “Uh, what are you in the mood for exactly?” He asked.

"Just some cereal and fruit with a juice will be fine thank you." Ariana smiled. "So how are you this morning Kaden?" I understand how distressing it must have been for you last night."

Kaden resumed looking thru the menus bringing up the list of cereals, juices, and fruits before pausing looking at the bathroom. “To be honest, I feel I am a failure...I didn’t protect my own wife my lover the woman, if I can ever get over my fears, that will bare my children. If what she said is true, I should of never left her alone at that place with...that monster lurking about.” He fell silent for a moment resting his left hand on the bulkhead next to the replicator. “I know, Ariana, you don’t have to say could I have known it would happen and you are right. But it don’t change the fact I should of been there or...done something to help protect her.” Kaden shook his head. “I am not sure if that was the reason why she suddenly got interested in leaning to fight and working out in the gym with me I...I just thought she wanted to do it so she can spend time with me and be a kick ass wife with a bit of muscle.”

"To be honest..." Ariana tried to be reassuring. "Judging from what you told me last night, I don't think even Frey knew until now. She's blocked out the memory and the trauma of what happened until now, you just have to give her time to accept it. Don't try and force it, she'll talk about it openly when she's ready.

Kaden made a selection from the menu and waited for the tray to materialize. “I don’t plan to but I will keep that in mind.” Honestly he was getting frustrated by Ariana assuming he was going to pressure Freya to spill the beans but said nothing as Kaden just brought the tray to her.

"Thank you" Ariana smiled as she accepted the bowl of cereal and her juice. "They say you eat for two for when you're pregnant, I'd say that assessment is correct!" She grinned before politely eating some cereal. "So on a seperate note are you sure you're going to be comfortable having me staying with you both? Knowing how you feel about pregnant women."

Kaden was a little surprised by the question as he slowly sat down but it was a good one to ask. “To be honest, I am nervous as hell about it but,” He looked at the bathroom. “I need to try to get over that if I am going to make, Freya, happy. Which is why I sort of wanted you with us not only to be a good friend and look after you but also have you around to help me get over this fear.” Deep down though Kaden wondered if Ariana found it strange that she could help him with his fear amongst many.

"Really?" Ariana looked at Kaden curiously. "You're hoping having me around, will help you overcome your fear?" She smiled warmly. "If I can help you with that then I'm only too happy to do what I can for you. In the meantime I suggest you go and look after Freya." She looked towards the bathroom. "She needs you, I'll finish off this..." She motioned to her breakfast, "Then I'll head back to the Sutherland. I have a few meetings to attend today."

Kaden looked at the bathroom then took a drink of his Midnight Mint Mocha before setting it on the table. “Alright, I suppose I should get our things together for the day.” He gave Ariana a nod and a smile before heading off into the bedroom.



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