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Love in the wrong place

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2019 @ 6:08pm by Commander Hades,MD

519 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassian Hospital, Stage Two unit
Timeline: MD04 --Current


Hades headed into the stage two section. He was frustrated and angry. He and his staff had been trying to help them but the Cardassian’s resisted every suggestion. So much time was wasted. He shook his head as he picked up a tricorder. He came to an elderly Cardassain woman who was having trouble breathing. He adjusted her oxygen mask. “Hang in there. We will get you well.” He took her hand gently.

She smiled a little at him and tried to say something.

“Don’t speak. Just focus on breathing.” He picked up a hypo. “This will help with the pain.” Gently he pressed it to her neck above the third ridge. “Rest. The medication will be here soon.”

He hoped he wasn’t lying to the woman. Most of all he hoped that the Olympus had processed the reytalyn as it would take him hours to do that. He continued his rounds trying to bring comfort to all those that were not well. He treated symptoms he made notes and he was exhausted. All ships were on EMH status and the Emergency Medical Teams, all holograms. His Staff and the counseling staff and marine medics and several others with even minimal medic training were here.

How long could they go on? Slowly he made his way to the exit and then noticed a familiar face on the bed. “What are you doing here?!”

His new patient tried to smile. “I guess I wasn’t immune.”

Hades sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Damnit! I told you to stay on the ship. When you didn't listen I told you to go back to the ship, then I told you that you could stay if you stayed well away from this....”

His patient smiled again, “Couldn’t let you do this alone. I wanted to help as best as I could. I'm no doctor but still."

Hades took his patient’s hand. “I promise you, you will be fine.” He gently removed a strand of hair that had fallen across his patient’s head. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

The patient reached up cupping Hades’ cheek. “Are you speaking as a doctor or ....?”

He sighed, “Both. We’ve just started this thing between us….”

The patient smiled, “Yes….wha…what took you so long.”

Hades smiled back, “Fear…worry. I haven’t had the best record and in truth ….I’m afraid of what we’ve started.”

“Don’t be. You have to let go, you have to put yourself out there. You need to talk to the counseling department, talk to Monroe.”

Hades sighed, “Maybe.” He gently wiped the forehead of his patient. “Promise me you’ll fight.” His eyes filled with tears as he looked upon his now patient.

“Please don’t cry.”

How could he refuse the request? “I’ll be back. I have to go check on my staff.”

His patient gave a nod. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hades looked around and then took his patient's hand in his. “You better not. I’ll be back.”



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