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Supplies and Demands pt4

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 12:32am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Private Kerri Knight & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson

3,464 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Various
Timeline: MD5 *Current


USS Pegasus, Bridge

The Galaxy refit class vessel dropped out of warp and quickly turned to face the incoming threat.

Mike tapped the comm button, "Pegasus to all Federation and Talaxian forces. Lieutenant Gunther, have your fighters standing by inside the asteroid field, you'll be the last line of defense in case the Kazon send their small shuttles and raiders in. The Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington will form the first line of defense while the newly deployed phaser and torpedo defense platforms we deployed will sit in the middle. Hopefully, once the Kazon see the Talaxions are prepared for an attack they'll back down. Essex and Lexington, report your readiness."

Gamma Flight

"Gamma Flight acknowledge.", Gunther responded on the comms. Then he keyed into the flight frequency. "Okay Gamma Flight. Follow me to those asteroids. Once we get there, get out of sight. Latch on to an asteroid if you can. Then set all systems except comms and life support on standby. Bring your power signature as close to zero as you can. Wait for my signal to power up, and push off."

All the Talaxian attack craft acknowledged Gunther's command as they followed his into the asteroid field. Fortunately for Gunther, all of his pilots were experienced enough to follow his instructions to the letter. Gunther attached himself to an asteroid that was only two times larger than his Eagle Fighter. Like clockwork, all but essential systems were powered down to standby. The little ships were now only visible to the naked eye.

"Gamma Flight to Pegasus, we are in position." For his element, the waiting game started.

USS Essex

Deela stepped onto the bridge just in time to hear the message from Bremer.

Chloe was on the bridge sitting at her station waiting for orders "Orders" she asked.

Deela walked over to her and said softly, "Get us into position." She looked over at White, "Ready all weapons."

As Deela sat down into her chair, the yellow alert changed to red alert. She glanced around the bridge, making sure everyone was doing their part. She then turned to the view screen as the Essex took the right position and awaited for the Kazon to show up.

Chloe got the Essex into position "we are in position Admiral " she said.

She nodded to Lokran to acknowledge Bremer of their status.

"Commander Lokrran of the Essex. We are rready."

 USS Lexington

A shuttle docked that brought Commander Stark, Ensign Krall, Lieutenant Archer, and Ensign Robinson back aboard. Chief Blackthorne, Captain Casion, Sergeant Calther, and the rest of the Marines that travelled aboard the Lexington had remained on the Talaxian base to aid in the battle that was to come.

Robinson proceed to Engineering while Stark, Krall, and Archer arrived on the Bridge. “Mister Wayne, advise the Pegasus that the Lexington is ready and standing by. Miss Ragen, ease us into a position on the left flank. Mister Krall, red alert.” Stark ordered.

The tall Capellan nodded. “Initiating red alert. Shields are online, phasers powered up, photon and quantum torpedoes loading, sir.”

USS Pegasus

Aboard the Pegasus, K’Wor sent tactical data to the other starships and to the Talaxian base from their encounter with the Kazon.

“Chief, take us to the right of the formation. We don’t want the Kazon trying to out flank our positions or encircle us.” Mike ordered.

“Aye sir, moving us into position.” Branson replied.

“Admiral, there’s a problem. The new shields for the Talaxian base, there’s gaps in them.” Draven reported.

“Pegasus to Talaxian base, can you close the gaps in your shield perimeter?” Bremer asked over the comm.

“Pegasus, this is Oxilion. Your engineering teams are working on that now, but a Mister Blackthorne said four of the shield generators have yet to be installed.”

Mike let out a breath. “Understood, tell them to keep working on it, we’ll provide as much cover as we can.” Mike closed that channel then opened another, “Pegasus to Marine force on the Talaxian base, stand by to repel boarders.” He closed that channel and opened another, “Pegasus to attack fighters, Mister Gunther, take notice of those shield openings, the Kazon will be going for them.”

Talaxian Base

On the base, Hurd grunted at hear those words. Checking the power setting on his Phaser Rifle, Hurd called out to those around him, "If this base is boarded, there will be no running, no retreat , and no surrender, you will make them sorry they even thought about it".

USS Essex

The bridge crew waited for the Kazon to arrive. The tactical data was sent, all were standing by and they were ready for them. Deela watched the viewscreen, as were the rest of them. She could sense what the bridge crew were feeling and she shared one of those feelings as well.

