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Settling on the Falcon

Posted on Sun Jul 1st, 2018 @ 9:44pm by
Edited on on Mon Jul 2nd, 2018 @ 11:57am

625 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Quarters of Zeke and Anna
Timeline: MD5 2000 hours

Zeke had board the USS Falcon with Anna, the two of them started to head for their shared quarters. He took a look around thinking to himself, the room would be sufficient for their needs. He was curious to how Anna was going to react. He put down his duffle bag on the full size bed. "You think a queen size would fit in here?" Asked Zeke.

"It would be a little snug, but yes." Said Anna, as she went on. "It's big enough for the two of us. Honestly I would not worry about it." Suggested Anna, as she placed down her bag, and started to unpack it.

Zeke walked over towards her and slid his bag next to hers. And did the same thing. He started to unload. "Your right, its only two weeks, then we will be back home on the station." Said Zeke as she put his clothes in the dresser.

"What do you think of the Falcon?" He asked. Curious on her thoughts.

"At least its not a defiant class." She teased, the ship had limited resources and amenities'. It had a working holodeck and a couple of universal labs to use.

Zeke chuckled at her comment. "Defiant's are not that Miss Woodhouse, we would be real close together." He said, giving her a big bear hug from behind.

Anna smiled, she could tell he was trying to make a joke. But he was right. They would be real close. The defiant models were very cramp. But so was the USS Falcon. "This ship is pretty cramp, we will very close together." She suggested as she spun around in his arms, and placed her hands on his shoulders. She looked up and smiled into his eyes.

"That's not a bad thing, is it?" Asked Zeke with a small smile on his face. He was trying to tease his girlfriend. In his own way, he was flirting and teasing her. Trying to show constraint.

"No at all." She said as she embraced him.


After a short session of making out, Zeke tapped on his combadge. "Captain Bagwell to Commander Rogers, please respond." He said, thinking to himself, that his first officer seemed a little young, and like him. She was working her way up to the ranks fast.

"Yes Captain," called out Sarah, as she just arrived on the bridge of the USS Falcon. She took a look around, it was a small design, very combat and very functional.

"I want to meet with the crew in twenty minutes. I am on my way. Please assemble the senior staff to the conference room." Ordered Zeke, as he prepared to end the call with his first officer.

"Aye Captain, see you in a few, Rodgers out." She said.

A few seconds later Zeke heard the intercom and so did Anna.

"Senior Staff report to the conference room as soon as possible." Was all that Sarah said over the intercom.

Anna looked over to Zeke, and grabbed a couple of data pads. One was hers, and the other belonged to him. They made their way to the conference room, that was located on the backside of the bridge.

Everyone walked into the conference room. Zeke started to talk about the mission at hand, it was a training mission. He told the crew that he wanted to test their departments abilities. And he wanted to test the marines abilities as well.

He told his crew, that they could be called to action at any moment, and they needed to be prepared. He told them, that the next two weeks was going to be pretty intense. He apologized ahead of time for what he was going to put his crew through.


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