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Lunch Thoughts

Posted on Mon Jul 9th, 2018 @ 3:44pm by Splendora Sage & Vito Russo

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 06 1200 Hours


Splendora had been pleasantly surprised by Vito's request for lunch. She had left the shop in Lai'lira's hands. She had recently hired on a new Crystal healer and a Vulcan meditation guide who also had a psychology degree. She was trilled. She could now take the occasional afternoon off and a longer lunch and that meant when she headed on her little trip with Alex and Vox there would be someone running the centre and hopefully Rol would be back. He'd promised to pitch in too.

She sighed as she strolled about the shops on the way to meet Vito. She called into one shop and bought a book and a new scarf, something she loved. She always loves shawls and scarves. A few minutes later she spotted Vito and smiled. He'd fast become her big brother. People said that 'blood was thicker then water' but for her the opposite was true. With Vito their brother and sister relationship, although not by blood, was thicker then any of her blood connections.

She walked up to Vito and gave him a warm hug, "Vito! I haven't seen you in almost a week. I'm so glad you called me for lunch."

"I thought we could talk, besides a meal is meant to be shared." Vito smiled. He looked upon Splendora as a little sister, and welcoming her company.

"How about Granny’s Kitchen? I haven't stopped in to see ol' Granny in a while, and I'm in the mood for a piece of her coconut cake." Vito smirked. "You'll like it, Granny serves traditional southern United States cooking and comfort food." Vito explained.

Splendora smiled linking her arm through Vito's, "You lead and I'll follow. I have never had coconut cake so this should be fun." The walked a ways. "So how have you been doing?" She always felt relaxed around Vito and was glad to talk to him.

"Keeping busy. The restaurant has seen more business lately with so many Alliance shops that have been coming and going. Been working on a few business deals too. And I finally started running again, been putting on a little wait lately." He smirked and patted his stomach then turned to watch someone walk by as they passed. 'What is he doing here?'

After a moment, he looked back at Splendora. "Hos about you?"

Splendora smiled, "Well I'm all for exercise...when someone else is doing it." She grinned. "Been busy at work, they have a new counselor here so I'm doing a file transfer with her of Starfleet personnel that want to go to a Starfleet counselor. Other then that, I've been mooning over your boss and getting ready for a little trip."

Vito heard Splendora talked, but wasn't listening. 'Why is MacLeod here? Wasn't he on the New Hampshire? Tom needs to know' He then started listening again when she said 'Starfleet'.

"A trip?" He asked.

"Well, Vox, the art gallery owner, he had a customer come in who was a descendant of a friend of a previous host for Vox. He's a Trill, Vox that is. Now this Torman...or whatever his name is wants to find this treasure that his ancestor took and hid. Vox can decipher the map. Vox, Alex, a Starfleet officer, and I decided we'll go along and get the treasure and then take it from this Torman and return it to the rightful owners! Isn't that great! An adventure."

"Vox seems like a good guy, but I've not talked with him, only observations. You should take Tom. No disrespect to Mister Vox or the Starfleet Officer, but you know Tom and I were in Black Ops during the Dominion War. I'm sure he'd be an asset." Vito replied, concerned.

She smiled and placed her hand on Vito's arm, "We both know Tom is busy...and avoiding me." She sounded sad on that last thought but seemed to shake it off. "I'll be okay. I'll be back in a few days." She said that as if she was trying to convince herself more then Vito.

Vito stopped walking, turned, and looked at Splendora. "That man loves you. He might not say it, or show it like most humans, but he does. That's why he so protective of you, and why he's kept you at arms length somewhat. Between us, he's also a little afraid, afraid for you and of his own feelings. It might not be right, but you need to take the next step."

Vito looked around for a moment, then started walking again. After what he just said, it fact that Paul MacLeod was on the starbase made things even more interesting.

Splendora smiled, "I love him too Vito. I'll be seeing him for dinner tonight. Maybe it's time we had a talk." She studied Vito. "What's wrong? I sense that something is not as it should be." She wanted to make sure he was okay. That was the second time she sensed surprise and a bit of uncertainty. "To quote an Earth saying...penny for your thoughts?" She reached into her pocket as they walked. She had something to show Vito but the interesting emotions she was sensing from him ....she wanted to make sure he was okay.

"I just saw someone that Tom and I served with during the Dominion War, I didn't know Paul MacLeod was here on SB400 though." It wasn't his place to go into details.

"Ah, we're here." Vito smiled as they walked into Granny's.

"And just where have you been Vito Russo? Ain't been by to see me in ages." An older white haired Human lady said from the side as she walked up. "Who's your friend?"

"Hey Granny. This is Splendora Sage" Vito replied.

"Oh, so this is the woman that has Tom Vercetti smitten." She said with a smile. "Welcome honey. Y'all find a seat, we'll get you some sweet tea and cornbread muffins while you decide what you want to eat."

Splendora smiled. The woman was so cute. She followed Vito to a booth. "She's so sweet. Looking around I can see why you like it here." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet bag. "Well back to what we were talking about this Paul person, I get the feeling there was a story there but before you get into it I went shopping and I got you something!" She handed Vito the bag.

Vito cocked his head to the side and gave her an inquiring look. "What's this?"

She smiled, "Something for you. I had one of the best quarters at work and one of my side businesses paid off so I went shopping. I saw it and I thought you should have it." She had actually been called to this item. It was a watch, white and rose gold from Earth, a strong leather strap. She'd had it engraved on the back with To the best big brother. It was to show her appreciation for everything Vito had done and for always being here.

"Thank you." Vito said in appreciation. "It's very nice." Vito wasn't one to show emotion, but he flashed a warm smile.

"So, what are you eating?" He asked.



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