Talaxian base - Medical

Hades was more proud of his team then he'd ever been. The group was getting ready for what would be hell. Medical equipment was pulled out an stood ready, medications were labeled and put within easy reach and all major equipment was tested and ready. He even had a few generators for emergency.

Hades stood and addressed the group of his staff and the Talaxian group who were to be field medics, "I am not going to lie to you. This will be difficult. You will see friends who are at their best and those at their worst. I want you all to remember your oaths, you do what you can to help everyone. Those of you new to this I am sorry that your introduction to all things medical and all equipment medical will be a baptism by fire. Pair up Starfleet with Talaxian Medics. Do you best and know that you can't save everyone but you have to try."

He watched as some assembled paled. He knew what they were about to go through and he wished he could save them this.

When the teams dispersed he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Counselor."

Rol sighed, "There you go again taking the world on your shoulders."

Hades shook off the hand, "I'm fine. Take your place." He thrust a tricorder into the man's hand knowing that he would be of great help as he did have some medical training.

Hades looked up and saw Jewel Hurd. He waved her over. "Feel like helping out?"

Lead Kazon Ship

"Their defense are formidable, but not everything is online." Sessen said to his father. "Their shields are weak here, here, and here." He pointed to a tactical display.

"Our warships will engage the Federation ships, then we'll send our raiders to neutralize the Talaxian ships and orbital platforms, then shuttles can land in their bay and take the base." Culluh added with a smirk.

"After all this time, some revenge against the Federation will be worth all the waiting." Sessen said.

Culluh turned to another officer, "Prepare to attack."

Tactical Station, Talaxian Base

Jack stood at the Tactical Station with one of Talaxian Officers as he monitored the progress of the Kazon Fleet that was incoming. However his priority was on trying to seal the gap in the Shield Perimeter before the Fleet arrived

"Thats the best coverage I can give you Commandr Solomon," reported Manxian, the Officer on watch. "I cant spare anymore power to cover the gap."

Jack nodded. "Then thats the best you can do, which means I need to get creative... Keep your eyes on that Fleet," Jack responded as he moved to a nearby Engineering console to see what options he had.

Knowing that there were Engineering teams working under extreme conditions as they rushed to to finish installing the remaining Shield Generators left him feeling responsible but with a job to do. He analysed the Shield harmonics layout with the upgraded power nodes that Quan, White and Sullivan had installed and was happy to see the immediate improvements in place.

This afforded him an option which wasn't present before. He ran the numbers and liked what he saw. Walking over to Oxilion, Jack presented him with a PADD.

"Commander Oxilion, I have a modification to the Shield Grid harmonics that will close the gap in the field at the Northern Perimeter but it does mean they will be weaker," he explained pulling up the schematics for him.

Oxilion nodded. "Do whatever you need to protect the base."

"My Engineering teams will have the remaining Generators installed within 45 minutes, but they'll need that defence in place to help get the work done so that they can add that extra protection later on," he added.

Having been given the nod by Oxilion, Jack returned to the Engineering station and started working on getting the new Shield Grid harmonics online. Once his computations ere complete Jack headed back over to Manxian at the Tactical Station.

"Lieutenant, I've got a new set of Shield Grid harmonics that I'm about to upload to the system. We don't need to drop the Shields for this to work however you should see the gap in the Northern Perimeter close up when its finished," he explained.

"All you need to do is make sure that no one tries to take advantage of the Harmonics change...The last thing we need is to have a Kazon Vessel attack the Colony whilst this change happens." Jack finished his sentence as Manxian nodded his readiness. "Ok, whilst this is happening I'll keep the power flow regulated through the Shield Grid...thank god we got the power nodes upgrade!"

Jack brought the new harmonics grid online and made sure that he steadied the power flow as the change took place around the colony to compensate for the gap. As the change took place, the shield grid display updated with the new figures and he Engineering console beeped for attention when the change was completed.

"Shield Grid is now at 100% coverage Commander, however Shield strength has fallen to 83% now that the gap has been closed," Manxian reported to Oxilion.

Jack sent a message out to the remaining teams to get the other Shield Generators installed as soon as possible. e looked around the Bridge as he muttered the words "And now we wait..."

USS Pegasus

"The Kazon ships are moving forward. Three Raiders are trying to out flank us, going above us. Another three going below." Draven reported.

