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[U.S.S. Falcon] To be decided

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 11:45am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson

1,988 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Ariana & Markus’ Quarters
Timeline: MD5 2200 hrs

Ariana was settled down on her bunk with a PADD having changed into her nightwear while Markus was away, she looked towards the door as the doors slid open and smiled “So how was everything?” She rubbed her neck which was feeling a little stiff where she’d been sitting propped up on the bunk.

Marcus had for a moment forgot that he was sharing the quarters with a pregnant woman and jumped a foot or so when he had heard her speak. "Damnit!" he exclaimed as he calmed down. "I was lost in my own thoughts there..." the young man looked at her as she rubbed her neck. "Feeling stiff?"

"A little" she smiled, "I've been sitting here reading for a little bit & it's given me a crick in the neck. The doctor gave me good news anyway, she says everything is fine with the twins, she suggested I get as much as rest as I can though."

"That's good." he said about the news, he entered the bathroom to wash his hands and face. when he returned he replicated a small jar of something that had a strong smell, not offensive. But strong. "Sit on this chair." he turned the chair for her.

Alicia looked at him curiously as she moved across to the chair, "What is that you're holding?"

"Just an ointment. Now please have a seat."

Ariana sat down in the chair, Markus was a man of many talents and it looked like he was about to show her yet another one of them.

"Alright. Now relax and close your eyes for a little bit." he scooped up some of the ointment into his hand. He waited for her to get ready.

Ariana relaxed in the chair, closing her eyes as Markus had asked her to.

Using his fingers, he started to massage the muscles in her neck. He did notice that they where a little tight so he placed the jar of liniment on the table and used both hands to try and loosen the muscles.

Ariana was surprised by just how wide a range of skills Markus had, she found herself enjoying his massage it was very relaxing. "So just how much... do you know about massages?" she kept her eyes closed the whole time.

"I have read quite a bit about it. Sometimes I have to massage my shoulder. There are many diffirent types of course. Relaxing massages, deep massages and even erotic massages." he said as he worked down her back.

"Erotic massages?" she couldn't help but say it out loud biting her lip afterwards at having done so. "I can't say I've ever... tried one of those"

He cleared his throat. "I don't think you would like to know about that from someone you met like a day ago, it is something that you should do to your lover or above."

"Of course" she blushed, "so what would you recommend is suitable for pregnancy?"

"Well. Upper and lower back, the entire stretch of the legs of course. Especially ankles and feet. As you start producing milk, they should be milked to make sure they do not get sore. You milk can be donated to those who do have the misfortune to be unable to produce milk." Marcus said calmly as he was working on her lower back.

Ariana was enjoying her back rub so much half of what was being said was being translated in completely the wrong way, she shook her head to clear the improper thoughts that had started forming in her mind. She could see her pregnancy playing havoc on her sex drive, "You are doing a wonderful job with that massage..."

"I am glad you like it." he worked backwards from what he was had done, not as deep this time, he just to increase blood-flow to her muscles.

"Hmmm that's good" Ariana let herself sink into the massage she had to admit he was doing a good job of relaxing her.

It wasn't long before he was back on her neck and shoulders, even giving the side of her throat a gentle massage. "There, with luck you will not have a stiff neck anymore."

Ariana sighed she was enjoying the massage so much she wished he didn't have to stop. She wondered if she should warn him about her hormones incase problems arose between them.

He sigh gave Markus the impression she was feeling better. "Now, I will take a shower if you want to relax. I'll change and all in the bathroom." he walked up to the replicator and made himself some off duty clothes before going inside of the bathroom.

Ariana sat for a moment, her hormones were on overdrive & she was even considering the mad idea of joining him in the shower. She got as far as the bathroom door and was about to turn around and leave again as the door shot open and she fell inside backwards right infront of a naked Markus. She did her best to divert her eyes as she sat in an embarrassed heap on the bathroom floor.

Marcus turned around, seing no one at first since she had landed on the floor he looked down. "Are you alright?" he knelt down to help her up.

"Yes I'm err.... fine" Ariana blushed as she looked at him doing her best not to look below his belt line, "I'm sorry I was just..." She sighed and decided honesty was best, "being pregnant is playing havoc with my.... Hormones, everything is on overdrive and your massage..." she tried to keep her eyes off his body, "...I had an inappropriate thought & I was going to act it before I realised what I was doing."

