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Part II: Marine Bonding

Posted on Mon Jul 9th, 2018 @ 3:43pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper

2,195 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Promenade - Colter's Dinner
Timeline: MD06 1145 hours


In the end the starbase marines had gone down to get Jackson. Nicky figured they wanted to prepare him for the group he was to meet. He had to smile a bit. He loved how everyone felt a bit of a shiver around his Hounds. He studied the group of thirteen. Ten men and three women all over six feet all with long hair and beards...well accept the women but Blaze had a mini mustache issue. He grinned. The large diner had cleared the moment they had walked in. They were big, furry and dirty. They all waited for the Starbase Marines to join them. Various burgers and stakes and fries and all sorts of goodies lined the large table. The establishment owner had been reluctant until he got a sent, latinum. Then he'd been most gracious.

Dobbs sat next to Nicky, "Where's Braxton." It was a comment and a question.

Nicky scratched his beard. "He'll be here. He said he had something to grab from his quarters. When the SB4's get here all on your best. We don't need to scare them anymore. What was it that Aquila had said...something like great merciful gods?"

Dobbs, the only one in the group that knew Nicky's secret, the one that wasn't on the record even, smiled. "I sure would like to be a fly on the wall when they try to explain what we look like to Jackson."

Nicky grinned, "Yes well. Best behaviour. We have to help them and then we have our own little business to take care of with Braxton."

Dobbs was troubled by this. "Nicky do we really...."

Nicky shushed him as he saw the Marines heading their way.

Jackson walked in front of the his group, with Aquila to his left, and the rest behind him. It wasn't arranged this way, but naturally happened. The sight of the shaggy group of MARSOC marines occupying the tables in the restaurant did not phase him. He looked just as bad at times, during his days in black ops. The owner looked somewhat relieved to see his group, and greeted them at the entrance. He spoke nervously to Thomas, "Great to see you General." Jackson responded, "Likewise." He looked at Giaus, "You said this is on your coin?" Giaus laughed, and pulled out a large bar of high quality gold pressed latinum. "This whole bar is yours, for food, drink, hospitality, and.....damages." The owner grimaced, while the rest of his group, including the General, laughed out loud.

Giaus was already familiar with Nicky, so he led Jackson to him. "Good evening, Brother," he said, as he gave him a Roman handshake. "May I present you with the Commanding Officer of the 1st Marine Division, Major General Thomas Jackson."

Nicky stood up and shook the Marine's hand, "Thomas Jackson, Male, thirty eight years old, fought in the Battle of Betazed, Lead a platoon to take Chin'toka three, served in defence of Arcanis four from the Klingons, I am honoured." There wasn't much Nicky didn't know. He and his troop lived on the fringes. They were called in when all else failed. "My team is yours to help with the station defence in anyway. We don't usually get this kind of ritzy reception so on behalf of them and myself I am grateful."

Jackson was almost grateful that Nicky did not mention the Second Battle of AR558. Out of all the action he has seen, that one made the biggest impression. "We will talk shop later. The only official word out is that the Fleeters are on Yellow Alert, and we are on ThreatCon Bravo. For now, you can stow your gear with Aquila's Raiders. Adjacent guests quarters have been assigned, and Marine Engineers are standing by to perform maintenance to your ship. Enough of that though. It is a time to unwind. " With great timing, restaurant servers started to bring out an assortment of Earth BBQ, Betazoid vegetables, and "extra rare" Naussican meat dishes. Other members of the 1st MARSOC came in, and joined the festivities.

Nicky grinned, "Well the ship help is needed and appreciated as for the sleeping arrangements it would be nice to have a bed for once." He sighed, "It has been long since we just rested. Once we are done here we have new orders." Nicky had the look of a man who'd seen it all, heard it all, and survived it all. He looked out at his team and noted again how much they were a part of him. He also noted with a rueful grin that they bypassed the utensils and were eating like starving men and women. He grinned, leave it to his team to live up to the name wild. Then his eyes caught sight of Braxton who had entered while they were talking and had found a spot by a window. His plate lay full in front of him but he didn't touch it.

Nicky turned to Jackson, "Has he been much trouble?"

"Not at all. He has been one of the best medics that I have ever seen. He even patched me up once." Jackson answered.

Nicky gave a nod, "Good. When he came to me he was... not in a good place." Nicky gazed at Braxton again, "There is something you should know though. Perhaps when this is all over we can talk."

"No problem. We can talk about it later." Jackson said.

David Henry received a strange invite from his platoon sergeant, Hopper, to attend what was mainly a MARSOC party. At least Hopper had his wings, and served in black ops, but David only managed to earn a Combat Infantry Badge. Giaus and Hopper saw the young Lieutenant, and waved him over. "Good evening Sir." Hopper said. We saved a seat for you. Hopper looked at Dobbs. " Hey Dobbs, I introduce to you my Platoon Leader, First Lieutenant David Henry. He might not look like much, but he ended up assuming command of our entire battalion, ON HIS OWN, in the heat of battle. He kicked ass, took names, and managed to keep most of us alive."
Uncomfortably, David asked, Chief Giaus, why am I here?" Giaus laughed, "Oh Sir, it is a surprise. You will find out soon enough."