"There are six Predator class ships and three Raiders approaching. Two Predator and a Raider toward each of our ships." Ramata'tar added.

K'Wor then added, "Theres another eight Raiders and several shuttles behind them"

"The ships above and below are distractions, probing the colony's defense, the orbital defense systems should handle them. We'll focus on the big ships. The Talaxians and Fighters can tangle with the Raiders and Shuttles." Bremer replied.

The Pegasus shook from a hit.

"The Predators are hitting us from range, trying to draw us away from the colony." Draven said.

"Chief, don't let them draw us too far out." Bremer ordered as the Pegasus shook again. "First Ramata'tar, fire phasers."

Gamma Flight

Gunther sat in his cockpit patiently as he could see the flashes of weapons fire in the distance. Since his sensors were set on passive mode, to avoid detection, there was only so much that he could see on his display. Like a good Marine, he maintained his position until needed. He was happy that his Talaxian pilots were just as disciplined. What made him a little happier was a text only message that flashed on his comm screen. "Locust standing by with the rest of our flight on opposite side of asteroid belt." This now gave his element a total of six Eagles, and the original dozen Talaxian attack ships. Still, he would have been happier if he went on this mission with his whole squadron. He muttered to himself, "You don't need the whole squadron they said. This will be a milk run they said. In fact, only bring Eagles they said. " He looked up at the continuous flashes of battle, and shook his head.

Lead Kazon Ship

As the ship shook Culluh looked back at his Tactical Officer. "Is that Voyager?" He pointed at the view screen as the Essex flew by.

"No Maje, it's the same class of ship, but these Federation vessel are far more advanced than Voyager was." To the left one of the Predator class ships exploded from combined fire from the Essex, Lexington, and Pegasus.

USS Pegasus

"Chief, come to course 085 mark 324. Gillo, see if you can boost power to the port shields, they're not regenerating as quickly as the others."

The Pegasus shook from a hit. "Admiral, two Raiders and a Predator have broken off from the main group and are converging on us." Ramata'tar reported.

Mike thought for a moment as he glanced as his tactical display. "Chief, reverse course, take us right at them. First, target the lead Raider, once we pass hit the Predator with everything we have."

The Pegasus turned, as her phasers flared at the closest Raider. As she closed, she took several hits from the three Kazon ship, shaking everyone on the Bridge. The rear display at the Strategic Ops station blew out. As sparks showered out, there was a sound of static then loud music came over the bridge speakers. "I said, shoot to thrill, play to kill, I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will"

"K'WOR!" Mike yelled to his son, trying to speak louder than the music.

"I didn't do it this time!" K'Wor replied as he tapped buttons trying to cut the music off.

"First Raider damaged and the second destroyed. Targeting the Predator." Ramata'tar reported, barely being heard over the music.

"Cause I shoot to thrill, and I'm ready to kill, And I can't get enough, and I can't get my thrill, Cause I shoot to thrill, play to kill"

Bremer yelled out orders again, "Hard to starboard Chief," the music stopped, but Mike didn't adjust his volume, "Target their weapons," he finally realized the music was off as the Pegasus shook from another hit, "First." He said in a normal tone and volume.

Draven cracked a smile. "Maybe we need to play AC/DC during every engagement."

The Pegasus passed the larger Kazon ship then turned away, back toward the main engagement, firing on another Predator that was shooting at the Lexington.

Draven's smile quickly faded. "The Kazon have breached the Talaxian's landing bay and the are bordering the colony."

"Alert General Hurd, all Marines defend the colony." Bremer ordered.

Gamma Flight

Gunther was feeling anxious, watching what he could of the battle out of the canopy. Passive sensors were pretty much useless in the asteroid field. He observed a larger flash, indicating that a ship either took some serious damage, or was outright destroyed. His thoughts got interrupted when a shadow obscured his view of the battle. "Dammit, get out of my..." He stopped himself short. It was a Raider, or more like a pair of them, navigating the asteroid field. "Well, that is not fair. They are out of bounds. Time to throw a penalty flag." He quickly powered up his systems. Gamma wing, attack pattern Alpha 1, now, now, now."

