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Out of the Shadows - Part 3

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 11:11am by Splendora Sage

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400 - Promenade
Timeline: MD06 0800 hours


The following Morning, the group reconvened to discuss the matter at hand. Vox, Alex and Splendora were in the office at the back of the gallery waiting for Tomarn to arrive.

"I have managed to translate the map that was designed into the painting and so I know all the clues to help us. Alarin has a ruined civilization which has been this way for the past 3000 years. The painting shows images of different buildings which are markers to guide us to where the loot was hidden, if it still exists. It has been over 200 years. Any questions so far?"

Raising a hand like a schoolchild, Alex said, "Yeah, I've got a couple. I've never heard of Alarin, but I'm assuming that it's a planet? If so, where might it be and how long would it take for someone to get there?"

"Well I had a look at some star charts and I recon at warp 5 it would take 6 days to get to Alarin. Bear in mind that the last day of travel is the most tricky due to the anomalies in the area near the Typhon Expanse. " Vox replied.

Splendora sighed, "Of course, just once I would like to wave a magic wand and make things easy. Question, Alarin is under the a current arheological dig isn't it?"

"That's right. So getting access might be difficult" Vox replied.

"Not necessarily. Who's in charge of the dig?" Splendora asked.

"A gentleman called Professor Robert Lucas." Vox replied just as Tomarn arrived and joined the group at the table.

Splendora was going to say something but Tomarn's arrival stopped her. She sat back letting Vox take the lead and observing.

"Welcome to the discussion Tomarn" Vox said as the gentleman sat down. "Sorry I am late, business needed taking care of. What progress have you made? " Tomarn asked.

"Well we know the planet the loot is on and roughly where it is but the site is now a full scale archaeological excavation under the watch of Professor Robert Lucas. Splendora, what was you were going to add?" Vox asked turning to Splendora.

She shrugged, "Just that Robert Lucas...I know him. Starfleet Archeology corps. He's a Civilian leader but he's a tough cookie. He won't let you get near that site. So big problem."

Vox turned to Tomarn, who, by the look on his face, didn't like what he had just heard. "If Splendora is right, this whole idea is a none starter, well at least for us. I can give you all the clues in the painting and its then up to you if you choose to risk it. If the Professor is as tough as he sounds, you would need a cloaked ship to get anywhere near the planet to start with. I am an art dealer not an adventurer. "

Tomarn stood up from the table. He took the padd from Vox, containing the details of the painting. "I will be staying for two more days. You have till then to change your mind. It will be easier if we worked together and you would get a share of what we find. " He left the gallery.

Vox turned back to Alex and Splendora. "I can not deny I am curious as to what the loot contains. Who knows, there maybe some lost works of art that need returning to where they belong. "

"Well, if you need any help getting onto the site of any kind of archaeological digs, I can get touch with my contacts at the Starfleet and Vulcan Science Academies, as well as Starfleet Archaeology and Anthropology. I know they can be a tough crowd to work with, but I've got a few connections," Alex said, looking at Vox and Sage.

Sage kept silent. She was trying to read Tomarn but it was difficult. That told her that he'd taken precautions and that he knew she was a Betazoid. She still didn't like this.

"Alex, see what you can arrange for now and let us know. In the meantime, I have essential work to do for the gallery. " Vox made his exit from the room leaving Alex and Splendora with Tomarn.

Splendora excused herself as well. She had some thinking to do and packing to be ready for when they leave in the next few days plus she had a lunch she didn't want to miss.

Tomarn left and headed back to his guest quarters on the station.

Alex nodded and made his way back to Science Lab 7, where he was able to open a channel to several of his collegues at Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Command. It didn't take long for him to find out all he could about the planet in question, as well as help out the dear shop owner on his quest for treasures.



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