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A trip to medical

Posted on Thu Jul 5th, 2018 @ 4:33am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Falcon sickbay
Timeline: MD5 2100 hrs

Ariana walked into the Falcon's sickbay and looked around for a Lieutenant Woodhouse, seeing her standing by one of the medical supply cupboards she made her way over. "Lieutenant..." she smiled politely, "I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?"

"Not a problem, just inventorying supplies." She said, as she closed the cabinets and walked over to the main bay area of sickbay. And motioned for Ariana to have a seat. "Lieutenant, something I can help you with?" Asked Anna, waiting for Ariana to open up.

Ariana offered a nervous smile, "I was in my quarters earlier & I had some... Pains across here" she placed her hand on the small bump she had, "They didn't last long but I thought I'd best come and see you about it."

Anna grabbed her medical tricorder and started to scan the area. She smiled as she noticed that Ariana was pregnant. "They are doing well, growing at steady rate." Said Anna as she continued to scan the babies. She was trying to be objective, but the idea of babies scared her a little. She did not believe she wanted to be a mother. But then again, she never thought she would be dating the captain of a starship either.

"That's a relief" Ariana smiled, "I thought for a minute that something might be wrong."

"Everything looks okay for the moment. You might feel more discomfort as the pregnancy progresses. But please keep your primary care physician notified of any issues. The twins are healthy and stable." She said. At the moment this statement was true.

"The twins are all I have left of my husband, he passed away a month ago just after I found out I was pregnant" her smile faded for a moment before she brightened up again.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, I would suggest trying to take it easy. As I said earlier, its not uncommon to feel discomfort. I would suggest taking it easier, at this time I am not going to limit or modify your activities. Let's see how things progress." Suggested Anna with a warm smile on her face.

Ariana nodded and smiled, "I'll make sure I don't overdo anything, that's one blessing of being a Counsellor we do spend a lot of time sitting down while we're working" she grinned.

"There are still a lot of ways you can over stress yourself. Especially in the role as counselor. I admire your willingness to help others. But do not forget about your needs and the needs of the twins." Said Anna, as she started to feel a little more comfortable around the counselor.

"I got the feeling that you weren't very comfortable around me when I first arrived, specifically after I mentioned my problem. Are you not comfortable with pregnant women or pregnancies in general?"

"Mostly accurate, no reason to try to conceal the fact, you are after all Betazoid. I just have my reservation about wanting kids of my own." She said as she choose not to go into any depth of an explanation, at this stage of the conversation. Ariana was hear seeking help from Anna not the other away around.

“Fair enough” Ariana smiled warmly, “Thank you for your time and for putting my mind at ease if I have any other worries I’ll pop in and see you”

Nodding politely she turned and headed for her quarters, at least she’d have some good news to tell Markus.


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