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Making it Official

Posted on Sun Jul 15th, 2018 @ 12:10am by Vice Admiral James K`Temoc Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

444 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: K'Temoc's Office
Timeline: MD6 Current


Having already started her Counselling duties & had her check up complete with the surprise news of twins Ariana took one last look at herself in the mirror making sure the uniform fit properly over her small pregnancy bump before heading off to find Vice Admiral K'Temok, she'd made the point of researching who was onboard having learned that a lot of the staton crew were currently off station. Arriving at K'Temok's office she nervously straightened her uniform before pressing the door chime.

K'Temoc was covered in reports, PADDs were covering his desk. Reports about the loss of the Vangard and Kearsarge, reports about the Yorktown's engagement with the Romulans, reports about the Joint Fleet Maneuvers, reports to Starfleet about the expansion of the Special Operations Group, standard station reports, the list went on. When the chime sounded, K'Temoc almost smiled.


Walking inside Ariana smiled as she walked across to the desk, "Lieutenant Ariana Monroe Chief Counsellor reporting for duty Admiral" she handed over the PADD containing her orders. "The Doctor has already cleared for me for duty"

K'Temoc stood, "Ah yes, the new Chief Counselor for the Station. Welcome aboard." He motioned toward a chair, "Please have a seat. Care for something to drink?"

“Not at the moment thank you Sir” Ariana smiled politely as she took a seat, “I’ve already been busy with appointments so I can see my calendar being a busy one.”

"Aboard this station, you'll be busy." He replied with a smirk. "Is there anything you need for your office or quarters?" He took a sip of his coffee, then made a face when he realized it has become cold while he'd been neck deep in reports. He set the cup to the side.

"Just a never ending supply of PADDs" she grinned, "I go through a few keeping notes on sessions and updating personnel files. I'd also like to request clearance to over ride security on the doors? I've had problems getting to patients in need before now because I haven't been able to get into their quarters. Not all clearances include that for Counselor's considering we're part of the medical staff." she smiled, "Also... On a more personal note I'd like to request family quarters for near the time my children are born, I'm fine where I am for now it's just I'll be needing the extra room."

"I'll put in a request for security to update your override codes. I'll also requisition you some family quarters. They should be ready for you tomorrow. If there's anything else, just let me know until the 'old man' is back. K'Temoc stood and smiled. "Welcome aboard."



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