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Part I: Wolves on the station

Posted on Sun Jul 8th, 2018 @ 9:48am by Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper

1,422 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Marine Aid Station, SB400
Timeline: MD 06 - 0845 hours


Since the day Giaus Aquila was injured, his close non-commissioned friends made it a daily ritual to visit him together. their Division Commander visited mostly at night, because of his work load. Micklin and Gibbs waited near the QRF Room for Hopper to show up. Once he was there, it was decided to drop by the Aid Station before visiting Giaus at Medical, to see if Braxton had any word on their friend's return to duty. The chaotic group entered the Aid Station, and looked for Braxton.

Braxton had just about gotten his Romulan friend out the door convincing her that he'd eat when it opened again and a rambunctious bunch of Marines walked in.

He sighed, This was going to be one of those days and it was still early. Before he could great the bunch his beautiful Romulan friend jumped in, "Welcome to Gregori's Medical shop."

Micklin looked at his group with the same confused face that they now wore.

Braxton's ears turned pink. "Um yes, Ms. S'Nai was just leaving." He said but she foiled him again.

"No I can stay." She stuck out her hand to each Marine as she'd learned that Handshaking was a great way to say hello. She was still learning the culture and loved every minute of it. She had an insatiable thirst for meeting people.

Politely, they shook shook her hand. "Nice to meet you," Hopper said. She was unlike any Romulan he had ever seen.

Micklin looked at Braxton, "Hey Braxton, we are fixin to give Giaus a visit. Any idea when he will get his parole from Biobed Prison?"

Braxton smiled, "He's on his way down form the main bay for me to look at him now." Braxton checked the time. The Master Warrant Officer should arrive any minute.

One minute later, Giaus walked in. He was pleased to see most of his close friends in one room. All of them embraced him, as they greeted him. Then he turned towards Braxton. "So, what's the verdict Doc?"

Braxton observed the group. They were close, he missed that. The Wolverine Hell Hounds were like that but in a more quiet and scary way. He'd felt a bit of an outsider here, to be honest. People saw him as standoffish and intimidating, partly why he'd de-furred. "Well sir, I have bad news, good news, bad news in that respect."

"Well, give it all to me," Giaus responded. His biggest fear was being permanently grounded.

"Bad news is you still have to go to physio, good news you are cleared for duty, clearance is conditional on you keeping up with phsyio," he said.

"Thank you. I will visit Medical frequently, as ordered. " He looked at his friends. "Gentlemen, I am back in the game."

As he spoke Lai slipped out leaving the Marines to their chatter. She headed down the hall and into the turbo lift. As the door closed she caught sight of what looked like Yetties barreling down the hall and gasped as the lift doors shut.

Three massive figures stomped their way down the hall. The first, the obvious leader, had long black hair down to the small of his back, a beard and mustache that reached half way down his chest and was well over six foot four.

The second was obviously a Nausiccan with, again, long hair that was to the small of his back.

The third a six foot three blond man with long frizzy hair that rivaled his two companions. He had deep all black Betazoid eyes that stuck out and added a creepy vibe coming out of a pale face with a long beard and mustache. All three men had tattered clothing and emitted a smell that would have had Tarkalian Junkyard owners running for the hills. As they neared, what they were told, was the medical bay the leader let out a howled that sounded like a Hell hound baying at the moon. The other two followed suite.

"Great merciful gods," was all Giaus managed to say as he watched the trio. Micklin eyed the Nausiccan, who reminded him of his assistant team leader, Ch'aakka, who was Nausiccan himself. Perhaps a relation. Gibbs experienced MARSOC Marines who were in ultra deep operations before, and these marines practically screamed of deep ops. Hopper thought to himself that he may have met the Betazoid before, either in the MARSOC Q-Course, or in his time in the 5th Group.

Braxton let out a matching howl as the three rounded into the bay. He was well aware of what the trio looked like, a while back he matched them. They stopped short and stared at him. The dark haired marine eyed Braxton, "What the hell did they do to my hell hound! Look at you, all... all." He gestured to Braxton's lack of beard and hair.

Braxton smiled, "Yes and I smell better then a Tarkelian Razor Beast's..A....You know."

All three men laughed. The blonde marine smacked Braxton in the shoulder and Braxton dropped him to the ground quicker then one could say toast. The Nausiccan laughed and then eyed the other Marines as Braxton helped the other one stand. Braxton looked at the men around. "Gentlemen, meet the Wolverine Hell Hounds, "Colonel Sticky Nicky, Warrant Officer Patrick Dobbs aka Hell Fire, Chief Warrant Nack, Fang," he said pointing to the Nausiccan. "Nicky and Fang are the only two that bite so I'd keep my hands to myself." He then introduced Giaus and his men.

Nicky eyed the men and then reached into his beard and pulled out a lemon lollipop that had been stuck there. He pulled off a couple of hairs and stuck it in his mouth. "Blood sugar," he said past the lollipop and proceeded to grasp Giaus' elbow and forearm in a hand shake that would have been known to someone from Magna Rome.

Giaus gladly returned the handshake. "I see that you have been around Colonel. When we finally stand down from this alert, we need to celebrate the meeting of Brothers. It will be on my coin."

He smiled, "Sticky Nicky's rule number three. Never turn down a free drink." He grinned his yellowing teeth showing bas the dark beard.

Hopper offered a handshake to the Betazoid. "I know you."

Dobbs took Hopper's hand and shook it, "Q-Course before I bit my CO and got sent to the Hounds." He rumbled.

"Oh, so I have you to thank for getting rid of that bucked tooth excuse for an officer. Too bad they moved you out. He never returned to torture our class after that. Glad to see you now, Brother." Hopper really hated that CO.

Dobbs smiled.

Micklin offered his hand to the Nausiccan, something humans did not normally do, unless they were very familiar with someone in that race. "Glad to make another Nausiccan friend."

"Another," Fang said shaking the man's hand with a steel grip.

Micklin replied, "My right hand man in Bravo Team, Gunny Ch'aakka, is the other one. Great operator."

He gave a nod.

Braxton eyed the door worried that there were only three here when he'd gotten a message back that said thirteen would come. That meant the others were scaring people on the promenade.

Gibbs shook hands with the trio, but was interrupted by his combadge before he had the chance to speak more than a few words. =/\=Gibbs here=/\=
=/\=Top, Fleet Security is requesting, oh hell, begging for MSAU assistance on the promenade=/\= Gibbs shook his head. =/\=Stand By=/\=. Gibbs coughed, and spoke so the other can hear. "Excuse me gentlemen, but how many of your fellow guests went to the promenade deck?"

Nicky spoke, "Three here so ten there. They are all as charming as we are and heading to get food. We'll take care of it. We have to eat and then meet with...." He looked at Dobbs.

"Jackson," Dobbs supplied.

"Jackson for where he needs us. You and your men are welcome to join us for lunch, our treat." Nicky eyed Braxton who seemed his usual quiet self but off in some way.

Gibbs smiled. =/\=Just have four teams stand by just short of the promenade. Advise Fleet Security to back off, and maintain position outside as well. This will be taken care of.=/\= "I am game for lunch. " The rest of the 1st Division Marines nodded in agreement.

Giaus spoke, "Let's do this."

Nicky smiled, "Wonderful, We'll get breakfast now settle in and we'll meet you for lunch."



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