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Painting a picture

Posted on Tue Jul 10th, 2018 @ 9:03pm by Splendora Sage & Tom Vercetti

2,120 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Splendora's Quarters
Timeline: MD6 1830hrs


Splendora had set the table, showered, changed into a pair of jeans and t-shirt to wait for Tom. They were going to have dinner. The replicators were on stand by but Tom said he'd bring the food. She had accomplished it all hours before he was due to arrive.

Having nothing else to do and inspired by Vox's grand opening she decided to do something she hadn't done in a long time. She decided to pain. Setting up her canvas and paints on her crafts table she started mixing colours and
thinking about what the canvas was saying to her.

It had been a long time since she'd just let herself paint and soon enough an image was taking shape on the canvas. She'd been thinking of Tom and his restaurant and out came images of Tom's place, Vito, Tom, and his team. She used vibrant colours and her images practically leapt from the page. She was so lost that she didn't hear the first couple of chimes from her door.

Tom's head was pounding, and he deserved it after taste testing most of his alcohol supplies the night before. 'This is why I stopped drinking' he thought to himself. He fixed his collar on his shirt as he took a deep breath while he waited for the door to open. Several thoughts rushed through his mind, 'Why does this woman put up with me?' 'Why am I being a jackass to her?' 'I brushed my teeth?'. Tom gritted his teeth and was picking at his front teeth when the door opened.

When the door opened, he froze, finger on his tooth. He slowly moved it away and put his hand by his side, "Um, hi, good afternoon. You look nice."

Splendora smiled, "I have paint all over myself but that's sweet." She kissed his cheek. "Come on in. I just finished something for your restaurant...if you'd like to see."

'Paint?' he thought to himself, still embarrassed by getting caught with his finger in his mouth, 'Oh yeah, paint'. "Sure." Tom finally said with smile, a non-toothy one in case he missed something.

He walked in and looked around for a second, then back to Splendora. "Should I close my eyes?"

She laughed at the expression on his face. "Are you sure you trust me not to lead you into furniture." She gave a mischievous wink.

“I do.” He replied, then he thought about stubbing is toe the other day. “However, let me keep my shoes on just in case.” He gave a warm smile, then closed his eyes.

Splendora laughed, "Sounds good!" She walked in front of him gently holding his hands as she lead him to the painting. She looked again making sure that she was happy with the way his staff and he looked and then she stepped beside him and gently rubbed his back, "Open your eyes."

Tom smiled, no one had painted him before. "That's really, really good! I could but it in the restaurant and replace that old painting or the dogs playing poker." He smirked, "Thank you."

She smiled, "Glad you like it!" She took his hand noting that he'd forgotten he'd said he'd cook. She was glad she had cooked just in case. "I have some amazing sandwiches. I learned how to make them when I took a trip to Italy on Earth. Bread coated with garlic and rosemary, chicken breast breaded and coated with a tomato and pepper sauce and some crisped prosciutto. Sound like a plan?"

"Sure, sounds good." He replied. 'Oh crap, was I supposed to cook?' he thought to himself.

She smiled, "Great."

Splendora lead him to the table as she went about getting the food out of the warmer she thought about Vox. Something didn't sit right with her about tomorrows meeting. She had a sense for these things. She hoped that she was wrong but she decided that she'd bring a phaser to the meeting just in case. The person today that had come to see Vox had a eerie feel about them. She shook the thoughts away and tried to focus on Tom. Lai'lira and she had talked about him today. She was finding the little Romulan assistant to be a great friend. She had confided in her about her thoughts and she tried to push those away too. "So how was your day." She said trying to start the conversation as she set the food down and took her seat. She had felt Tom had been a bit distant as of late and she didn't know if it was her or something else.

"Today was, interesting." He started, but didn't mean to sound so cryptic. "While nursing a headache, it was inventory today. Someone had ordered Cardassian yamok sauce for Gul Mavek's crew and for the additional Cardassians that have passed through since the alliance was signed. Well, it was forgotten about and spoiled. Ever smelled spoiled yamok sauce?" He scrunched up his noise. "How about yours? I hear some rumor about some kind of meeting."

Splendora smiled, "Oddly I have smelled yamok sauce that's bad. I don't envy you there. Main thing was that you got it sorted and tossed out. She took a bite and chewed her sandwich avoiding the meeting question or forming an answer. She would go with the truth with a slight omission. "Well my day was alright. Lots of appointments and I did go to the art gallery. It was amazing. Vox has some pictures that are perfect for my quarters and the centre. I want to pick them up. Vox got a rare painting in that he is going to look at and he invited me and someone else to view it." She kept it simple and vague. She knew if Tom knew what this could mean he'd flip his lid and lock her in her quarters to keep her from going.

"Vox seems like a good guy. What else does he have in his collection?" Tom asked then took a bite.