Dobbs smiled, "In the heat of battle character shows one's strength." Dobbs noted that the man felt uneasy. He grinned, "Relax Lieutenant we don't bite...well at least most of them don't I think three of us were sent to the WHH here for biting. I only tend to bite instructors sooo you're pretty much safe." He laughed.

Giaus and Henry laughed as well. David managed to let out a grin. Giaus then said, "Don't let his timidness fool you. Lieutenant Henry here rated a Silver Star in our last engagement. " Hopper added, "Just don't go on any long range treks in the woods with him during a training exercise. He will get you lost." He gave his Platoon Leader a wink. Henry's platoon, as well as members of his battalion gained much respect for his combat personality.

Gunnery Sergeant Chaakka quietly sat, and consumed his semi-raw meat, as he eyed Fang. Nausiccans were not much for words, so he gave Fang a nod, a common greeting.

Fang gave a nod back. To be honest he wasn't comfortable here. They had to behave. When it was just he Wolverine Hell Hounds Starfleet regs were grey. Dobbs' presence proved that. He sighed, He noted early on that the Hounds were eating with their hands and made the marines of SB 400 a bit uncomfortable so he had tried to use the utensils. He missed being part of a regular unit but Nicky...well he didn't release many from his command. He decided if they were rehabilitated enough and usually they weren't. He loved his team, he really did but he recently thought of going back to his home and to his family. He has always wanted a mate. Fang's eyes shifted to Braxton. He'd sensed a restless soul like his own in the man and was glad he was here. He needed to talk to him. Nicky....well Nicky was planning something. Fang looked at Dobbs who had Nicky's permission to read the minds of the WHH troops at all times. Brax had thought Fang early on how to block much of that.

He sighed and then looked at Chaakka, Nausiccans didn't talk much but it would be nice to talk to someone from home. He asked, "Been here long?"

Ch'aakka paused from eating. "Five years now. There were originally two of us on the team, but our fight against a Borg base changed that. He took many of those abominations with him. But he decided to hug a grenade instead of being assimilated. As for me, I have been a MARSOC Operator for the last ten years."

He gave a nod, "Been about ten years with the WHH for me too. Will be eleven this year." He was about to say something when Jackson called the group to attention.

Jackson had one task to get out of the way during this social affair, and he decided to take care of that now. He stood up. "Gentlemen, and not so 'gentle' men, I have an announcement to make. Lieutenant Henry, front and center."

Now David got really nervous. He dutifully stood up, and assumed the position of attention in front of Jackson. "As many of you here know, the Lieutenant was somewhat of a late bloomer. When I first saw his file, and realized that was getting the oldest Second Lieutenant in the Federation Marines, I expected the worse. But between fighting Orion Pirates, and fighting rogue Klingons, including hand to hand fighting, I decided that we were blessed. So I asked myself, what would make him a better Infantry Officer?" He paused, and looked at Giaus. Giaus pulled out a small box from under his table, and walked over to hand it to David. David opened the package, to find a stack of adult diapers. "Sir, you are going to need these."

David gave Jackson a puzzled look. Jackson smiled, and continued speaking. "I decided that First Lieutenant Henry could use some additional land navigation, physical, and combat training. So for six months, you get to enjoy the lush surroundings of Camp Archer, planet Mars, for the Marine Special Operations Qualification Course. Those Recon Wings will look good on you."

David's face got really pale. "Um, should I be thanking you Sir?" Hopper interjected, "If you don't thank him, I will. I get a new and improved Platoon Leader from this. " "Thank you Sir. I won't let you down. Do I keep my platoon?" Jackson answered, "Definitely. Your platoon needs you. " Giaus raised his mug, "To the newest Operator on the starbase!"

Braxton joined in the toast as did the Hell Hounds. Each taking a turn to talk with David and congratulate him or grunt their congratulations.

Nicky sighed and looked over at Jackson, "You have a good team here." He looked around again and then at his team. They were faring better then expected. The seemed to be adapting well to their surroundings. He was glad they had this time and this would be a bit of a break for them. "Well. I guess we should get dessert and off to sleep. Please let me know where you will be needing my men. After this we go to Alpha Centari. I gather they are anxious for us to arrive."

Now Jackson was understandably curious. "That is my home planet. In fact, their former governor returned to active duty, and is now posted on this star base. Who would need a MARSOC Team there?"

Nicky shrugged, "Not sure we were told to be there to assist with some sort of trade negotiations. Apparently something is not right and they need help finding out why." He sighed, "Specifically they wanted Dobbs he' of the strongest Betazoids we've encountered. Born with full abilities and still sane. Apparently that's big. The rest of the men will be assisting in security."

A red flag went up in Jackson's mind. "So what you are saying is that during trade negotiations in a sovereign member world of the United Federation of Planets requires a Tier 1 security detail, including a fully functional empath. Who the hell issued those orders?"

"Starfleet and Alpha C. Apparently this is a second contact situation and the first proved to be....not a good one. Starfleet made the request with Alpha's approval." Nicky shook his head, "Shame that is. Dobbs will have to shave and cut his hair if he's to be a Diplomatic aid."

Jackson decided not to push the issue at this time. But he would be sure to let Admiral Ward about this. Federation business was Federation business, unless it involved home. "It is a shame, but you never know what goes on in the minds of the Diplomatic Corps."

Jackson observed that the visitors were getting long well with the base marines. For that very moment, things were in harmony with his men.



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