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"What price Memories"

Posted on Sun Jul 15th, 2018 @ 12:41pm by Maria Garabaldi

480 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Arriving SB 400
Timeline: MD8

“Personal log…. Ahh hell who knows the damned Stardate anyway, I never understood it. Give me the good old-fashioned AD and BCE like a true historian. They tell me, the shrinks, do a log, record memories, it will keep him alive in your heart.”

There was a pause, “I say screw that, I don’t want him alive in my heart, or to have his memories, memories don’t make me laugh, they don’t bring me a coffee when I’m working late. They don’t hold me at night. All they do is remind me he’s gone.”

Another brief pause, “Computer stop and delete.” The chirrup from the computer acknowledged that the log had been deleted. Those damn things sucked anyway.

Maria leaned back against the bulkhead of their transport. The cool metal eased her back pain some. Roberto was sleeping, a rare gift for a 3-year-old, who knew warp core vibrations could put him out for the count.

That boy was all she had left of Peter. A little piece of him. She remembered when she found out. Sitting on the biobed with the Vulcan doctor, Selek, was his name telling her, that she was gestating an offspring, most likely human. Vulcans, she smiled, great doctors, but shitty bedside manner.

She remembered his reaction when he found out, his smile…. Maria remembered lit up their small quarters. She hadn’t seen him that happy since their wedding day in the small church.

But those happy days didn’t last, and now she was raising Roberto alone, with pictures to remember him, and a cloth flag in a holder. She brought it all with her, as much as she hated thinking of the man she had loved, the man who had been her partner reduced to a few pictures, a letter sent, and a flag in a case, worst would be forgetting him. Then he would truly be dead.

One other thing her mother had said was a silent child is a concern because it means they are either hurt, or causing trouble.

So she headed in to his small room, the Captain had given them a nicer room then she had paid for, what she expected was one room, but when her Identicard was scanned and her status as widowed spouse of a Starfleet officer, she got upgraded, the man checking her in, apparently did it because she was an ‘honored widow’ There was an old earth politician who once said about the man tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail, ‘if it wasn’t for the honor of the thing I’d rather walk’.

In their Roberto was sitting up hugging his stuffed Targ, that he had gotten from the ship’s crew. “We there?” He asked

“Not yet.”

“Ok…Can Mr Targ come.”

“Of course.” Maria smiled, “He’s coming too.”


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