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[U.S.S. Falcon] Getting ready.

Posted on Wed Jul 4th, 2018 @ 4:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson

1,650 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Quarters of Monroe & Mattson
Timeline: MD 05 Prior to and After the meeting

[ Prior to the staff meeting ]

Marcus had been sitting in the chair, quietly working on his mechanical arm for roughly and hour before the call came through the intercom, "Senior Staff report to the conference room as soon as possible.". Markus knew it was the captain and that he would have to wake up the sleeping pregnant woman. He detached the thick wire that was connecting his arm to his shoulder, put down the tool that he had in his hand. He knelt down, pulled the cover aside and gently shook her shoulder. "Lieutenant."

Ariana stirred for a moment she imagined it was Jonathon waking her up but opening her eyes it was just Markus. She smiled "I take it it's time for the staff meeting?"

"Yes. Do you have a personal mirror I can get you to get presentable?" he asked as he went to the replicator to replicate a bowl of water with a sift spunsh for her.

"It's fine I'll go in the bathroom it won't take me long" she smiled as she stood to head into the bathroom, "thank you for letting me sleep, I appreciate you waking me up."

"You looked like you needed it." Marcus headed back to the chair to reattach his arm.

"Yeah I did" she smiled and nodded, "you were right earlier I should see the doctor about those pains I had just to be sure that's everything is okay."

"One can never be to sure when it comes to ones offspring right?"

Ariana nodded as she headed into the bathroom, at least her stomach was feeling a little more settled to how it had been. Getting herself freshened up she smiled as she reappeared and grabbed a fresh set of clothing to put on, "would you mind?" she grinned as she motioned to Markus to turn around.

He looked up and noticed what she wanted. "Of course." he turned around.

Ariana slid out of her old clothing, taking a moment to pick up her clean uniform and put it on.

The cadet smiled with a sigh, but he went rigid after a moment. The polished screens of the computer on the wall was giving a very nice outline of her changing clothes. He didn't know what to do, if he turned around he would face her, if he made any sudden move it would be clear that he might have seen something or even worse, she could think he was trying to peek. He was so lost of what to do.

Ariana suddenly sensed discomfort in the room zipping up her uniform she turned and tapped him on the shoulder, "Its safe now..." She smiled, "sorry next time I'll change in the bathroom."

The tapping on his shoulder made him jump. "What? I didn't see anything!" he exclaimed in panic.

Ariana looked around realising he must have seen her reflection in the screen nit to mention a few other objects in the room, "It's okay... I'm sorry I didn't realise"

"No. You did nothing wrong. I didn't mean to look." he felt so bad about the whole thing.

"You couldn't help but see my reflection in here" she smiled warmly, "like I said I'll change in the bathroom from now on to save you the embarrassment."

"Or I can step outside." he knew the bathroom was quite small.

"I'm sure we'll work it out" she grinned, "I really should be going, I'll be back after the meeting"

"Yes ma'am, send me a message that you are on your way back and I'll have some snacks out for you."

"Agreed" Ariana grinned, "...and its Ariana not ma'am" she smiled as she headed out of the door.

[ A Little While Later After the Meeting]

With the meeting finished Ariana headed back to her & Markus' quarters more to get that something to eat Markus had promised her than anything else plus she needed to grab some PADDs she'd brought with her for her Counselling notes. She'd already let Markus know she was on the way back like she'd promised to.

Marcus had replicated a variant of the food, placed it on the small table for her to eat, he had also added several glasses of liquids of many kinds.

Walking inside Ariana couldn't help but smile, Markus was so considerate in the way he looked after her. She picked up a glass and drank some of it down before looking at Marcus, "It sounds like we're going to be kept busy for the next two weeks, the Captain has plans to keep all of us on our feet." she sat at the table and politely ate her food taking it slow & steady so as not to upset her stomach.

"I am sure the the first officer will keep me updated on my duties. Do you need anything else? If not, I can give you some alone time while I go and check on my fighter."

"I'll be fine" Ariana sipped her drink, "you go and check on your fighter, just promise me something... that when you do go out in that fighter you'll be careful? I don't want any bad news about you."

He smiled at her, it was nice to hear her care for him. "It's just a shakedown criuse. I highly doubt that anything will happen." he rubbed his chin. "I think I'll name her Ar'Mone"

Ariana stopped to think about it "Is that an anagram of my name?" she looked at Markus curiously.

"Is it?"

Ariana smiled, "You tell me, I'm the one whose asking."

He saw her smile and he liked it, so he decided to see if he could tease her for fun. "I don't know. I just like the sound of it. Arrrrrrrrrrrr Moooooooooooooneeeeeeeeeee" he said, rolling the Rs and extending the Os and Es.

"You are a tease!" she picked up the nearest soft item she could find and threw it at him, she hadn't had fun like this since Jonathon was alive. She couldn't help but laugh seeing him duck out of the way.

He didn't move, thinking it would be more fun for her if she had an easy target. It hit him squere in the face and he looked at her. "Don't make me use my secret weapon..."

"And what secret weapon would that be?" Ariana was all ready to throw at him again but she wanted to see what his so called secret weapon was.

"Are you tempting me to use it?" he started to pace back and forth, constantly keeping an eye on her.

"Oh I dare!" Her smile beamed "I don't think it actually exists but I'm daring you to use it."

"Don't blame me then." he launched himself at her, attacking her with his fingers to tickle her. He hoped she was ticklish or he would be looking damn silly.

Ariana burst out laughing, she was ticklish alright extremely ticklish and Markus was winning hands down. He tickled her all the way to the floor leaving her a laughing bundle.

"You asked for this!" he kept on the assault. He felt really good that he was making her laugh.

Ariana was in fits of laughter so much so she tried to escape by heading over to the bed to get out of his reach. She only got so far before he caught her up again she kept laughing until she accidentally tripped him up and they ended up side by side on the floor.

Markus felt that he could give her a break, he didn't want her to have an accident, since she was pregnant and laughing to hard did contract muscles otherwise not used that often. Granted she wasn't large enough for the fetus to push on her bladder. "You have an amazing smile ma'am." he said, ignoring her earlier wish to call her Ariana. "So, feel stress free yet?"

"More or less Markus, thank you" she smiled as she looked at him, "I think if anything I could do with a little rest" she reached for a PADD she had on the table, "I think I'll sit on the bed & for a little reading for now."

He stood up and offered her a hand to get up. "I think you should. But you should head to the doctor and check out that pain first."

"I agree" Alicia nodded, she had to admit her sides ached from all the laughing she'd been doing so she needed to walk that off. "I'll pop along to sickbay now & see what the doctor has to say."

"Good girl." he helped her to her feet. "I will be away for a bit. You can rest in your bed if you want."

"Providing all is well I'll see you back here later" she smiled, "thank you for cheering me up"

"It was my absolute pleasure." he smiled at her and went to the door. "I can walk with you for a little bit."

Ariana nodded, she had to admit she was a little nervous about seeing the doctor but it was for the best. She smiled as she walked alongside Markus until they had to go their separate ways. “I’ll see you later, have fun with your fighter”

"Oh I will." he wiggled his eyebrows at her, hoping that the thought she would get in her mind from it would make her laugh.

Ariana couldn't help but grin as she turned ready head on her way to sickbay she had to admit she was looking forward to seeing Markus again later.

They walked for a little bit before they parted ways. "Until later my lady." he bowed slightly, took her hand and kissed the back of it before Marcus headed down to the hangar to check up on the fighter he had been assigned.

Heading on her way a big smile crossed Ariana’s face, a very big smile.



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