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Surprise, Surprise!

Posted on Sun Jul 1st, 2018 @ 10:10am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson
Edited on on Mon Jul 2nd, 2018 @ 2:49am

2,209 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Falcon crew's quarters
Timeline: MD5 1920 hrs

Ariana headed for her shared quarters she was starting to get quite hungry her appetite was definitely increasing in volume the old adage of eating for two, or in this case three, definitely seemed to be true. She wondered who it was she was going to be bunking with here aboard the ship.

Marcus had spent a little time getting to know the interceptor, he was how going to have to talk to the XO since she was the one in charge of his part of the assignment. The door chimed just as he came out of the sonic shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door. He was in shock when he learned that it was the councilor, he had no idea she was onboard as well. "Doc. I didn't know you where onboard."

Ariana did her best to ignore the fact that Markus was mostly naked, she was having a hard time reconciling the fact that she found him interesting as it was. She tried not to stare "Sorry... I wasn't expecting to find anyone here yet" she couldn't help but blush, "it looks like I'm your new bunk mate"

He looked at her like she had grown a second head and the two heads where arguing with each other. 'How am I suppose to give this beautiful woman some privacy?' he thought to himself as he looked in to the small room. He would happily take the couch if he could but the rooms where just a simgle room, beds against one wall, computer with replicator at the other and the door to the shower in the corner. He cursed who ever came up with this idea but put on a smile. "Of course, come in. You have any bags?" he looked around.

"Just this case" she pointed to the small wheeled case that she was pulling along behind her, "I guess we must have missed each other earlier" she had to admit it was a little unusual male & females being arranged a bunk room together but she guessed it was due either to an error or lack of space. "So err... would you mind if I took the bottom bunk? I think climbing with this..." she placed her hand on the small bump she had, " kind of out of the question"

"I insist on it!" he announced and stepped to the side, gesturing for her to enter. "Since there is a lady on the room. I will en-devour to stay more..." he gestured to himself. "Presentable."

"You don't have to do that on my account" Ariana smiled as she walked across the room trying not to take any notice of his three quarter undressed body. "There is something you can do for me though... would you replicate me one of those trays of food you got me before? I'm absolutely starving!!"

"Nonsense! You are a woman who is grieving. What would people say if I ran around half naked in the room we share? People would think I'm your squeeze or something." he walked up to the replicator and ordered the special tray, double size. "Have a seat." he gestured for the chair in front of the small desk after picking up the overstuffed tray.

Sitting at the desk she smiled politely, "I would have ordered the tray myself I promise I won't be treating you like a man servant or anything like that." she looked at the food longingly, "I don't think I've ever been so hungry! I guess it's true when people say you eat for two, or in this case three."

He smiled as he walked up to his bag and pulled out a PADD. "This PADD contains all the combination of foods, each should help with the healthy development of your children. there is also a few good back exorcises that will help you. Not only will you grow a belly but your.... Your..." he blushed as in the heated conversation he had been starring and was now talking about her breasts. He wanted to help so much that he had sprinted right in to a subject he had no right to look, think or help with.

Ariana couldn't help but notice the way Markus' glance was now going, she couldn't help but feel a little flushed by the attention but she shook it off and smiled, "...shall we say cleavage?" she blushed, "I know... I've been reading up on pregnancies when I've had the chance. I don't know how many sizes growth to expect but I do know they can be uncomfortable during pregnancy" she paused hardly daring to believe she was talking about her breasts to a man she hardly knew. She quickly changed the subject "so does that hurt?" she motioned to his prosthetic arm and the way it anchored into his body.

"Well it will only make the... scene far more specific." he cleared his throat and turned to face the wall. "I have read extensively about it. Upper and lower back pains, so you need to strengthen those, your mammary glans will get extremely sensitive during production and..." he cleared his throat again. "Milking would be advised." he added before turning the attention to her question. "Sometimes, but they say it's just phantom pains."

"I see" she stood and walked over to him taking a closer look at the extensive damage he had on his body. "This must have been... so painful" she couldn't help but reach out and touch his skin her hormones were raging and she couldn't help herself.

"It didn't hurt when it happened. Adrenaline and all that. But once shock set in and the adrenaline faded... Yes it hurt." the simple touch sent shivers up and down his spine, even making the hairs on his arms stand on end.

"I'm sorry" Ariana moved away realizing she was making him remember events that were extremely painful for him, "forgive me I didn't mean to bring back painful memories."

"I don't mind at all. I have gone past it." it wasn't entirely true, he still felt ashamed by it. "I'll put on some clothes." he headed to his bag and found a pair of softpants and a t-shirt, entered the shower and soon came back out.