He had read about that as well and he smiled warmly at her. "Ah yes, increased or decreased sex-drive. Sometimes switching between the two several times a day. Do not worry, I will not take advantage." he pulled her to her feet. "You might wonder why. Well, under the influence of hormones, alcohol or drugs. You are not yourself. So I will not accept that step unless you are your self, not influenced by the cocktail of chemicals in your system. If you do get in to that mood, let me know and I will either leave the room or stay in my bunk with earplugs so you can get your release."

Alicia blushed more than she had before, "I don't think that will be necessary Markus but thank you" she got to her feet and headed for the bathroom door, "I'm sorry I barged... No fell in on you."

Marcus smiled. "Remember, the offer is always there. I have read that the sex drive can be quite intense and I don't like the idea of you suffering. And don't worry about that. I just need a few more minutes then you can take a shower too."

"I'm sure it'll sort itself out eventually" she smiled warmly, "but I will take the shower when you're finished."

Marcus returned to the shower and a few minutes later he returned with soft pants and a T-shirt on. "I am going to rest a little, so the place is yours."

“Thank you” Ariana smiled and grabbed some fresh clothes and a towel before heading into the bathroom, once inside she shook her head annoyed at herself for being so stupid she had a good friendship with Markus & she didn’t want to ruin it.

Marcus climbed up on the upper bunk, turned on the tiny reading lamp and got comfortable. He pulled out a small music player and placed the headphones in his ears before reading in a small PADD. This was the best way to distract him, stop him from peeking. She was a lovely woman and he would hate to ruin anything they had. Remembering he pulled the cover to shield the rest of the room from his view.

Standing in the shower Ariana was starting to wonder about exactly what she did feel, she felt guilty for even thinking about another man but Jonathon had wanted her to find someone who would care for her. She had to wonder what she’d do if she was confronted by a romantic situation, she shook her head to try and clear it she was getting herself all worked up again and it wasn’t a good idea.

Markus was reading about the fighter he was given. Even if he had read all about it already, but it never hurt to read through it again. He even had a small video of the performance of the fighter just so he could learn what the limits where.

Returning from the bathroom in her nightdress Ariana paused by her bunk, just being in the same room & in close proximity to Markus in her current mood was a temptation.

He pulled out one of the earplugs, he had noticed from the light flicking by his feet as she had walked past. "I hope you enjoyed your shower." he said calmly.

“Yes Thank you” she stood and walked over to the replicator to get herself a drink and late snack.

"Glad to hear it. To bad there is no water shower here. The ship is to small, so we have to satisfy ourselves with a sonic shower until we get back."

“I guess” she smiled, “would you like something from the replicator?”

"Sure, you can get me some Lemon tea with a touch of honey." he put down the player and PADD before he pulled the covers away to jump down. What he saw made him stare, his mouth drop slightly.

Ariana blushed her nightdress wasn’t the most suited to having male company but it’s the only one she had with her. She handed him his tea and smiled, “I’m sorry it’s not the best night dress for the situation.”

'Best?' he thought in surprise. She looked fantastic in it. "You look great." he said as he focused on his tea. "Thank you."

"My pleasure" she smiled as she returned to her bunk, "I think I'll get on with reading my book for a few minutes before I turn in. Thank you for the massage, I quite enjoyed it."

"So did I. You have very soft skin." he said, absentminded, not realizing what he had said.

"I'm glad you think so" she smiled, "you can give me a massage again anytime" she bit her tongue almost asking him about the erotic massage he mentioned earlier.

He smiled. "I would be honored to massage your aching joints and muscles. A pregnant woman should have someone who can help ease the pain." he felt very happy about this, not only was she amazingly beautiful. But he felt needed by a woman, not sexually, but for the care and just to make her smile and happy.

"Thank you I'd appreciate that Markus" she smiled, "I'll do my best to keep my emotions in check too."

"Don't overdo it for my sake. I will make sure not to bite when your fishing."

Alicia grinned as she climbed into her bunk "just be careful I'm not the one who'll be looking to bite" she grinned a wry grin as she settled as best as she could.

Marcus settle back in to his bunk after finishing his tea. "Oh?" the entire comment went over his head.

Alicia grinned in some ways it was good her comments went over Markus' head, "never mind... It's time I got some sleep or I won't be awake enough for work tomorrow."

Markus sighed. "Computer, dim lights to ten percent." he ordered and the room became quite dark, but still light enough for them to see where they were going if the bathroom was calling. "Good night ma'am." he added as he pulled the cover, it wasn't long until he started to slip in to sleep.



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