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Meeting The New CAG

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2019 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther

541 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Shuttle Bay 3
Timeline: TBD


Klaus, as usual, was tinkering with his Scorpion fighter. Due to his unorthodox modifications, he was tweeking out his inertial dampeners, so that his plane's new turning radius would not flatten him like a pancake. Over time, his fighter started to take on its own character. A bullfrog with with this words "Frogger" adorned both sides of his fuselage, behind his canopy. Under his name, ten kill markings, 6 Klingon, 4 Orion darted in a row. The emblem of the Spectre Squadron adorned both his nacelle, along with the 181st TFW identifier, and Federation pendent. It contrasted with Cadet Mattson's new Scorpion, which sat next to Klaus' ship. Klaus wore coveralls over his duty uniform, to keep it clean.

Having settled in and given the quick jet over to catch up with Pegasus, Major McDaniel slightly yawned just before entering. Seeing the new scorpions on deck and then looking over to his own valkyrie, Chuck could see an individual attending his own craft. The Whole Hog was his second craft, having expired the first one during the war . Chuck was not yet ready to retire this one but knew his own scorpion was being fitted per his expectations back on the 400.

" Lieutenant Gunther...I presume? I am Major McDaniel, the new CAG. "

The sudden voice behind him startled Klaus. When he turned, he saw a man in a fighter pilot's uniform, sporting oak leaves. He snapped to attention. "Yes Sir. First Lieutenant Klaus Gunther, at your service." He peered over the Major's shoulder, and noticed the Valkyrie at the opposite edge of the shuttle bay. It wasn't there when Klaus landed, so the Major must have been a last minute arrival. "Nice Valk, Sir."

" She's an oldie but a goodie. Your Scorpion is tight too. We will have to compare scars later. What's your favorite feature of the Scorpion?" Chuck asked Klaus.

"Thank you Sir. To be honest Sir, I was an Eagle Pilot, so I was indifferent to the new bird, at first. But it did not take me long to love her. In stock form, she is great at 'Boom and Zoom' tactics. Plus, she can break a low shielded frigate in half, if the need arose. With a few personal adjustments, my particular bird can hold her own in a turn fight. And even though a back seater enhances my capabilities, the interface works pretty good with a single pilot, just in case my SWO gets incapacitated, or in our current case, we did not bring one for this diplomatic mission. " Klaus replied. "I always wanted a Valk, but my first squadron assignment were issued Eagles."

" I like Eagles too. I am updating myself[ later on the sabre. When we get to Cardassia we can do some sorties and some in cab simulations. " Chuck replied.

Chuck then sensed an aroma he had not smelt since the academy. " Is there a rather large Saurian nearby? " Chuck asked aloud.

Sniffing out around the craft he found no one of Sairian lineage but he did spot the small etched picture of a cartoon dog on his own craft. Remembering why it was there he made the mental note to have the same etched onto his new sabre.

" Ole Snoopy" he joked.



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