Ariana was busy tucking into the tray of food, she politely ate it even though she felt more like ramming it all into her mouth instead. She picked up the glass of milk and sipped it as she relaxed back in the seat feeling much better for having eaten, "that is soooo much better" she smiled at Markus.

"I am glad you like it." the young man said, he took a 'at ease' stance in from of the window. Feeling that looking at her general direction would make him stare again.

"If sharing quarters is going to be hard I can see if it can be arranged for me to swap with someone" she looked at Markus. "I sense that I'm making you very uncomfortable."

"The problem is that I will be unable to show you proper respect. A beautiful woman as you are, I can't give you privacy."

Ariana smiled as Markus called her beautiful, "The fact that you worry about it proves to me that you have my welfare in mind & as for privacy I'll do my best not to give you a reason to feel embarrassed."

Marcus sighed, it was unfortunate that they were in this situation, but there was nothing to do about it now and it would only be for a week. The up side was he could keep an eye on her because even if they only met the day before, he felt that he wanted to care for her well being. "I appreciate that, but you shouldn't go out of your way for my sake. We need to figure out a way to signal that one or the other is... exposed, when inside... Maybe knock on the door instead of using the traditional 'press the PADD' approach, we just need to make sure that the door don't just automatically open when we try to enter. I wouldn't want you to walk in on me coming out of the shower like before again. Not that I care what you see for my sake."

“We’ll sort it don’t worry, even if we have to use good old fashioned sticky notes!!” She grinned as she stood up from the desk pausing for a moment to hold onto the chair as a brief uncomfortable pain stopped her in her tracks.

He was happy she was taking it as seriously as he did. He noticed and heard how she was struggling. "Are you alright?" he instantly turned around and reached to aid her.

"I err... I'm not sure" she looked at Markus in concern for a moment before the pain stopped. "It's okay now..." she breathed a sigh of relief, "I think it's just my body adjusting to carrying two children inside it" she smiled.

He had not heard that being normal. Of course he wasn't a doctor. "Maybe you should go and see a doctor."

She shook her head, "I'm fine really, maybe I just need to rest for a little while" she walked over to her bunk and gently lay on top it was only when she was lying down that her small bump really took on form. Lying on her side was recommended so that's how she lay offering Markus a smile as she did so, "Just give me a nudge if I oversleep okay?"

Marcus smiled as he pulled the curtain so she got some privacy. "I will sit at the table over there working on my arm. I will wake you if they call you or us."

"Thank you" lying on her side her smile faded, she was concerned about the pain but it was gone now. If it happened again she'd definitely see the doctor about it right now she felt more tired and a little queasy. Closing her eyes she did her best to ignore the queasiness and try to sleep.

"Are you sure you are alright?"

It didn't take long to get his answer as Ariana got up & made for the bathroom, she didn't come back out for five or ten minutes but when she did she sat back down on her bunk feeling worse for wear, "I could say yes but I'd be lying" she offered a brief smile, "oh the joys of being pregnant."

He felt extreamly bad for her, he had read about this too. "I might have something that will make you feel better. I know it works for me when I am feeling queasy." he walked up to the replicator, typed in the order. Once it was done he handed her a small roll. "Peppermint candy. Suck on it until it's nothing left and I hope it will remove the sting of it. And it could bring a better taste in your mouth as well."

"Thank you" she smiled as she took the candy "just the way you look after me makes me feel better" she popped one of the candies into her mouth, she always had liked peppermint. "Cross fingers I won't be needing these too much"

"Well, that makes my work so much better. Knowing that it is appreciated." He went back to the replicator and handed her a glass of water. "To replenish you liquids. You did... lose a bit a moment ago."

She took the glass and gently sipped it, "If I continue like that I'll need to see the doctor anyway" she sighed and grabbed another candy to suck on, "some fun this'll be for you listening to me do that at all hours of the day" she shook her head her eyes testing on him again studying his features. Realising she was staring she looked back at her glass sipping a little more.

"I gain great pleasure in caring for a woman. I have yet found a woman who would feel the same about me..." he shrugged. He knew finding a woman who would care for him as much as he would care for them was a long shot. So he didn't chase it.

"I don't see a reason why a woman wouldn't find you attractive..." She stood and walked over to him running her fingers over his old scars and his false arm before realising what she was doing and taking a step back, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that."

"Why not? If you are facinated by them, I am all for it."

Ariana still stood back Markus had no idea how he was making her feel and she didn't want to make a mistake. She smiled and walked back to the bunk to lie down, "just call me for the staff meeting please" with that she lay down.

"Of course." he smiled and took a seat at the table. He dislocated the arm from the socket and placed it on the table.

Lying in bed Ariana closed her eyes, letting herself relax it wasn't going to be long before she'd need to attend the senior staff meeting, it wasn't long before she drifted to sleep.



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