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Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 8:59pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:39pm

665 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD4 Timeline: MD4, 1430hrs


After speaking with Fleet Admiral Akara and other members of the Starfleet Command Staff, Mike returned to the Pegasus. He looked over a few reports, wrote one of his own, then headed for his quarters to shower and change into a clean uniform.

Arriving in his quarters he found a letter from Janice that said she would be attending an Intelligence briefing aboard the USS Odyssey with Commander Draven, then attending another briefing on Cardassia. Mike smiled. Her talk with Monroe and later with him seemed to have helped since Janice had decided to return to the planet.

After his sonic shower and getting dressed Mike left his quarters, but he didn’t go to the Bridge. Instead, he went to Deck 11 and Holodeck 4.

Walking through the door, the program was already running…it ran twenty-six hours a day, seven days a week. Mike smiled at the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the bar. “Good day everyone.”

“Admiral, been a long time.” Sam the bartender and owner said.

“Life keeping you busy?” Another bartender they called Coach asked.

“Always.” Mike replied as he walked around the bar and took a seat on the third stool.

“Wanna beer?” Sam asked.

“Yes, please.” Mike replied.

“Afternoon everybody.” A larger man said as he walked through the door.

“Norm!” Most everyone in the bar replied.”

“Good afternoon Norman.” An attractive blonde replied.

“Beer Mister Peterson?” The younger bartender Woody asked.

“Is that a trick question Woody? Norm asked as he walked around the bar like Mike did and took a seat on the first stool.

“Normy, feel like a game of pool?” Another man dressed in a US Postal worker’s uniform asked as he walked toward the bar from the back room.

“I’ve been busting my balls all day, I don’t want to bust anymore right now.” Norm replied as a few people laughed.

“Norman, that’s not very polite to say.” The blonde replied.

“Diane, what would you know about busting…” Another waitress stated before she was cut off.

“Carla, be nice.” Sam said with a more serious tone.

“I was being nice.” Carla replied.

“Been out in the sun a little?” Norm asked Mike. “Got a little tan going on.

Mike took a sip of his beer, “Yeah, been visiting a city that’s a little warmer and sunnier than I’m used to.” He replied as he took another sip of his beer.

“Uh, you know, it’s a little-known fact that the tan became popular in what is known as the Bronze Age.” Cliff replied to the group.

“Oh boy.” Sam replied.

“That true Cliffy?” Coach asked.

“No it’s not Coach. Mister Clavin is making that up.” Diane replied.

The gang kept talking as Mike listened and drank his beer. Somehow, after all the seriousness of the Cultural Exchange, the meetings, the issues with Section 31, the Obsidian Order, Splendora and Tom, and the assassination of the C'hakilian aide by the Free Romulan that seemed more loyal to the Star Empire…coming to Cheers to have a beer and listen to people joke around make it easier to push through the next three days of the event. It was a place like Cheers that Mike wished he could get several of the high ranking members of each Alliance to visit and just relax, somewhere everyone knew they name and they could just talk. Not about politics of fleet movements, but just talk. Sadly though, nothing like Cheers was on Cardassia Prime.

Then Mike had an idea.

“Thanks for the beer Sam.” Mike said as he stood up. “How much do I owe you?”

“On the house, your money is no good here.” Sam replied.

“In that case, by me a beer?” Norm asked Mike.

Mike pulled a holographic one hundred dollar bill from his pocket. “Here Sam, round for the house.”

“Alright! My favorite kind of beer, free!” Norm said.

Mike smiled as he walked out of Cheers.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Sun Mar 17th, 2019 @ 9:13am

OMG Cheers in the future DUN DUN DUN !!!! Love it!