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The Truth Shall Be Hidden Part 2

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2019 @ 2:41pm by Splendora Sage

534 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Holodeck
Timeline: MD04 1500 hours


Having ended her call with her solicitor she stood and paced the small confines of her rented office. She decided that there was one place she needed to be. She needed to see Hades. Having decided this she hurried to sickbay. As she entered she called to the good Doctor. “Hades!”

Instead of a response the air around her shimmered and a holographic doctor appeared. “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.”

She was about to roll her eyes when she thought of something. Perhaps she could get more information out of this doctor. “I came to speak with Doctor Hades about my medical condition. I was in sickbay not too long ago. My friend brought a PADD that held some information on my condition.”

The hologram tilted his neck. “Name.”

“Splendora Sage.”

The hologram seemed to be looking at the ceiling no doubt accessing her file. “Ah yes.”

“Great! You have access to my records and the PADD.”


She wanted to smile but held it back. “Great. Can you tell me what I have?”


Her eyes narrowed. “And why not?”

The hologram looked at her. “Your medical records in relation to the condition are set with a high security clearance and restricted to only a select few.”

He sighed, “What?! You’re telling me I can’t know about my condition but others can. Who has access?”

“Admiral’s Bremer, T’Lar, Doctor Hades, and two civilians.”

As he counted out the names it made sense. Then the civilian crack caught her attention. “What? Who? Which civilians?”

“Tom Vercetti and Vito Russo.”

Splendora’s usually pale face lit up bright red. “Excuse me?! My boyfriend can know about my health but I can’t?”

“Affirmative. He has higher security clearance than you.”

“Do you know what,” she shouted her fists balled. “If I was an engineer I would mess with your program and give you blue hair and bad breath! You’d also be singing Klingon opera from our a….behind!” Sufficiently ticked off she turned and left.

The EMH stared after her. “And I am told I have an abhorrent bedside manner.” He shrugged and disappeared.

Sometime Later Holodeck

Splendora had calmed down enough to go and change into a pair of jeans and t-shirt. If the doctor wouldn’t tell her anything she had to get answers on her own. She entered the holodeck. “Computer is there a Klingon battle program in the memory banks?”

“Affirmative,” came a disembodied reply.

“Great. Start it up. Disengage safety protocol.”

“Unable to comply.”

Splendora sighed. “Why not?”

“Security clearance required.”

“Oh for the love of all that is red!” She began to pace. This was not what she wanted to hear. She’d come here to test her limits and if the computer shut down to avoid her getting hurt she’d never know her strength.

She would have asked if the computer was sure but she didn’t have to. Storming out of the holodeck in a huff she had in mind to wander a bit before deciding how she’d proceed next since everything was set up to keep her in the dark.



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