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Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 4:59pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Sa Klag Son of M'Raq & Legate Aman Evek & Gavoshak Rolf Xanker
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:37pm

835 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD4, 1300hrs


Mike was bored. He wasn’t a fan of sitting behind a desk, but this was worse. He was in his third hour of listening to a Cardassia Legit explain what the Cardassians had done to get back on their feet as a society following the Dominion War, and the glories of the new Cardassian Union.

He was seated beside Commander Paxim, the Talaxian exchange officer Starfleet assigned to Starbase 400, and Klag Sa’ of the Klingon Defense Force. Klag had grunted and growled so much even Mike was sick of Klingons right now.

Why Fleet Admiral Sevlek asked him to sit in on this lecture was a mystery, but finally, the long winded Cardassian finished his praise of the Cardassian Union’s rebuilding efforts and the group started to break up.

Outside the building, Mike stopped to talk to several delegates from across the Alliance including Klingons, Free Romulans, Federation members, Cardassians, C'hakilians, and even a few Ferengi. Mike was standing beside Gavosak Xanker, the C'hakilians Area Commander assigned to the Ares Theater of Operations and his top aides. Commander Paxim was also there, the only Talaxian in the Alpha Quadrant.

“We should schedule another joint fleet exercise. The last one left a lot to be desired. We need to be able to communicate better as one force instead of individual units…Federation, Klingon, Rom…” Xanker stated before being cut off.

“If war comes, we will need to first protect our own homes. If the C'hakilians can’t do that…then they will die.” Su’vok HoD replied.

“That’s a very narrow minded view.” A Romulan replied. Mike didn’t know his name.

“We didn’t even get a chance to take part in the last exercise.” Damon Snarg added.

“Nor should you.” A Cardassian said. “The Ferengi are scared, signing a non-aggression pact with both the Typhon Pact and the Alliance.”

“The Ferengi should pick a side, or stay out of galactic affairs.” Another Romulan added.

Mike stayed back and watched for a moment before he spoke. “I believe all of us. Federation, Klingon Free Romulan, C'hakilian, even Ferengi need to have defense plans in place to protect their territory and planets. However, we also need to have the ability to come together as a combined fleet like we did during the Dominion war to work together, use our unique strengths to defeat the enemy. Another combined fleet exercise would be helpful to us all.”

A few Klingons grunted, but Klag Sa’ spoke up. “The Fleet Admiral is correct. Together, we are stronger. The Typhon Pact shouldn’t be under estimated.”

Some of the people continued to discuss and bicker. Some people were worried more about their own species than the Alliance as a whole, while others argued that the only way each government would survive was if the Alliance stood firm together. Any sign that the Alliance was fragile or could be broken would be an invitation to the Typhon Pact to attack.

That’s when it happened.

Paxim was pushed then Bremer was shoved to the side. Then a green disruption beam lanced out and hit one of the C'hakilian aides. Klag reached out for the attacker and was backhanded by the assassin with the barrel of his disruptor. He then fired again, aiming for Gavosak Xanker but missed as Paxim, Damon Snarg, another Romulan, Bremer, and another Klingon all grabbed the man. He fired off another two shots in the air, hitting no one. The disruptor was ripped away as the man was tackled and held down.

“Kexar is dead!” Xanker said aloud about his aide.

“Why?” Romulan Commander R'Mor asked.

“Romulans need to stand on their own feet! Not submit to Federation rule on Vaun’gan. This Alliance is the death of the Romulan people!” The assassin said.

“Who is he?” Bremer asked R’Mor.

“He…he was my childhood friend, D’Kir. I will take him back to my ship and inform Admiral Donatra.” R’Mor replied.

“No, he killed a C'hakilian, he will go with us!” Xanker replied.

“This is a Cardassian matter, it happened on Cardassia Prime.” Legit Evek walked up from the crowd as medics also arrived. Evek had have a dozen troops with him too.

“R’Mor, inform Admiral Donatra. I know she is attending. I’d suggest she meet with Legit Evek, Gavosak Xanker, and Fleet Admiral Akar as ‘third party’ to discuss who’s jurisdiction this will fall under.” Bremer added.

Evek nodded as she troops picked up D’Kir and carried him off. Medics stepped back from the dead C'hakilian as the crown started to disperse. “I’ll informed Fleet Admiral Akar right now.” Bremer said.

“I will go with you.” Klag added.

Bremer nodded.

No one was happy with the compromise. A murder at an Alliance festival that up until then had been called a great success. Xanker and R’Mor returned to their ships before Bremer tapped his comm-badge. “Bremer to USS Odyssey, two to beam up.”



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