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The Truth Shall Be Hidden Part 1

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 5:34pm by Splendora Sage & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Transporter Room One/Cardassia
Timeline: MD4 1300 hours


The transporter fizzled and sparkled the three back onto the ship. There was a moment of silence before Splendora turned to Vito and Tom. "I guess you two are off for the day."

"For a few hours. We're supposed to met a buyer near Lakarian City. It'll be nice to see how the Cardassians rebuilt it after the Dominion razed it to the ground at the war's end." Tom replied.

"I'll go get the package and meet you back here." Vito said as he left the transporter room.

"Once we're done, I'll go to the restaurant's stand in the food area, you're welcome to meet me there." Tom added.

She stepped over and kissed his cheek. "No its alright. You have work to do. I don't want to distract you. I have been enough of a distraction. Lai'lira has done a lot for the spa since arriving here and I have a few meetings I need to take." She new where he was going to go with that statement, "I have made sure they are all coms meetings. After that I have...some personal things to take care of." There was something in her eyes that spoke more then her words. "I will see you tonight."

Tom just nodded, "Alright. See you tonight."

Vito arrived back carrying a case and stepped up on the pad. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay." He expression didn't agree with his words. "Energize." The two shimmered away.

Splendora watched the two shimmer away and then gave a nod to the transporter chief. She had a busy day if she was to complete things she needed. One thing she hated was mysteries....or did she like them, she couldn't remember anymore. She headed to her quarters to change out of the gown and start her day for it would be a long one.

=/\=Splendora Sage Quarter=/\=

Splendora dropped the gown on the floor and stepped into the water shower. She was glad her quarters had it because a sonic shower would not do today. She needed the hot water beating down on her. As the steam rose and the water heated she laid her forehead on the cold wall and closed her eyes. She allowed herself to cry now for everything that had happened. Splendora backed up against the wall the cold of it soothing her and slid to the ground wrapping her hands around her knees. She began to shiver despite the fact that the water raining down on her was hot. She felt a sudden wave of nausea and a shock that seemed to sizzle through her mind and her tears slowly began to dry.

After a good 45 minutes under the spray she stood showered and washed her long dark brown and red hair. She stepped out of the shower and stood in the mirror looking at herself. She briefly toyed with cutting her long wavy hair then decided against it. Instead she tied and tucked it so that its wild wave continued to her shoulder and the rest was in a tight braid held by a leather strap. She shuffled through the clothing she’d packed up and finally decided she hated it all. Throwing on what she could grab she headed to the replicator room, a small space, which allowed people to replicate clothing and larger items. She imputed what she wanted, paid her credits, and watched it materialize. She picked up her outfit and headed back to her quarters where she changed into a black tank top and a long body tight tartan skirt that came down to half calf. She added a black sweater that had sleeves just below the elbow and a leather collar left messily unbuttoned just enough to let her tank top show through. She then slipped on the best of her replications a pair of tight leather high heeled boots that were molded to her legs to just about mid-thigh. She looked at herself in the mirror pleased with it. She added a deep burgundy lipstick and a smoky shadow that highlighted her hazel eyes.

Now it was time, she had calls to make. She breezed out of her quarters and used a spare office that had been made available to her. She made the calls to the Cardassia Spas apologised for not being there in the flesh and secured the Spa supplies she wanted. She was also able to holo-conference on a few procedures that were surprisingly not that interesting to learn but she knew they would go over well. She finished her meetings within a few hours and decided to take lunch.

After a quick sandwich and chips she took a coffee to go and headed back to the office. Her next call would be…somewhat private. She used a channel that could not be traced. After entering a frustrating series of codes the image shimmered and a familiar face filled the screen. “Hello Quark.”

“Ah, Splendora Sage. Did you receive the shipment of Beetle paste for your foot treatments at the spa?”

She sighed, “I did last week. I need a few more cases. It’s quite popular here.” She held up a hand to stop him from talking. “Listen Quark this is where you start calculating what that popularity is worth and you try and charge me double for two cases. Right?”

His eyes narrowed slightly. Splendora Sage was a soft spoken woman who usually agreed to his price changes. Something about this woman was…different she even looked different….a little.

“Ferengi rule of Acquisition number….57. Doesn’t it say good customers are rare as latinum, treasure them? I am a good customer.”

Quark’s eyes widened. Splendora Sage had never quoted the rules of acquisition to him. He wondered how she even knew them.

Splendora pressed on. “I don’t feel treasured. Now to make up for all the years you, no doubt, cheated me and as a thank you that I am willing to pay you twice what I paid last time for your beetle paste, which by the way is subpar, I need something from you, something extra.”

There was silence and Quark asked, “What’s that?” He was cautious and in this case he’d say as little as possible.

She smiled, “A name. You, no doubt, know the worst of the worst. I need a sneaky, dirty, underhanded Ferengi who can lens out some information for me.”

He smiled, “I’m your Ferengi. I always keep my ears open. It’s…”

“Yes I know, another rule. I need someone more devious then you Quark.”

Now he was suspicious. This was not the sweet, kind wallflower he was used to. “Damon Tog.”

“Wonderful. Please send my beetle paste and you’ll get your latinum.” She shut the screen off. One more call to make. For this one she could use a clear Starfleet channel.

She punched in a code and waited as the screen shimmered again. “Hello Steven.”

The man smiled broadly. “Splendora Sage. How’s my favourite client.”

She sighed, “That depends on the day.”

He watched her. “Did you cut your hair?”

She shook her head. “No just styled differently. I need you to come to the Starbase. I wish to make a few changes to my will. Aidan has passed away.”

The solicitor’s face took on a shadow of concern then. “I’m so sorry. My condolences.”

“Thank you.” She said through misty eyes and a husky voice. “I also need you to contact someone on my behalf.”


“Damon Tog. He’s a member of the Ferengi Business Association. I hear he’s the man to go to when you need beetle paste.”

Steven looked up confused. “I thought you went through Quark for that?”

She smiled, “Been cheated one too many times by him. This Ferengi is…known to be honest.”

Steven laughed. “An honest Ferengi?”

“There are some.” She smiled.

“What if he refuses to come?”

“Just tell him to remember rule number 75.”

Steven agreed and they sighed off. Feeling as if her body were vibrating with energy Splendora decided to head to sickbay. She wondered if Hades would be there. She had some questions and she had a feeling she wasn't going to get answers but she had to try. If she was to fight whatever was happening she would not be a spectator. She would be a participant.



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