Splendora told him about the Betazoid artist she'd picked up and how she'd bargained him down 100 bars from his original price. "He had some Vulcan artists too. I saw T'Rol paintings and there were even old Earth artists...I believe one is a Pick-axe-oh," she said sounding it out phonetically. "I think I said that right. He had Denobilan artist Tor and even his own work...or rather work he'd donne as a previous host. Most interesting." She had to admit her food was tasking good. "The Gallery has a lot of visitors....even a few Ferengi from off station." She looked over at Tom. "So what's been keeping you busy," she asked as she smiled at him. To say that she didn't see enough of him was an understatement.

"Well, after invintory... " He paused. "I've avoided you. It's not easy for me to show emotion, and I've grown very...fond of you. With some of my work, the danger we've talked about, I dont want you hurt or in danger. However I keep finding myself drawn to you, and wanting to work it out."

There it was, he'd laid it all out on the table. Now Tom waited for the reply.

The first part of his speech, I've avoided you... stung like a fresh burn even though it was what she'd suspected. The not showing emotion she understood. fond.... she smiled at that. She had sensed that emotions were hard for him. She moved her chair so that she was sitting next to him and touched his hand. "Tom, I think that we're similar. You were honest with me so I will be with you. Emotions were never easy with me either because most of my life the emotions I felt were...painful. When this..." she pointed between the two of them, "Started between us I was afraid. I was feeling too much too fast. I noticed you getting distant and I avoided using my Betazoid abilities because I was afraid that you didn't feel for me what I felt for you and I didn't want to know, I didn't want to confront it. I started my usual defend my heart story. But like you I could never shut you out I am drawn to you. Tom Vercetti I am falling in love with you and for the first time I will let myself fall."

She sighed, "Tom, danger or not I want to be with you." She rubbed the back of her neck, "Um...speaking of danger I there is something you need to know..."

Tom cocked his head to the side, "What's going on?" He wondered if there was another problem rising with her estranged parents.

"I'm going to be going on a little adventure." She said in a voice that sounded like the kid who stole a cookie from the cookie jar. "See Vox needs some help recovering something so I've offered to help."

"Recovering what?" His tone was a little harsh, but he was protective. "How well do you know him? Trust him? Who's ship?" Important questions, but he didn't mean to ask them so...professionally. "I'm concerned."

She smiled at his protectiveness. "Well the gist of it is Vox's previous host, a painter, created a map for this shady character this was a long time ago. A descendant has shown up. He wants Vox to translate the map but that could be dangerous we don't know how this man is. So Vox, a Fleet officer, Alex and I have decided to play along and go on this treasure hunt with Tomarn and find this treasure and then return it to the rightful owners. If Tomarn isn't going to do that we will bring him to justice." She grinned, "I'm going to help someone get something they lost back and stop someone I don't trust very much from getting his hands on what doesn't belong to him." She thought a moment, "So I don't know any of them well but it seems right to try and prevent someone from keeping something that doesn't belong to them, I trust Vox and Alex they have genuine intentions, Tomarn...well I don't trust him. It's actually his ship but I figure if there are three of us then we'll be okay."

It did seem like the right thing to do, but also sounded dangerous. "Do you want me to go with you? Vito can watch the restaurant, and he's been saying I need to get away for a while now."

She smiled at Tom, "Odd Vito suggested the same thing at lunch today." She studied him, "Actually before we talked today I thought you were trying to avoid me because you didn't know how to give me the brush off so I thought I'd leave let you think about things and maybe shore up my heart for what was coming. The......the... coward in me didn't want to confront you not was I letting my senses tell me if I was wrong or right...I've been trying not to use my senses as a crutch."

She took his face in her hands and gently placed a kiss on his lips. "Now I know the truth. I'd love to have you come along but...only if you want to Tom. Not out of worry for me but because you want to spend time with me the way I want to spend time with you."

Tom smiled, "I need to get a few things, but when do we leave?"

Splendora smiled, "Tomorrow evening." She stood and walked to a cabinet. She pulled out a little bag and reached inside pulling I box. "I have something to show you."

Tomorrow evening was good, gave him time to get a few things together and call in a favor.

"Oh?" He replied.

She sat beside him and slid the box to him. She was shopping and she'd picked up something for Vito and this for Tom. It was much like old Earth military tags but thicker, a locket of sorts. On the outside his full name was engraved and inside there was a small key and an engraving. The key to my heart always yours. -- Splendora"

Tom looked at it for a moment, then back to her. He smiled then said with genuine thankfulness, "Thank you." He leaned in and kissed her.

She smiled. Tom could hold back on the feelings but when he did express them they were always genuine and she did live for those sweet kisses. She smiled, "Your welcome. Now how about dessert. I have Tiramisu and Lemon cake."



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