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Meeting the CAG

Posted on Tue Jul 10th, 2018 @ 12:39pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

748 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: First Division CO's Office
Timeline: MD6, 1543hrs

Jackson was placing more supply order forms with Corps Command when his orderly handed him a PADD with any news updates that were useful to him. On top of the memo was that there was a new CAG assigned to the 181st Fighter Wing. Since he was running the administrative side of things for the wing, he thought that it would be nice to fill in the new CAG. =/\=Major Harris, at your convenience, please report to the 1st Division Command Office.=/\=

Upon hearing the request, Edward paused from typing on his terminal. A mixture of feelings; both anxiety and excitement came to him. He stood up from his lofty chair, seated at the clean, though crowded desk that was in the office he had been recently assigned. A more generous arrangement than he was used to, but he supposed it came from the movement in career.

Exiting from the turbolift, Edward arrived on the floor he would find the Major General. After find the door he was looking for, he took in a deep breath before pressing the calling interface "Major Harris here as requested, Sir."

Jackson stood up, left his desk, and offered the Major a hand shake. "First off, Welcome to Star Base 400. Can I get you a drink?" He handed the Major a drink.

Jackson then sat down at his desk, and offered a seat. "Major Harris, since your wing has been operating without a CAG, I ended up taking over administrative duties until a replacement was assigned."

He handed Edward a PADD. "This is the current status of your wing. You have 6 ships deployed on mission to the Delta Quadrant, but they should be returning soon. Lieutenant Gunther was in charge of that flight. Good man. His current position is head of your Spectre Squadron, in Alpha Group. Even though that squadron flies Scorpions, the previous CAG had them take the older Eagles, to maintain a low profile. You have a 4th Year Cadet doing his internship in your wing, so I placed him under Gunther. Cadet Mattson is currently on deployment with the USS Falcon, for a short cruise.He brought his Scorpion Trainer with him. Other than that, equipment wise, the 181st is operational."

Edward nodded as he was informed about the situation. Browsing through the specifications of the Wing on the PADD, he was pleased to see it was so well equipped, and plenty of maintenance crew to top it off. They must really the starbase at constant readiness. He committed the names that were said to memory, they would be another good way to situate himself in this new environment.

Taking a sip from his glass, Edward replied "Thank you, Sir. The starbase has definitely been even better than expected, I'm sure there's a lot that this Wing will be capable of doing into the future to come. Was there anything in addition to my normal duties you expect or need of me?"

"Just what I practically beg all wing commanders when they arrive here. When the Infantry units go into action, we NEED close air support. The last CAG was pretty good at that, but the CAG before that always chose to follow her own program, which cost us hundreds of lives during an attack on a Borg base." Jackson answered.

Edward nodded once more. Resources here may seem plentiful, but he knew that lives, and the effects of their loss was much harder to replace. Taking life was one thing, but letting the lives of his fellow members of Starfleet, and the Federation be lost? That was something he wouldn't let happen.

"Understood, Sir. Cooperation is key to a successful mission, and I'm more than willing to cooperate with whoever." He took a deeper drink from his glass.

"Was there anything else that you wanted me to know? I know your time is valuable, so I wouldn't want to hold you up."

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Whenever we put together an MEU, you will have a fighter transport carrying one squadron with it. Other than that, routine patrols in our system, and provide fighters as requested by the Fleeters. They always take a few along whenever they go on a mission. " Jackson said. "I know that you have to settle in, so nothing else today. f you need anything, just let me know. Dismissed."

Edward stood up from his chair, saluting Jackson "Thank you, Sir." Exiting the office, he made his way back to his quarters.


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