Following his lead, the fighters quickly pushed off from the big rocks, and accelerated as they fired at the same time. The first Raider was disable outright, drifting and bouncing off the larger asteroids. The second raider managed to get one energy weapon blast, which overloaded Gunther's shields, and scorched the surface of his ship. The Kazon ship did not get a chance to get off a second shot, due to the Talaxian ships destroying its weapons mounts. The surviving Raider made a 180 degree turn, and fled at a high rate of speed. "Well, we unzipped our trousers, but he won't be back. Gamma Flight, commence search pattern of the field. Make sure they did not bring any friends."u>

Talaxian Base, Landing Bay

Lennox's small team had tried to hold the bay as more than three dozen Kazon stormed forward from their shuttles that had blown the doors open.

"Lennox to Hurd. General, we've managed contain the Kazon, however about ten to fifteen got passed us during the initial assault. We should be able to hold if no more land.

Lennox fired another pulse has Taz jumped forward and pulled a wounded Talaxian to cover. Down the line, Agtx grabbed hold of a Kazon that was trying to out flank the Marines. He lifted the Kazon into the air, slamming him against the bulkhead. He then threw the Kazon back toward his comrades, ripping his right arm off.

The Kazon that remained boarded one of their shuttles and withdrew. The shuttle tried to make it back to their fleet, but was quickly destroyed by one of the Talaxian ships.

Lead Kazon Ship

"Maje, our boarding parties have been repulsed." Someone on the bridge reported.

Culluh watched as another Predator class ships exploded.

"We should withdraw, take the fleet to the outpost we captured and make repairs. We can then bottle up the Talaxians and Stafleet in the asteroid field." Sessen suggested.

Culluh didn't like it and made a discussed face, but knew it was the best option. "Signal all ships to withdraw. Tell the rest of our forces to meet us at the outpost."

Pegasus, Bridge

"They are withdrawing." Ramata'tar reported.

Mike stood and watched the Kazon ships fall back. "Signal all Federation and Talaxian forces to stand down, let them go." He let out a breath, "We're in no shape to purse right now. Have all ships start on repairs."

A few hours passed. Repairs to the Lexington, Essex, and Pegasus were progressing, and all ships were fully operational again. Repairs to the Talaxian base were also underway.

Bremer sat on the Bridge of the Pegasus working on an after action report when several alerts sounded.

"Admiral, we're picking up six subspace distortions, bearing 215 mark 12." Roebuck reported.

"On screen." Mike replied.

After a moment, an aqua color flash appeared followed by the distinct outline of a ship.

"We're being hailed." Roebuck said, surprised.

Mike nodded. A moment later the main view flashed and on the left side was Rear Admiral William T. Riker and on the right was Captain Harry Kim.

Mike smiled, "Welcome to the Delta Quadrant. You're early."

"Actually, looks like we're late. Had some unwelcome visitors?" Riker asked.

"Is that a Kazon Raider drifting at the edge of the asteroid field?" Kim asked.

"I'll send you both a copy of my report, but to make a long story short, a Kazon fleet spend the last several years following a Talaxian convoy that was following Voyager's path. They attacked and took over a friendly trading post a few light years away, then attacked here. I don't think they were ready for the defenses we set up for the Talaxians, or the advances Starfleet has made since they encountered Voyager." Mike explained.

"We'll take over repairs from here." Riker replied. The USS Titan and USS Rhode Island were accompanied by an Excalibur class ship, two Nebula class ships, and a Defiant class ship. "We're brought more supplies. Stafleet Command wants to construct a Regula Type 3 Starbase close to the Talaxian colony if they approve. Admiral Janeway and Voyager will be here tomorrow with two Starfleet construction ships and the USS Watson with additional supplies and two Corps of Engineer units."

After the conversation with Riker and Kim, Bremer, T'Lar,and Stark all shuttled back to the Talaxian base to say their goodbyes to their new friends. Commander Paxim asked to return to the Beta Quadrant as an exchange office to learn more about Stafleet, to which Bremer agreed. Neelix presented each with a gift as well.

Just before leaving, Bremer, T'Lar, and Stark spoke with Riker, Troi, Tuvok, Kim, and the other ship Captains. Mike spent a little time talking to Kim, agreeing to meet back in their home state of South Carolina once the Rhode Island returned to the Alpha Quadrant. Neelix was happy to see some of his old friends. "Mister Kim! Mister Vulcan! It's great to see you!

Mike smiled, then looked at his officers. "Let's go home."

Once back aboard their ships, Bremer, T'Lar, and Stark each made sure all of their personnel were aboard, then the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington departed the system before jumping to slipstream and heading back to Starbase 400 and it would take a little over four days to get back home.



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